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  1. Taklked to English, it is a legal thing. Very good league we play in it every year.
  2. I agree, summer high schools leagues start in June and July. HJ, EC, Kountze, Nederland and Silsbee will all have a league.
  3. Style and attitude, TRADITION....
  4. Thanks, but Chris is playing with a team out of Houston called the Houston Suns Elite 2011, DC needs to keep playing this summer if he wants to go to the next level, will not happen playing in REC leagues. I will call coach Williams and get his number, Thank you. Coach Patureau
  5. Have DC call me, he has my # Coach Patureau
  6. Any of these young men playing summer ball? I heard Smith is not playing for the Lewis team, and Schrapps is playing on his own traveling team out of Kelley.
  7. Thanks alot Hoops123. Chris is coming around nicely. I have not been on the boards because of his summer team. DC and Lane are both GREAT friends of Chris, Are they playing summer AAU, they both need too. Coach Patureau
  8. Do not take them lightly, remember CENTRAL last year with BH
  9. Houston not Beaumont, EC should be ok, if they play together.
  10. Great man, great coach, many prayers.
  11. Hey Kelly DUDE, If that is what it takes to get a player, then so be it. But it has to be the right FAMILY for Legacy. It seems it is ok that Kelly goes out to PA, but Legacy cannot. With Boutte over at Memorial now, well it well be very interesting to see what HAPPENS. Players want to play and not sit the bench, just ask anyone from WB, OZEN, and CENTRAL, and HJ. They can come over and PLAY RIGHT AWAY.
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