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Everything posted by Rowebot

  1. Who, not in the top 10 has the defensive fire power to do that? La Marque/Anahuac in the first Round? Because the rest of the region after that is pretty salty. But like i said the usual powerhouses aren't AS impressive as usual. I am in no way associated with Woodville, but they've got some good stuff going, and i think the culture they have been building just might be ready. The next dst. goes Franklin, Rockdale, Mcregor, Cameron, if they get knocked out before semis it'll be there. I've watched Teague play not impressed as I usually am, and they beat Malakoff. Woodville is poised for a run. They just have to get passed Franklin/Rockdale. They can handle everyone else.
  2. Middle school victories at smalls schools mean absolutely nothing. JV you can put a little more stock into. Fact of the matter is that at 2,3,and even Some 4A schools if you are ready for Friday nights you will be playing on Friday night. You maybe be a really good 13 year old coming out of 8th grade but Friday night is a different world. I was 17 my senior season, and i could have never imaged 13 year old me strapping up against Steve Edmond from Dangerfield my freshman year of high school. A large thing that we as parents/fans need to understand is that success is somewhat relative to hings like schedule and district etc. Just because our kids are ballers before they have peach fuzz on their lip (or because they have peach fuzz before everyone else does) doesn't mean in two years your 7th grader is going to be future state champ because they outscored all the other middle school teams by 20. Also there I would even limit that list to about 5 Schools in 3A D1. Food for thought, Yoe is down, Teague is down, but Teague upset Malakoff pretty convincingly. The region is in an odd state of things i wouldn't be surprised to see Woodville shock some people.
  3. Katy and Carthage both want to keep the ball on the ground as much as they can.
  4. Woodville is just absolutely massive up front. And the backs have really learned to ride the wave behind that. I don't think they will get passed round 3 myself. But in my mind a 3 round run is a successful year. Also, whats going on in ATL? Kids transferring to PG?
  5. Brock, Wall, Waskom, Franklin, Boling.
  6. Why throw the ball when you average 300 LBs up front and can cram the ball down everyone's throat? The WIN column is dynamic enough.
  7. Coldspring doesn't have the size up front with the DL to stop Woodville O. Woodville 35 +- 7 Coldspring 21 +- 7 Tight Ball game until the 4th. Woodville will wear them down.
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