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Everything posted by WOSHIGHc/o2001

  1. Having trouble with the internet. Anyone else?? If you live in orange put it on cable channel 4 to hear KOGT on the tv.
  2. The mayors of Port Neches, Groves, and Nederland are running commercial talking about Mid County Kindness. Asking the fans at tonights game to wear "Red" in support of Bridge City. Also talking about the volunteering in the clean up effort that they are supporting.
  3. I just saw the commercial asking for all the fans of this game to wear "RED" in support of Bridge City. Didn't see it posted on here yet.
  4. Yeah there is, but with the way he talks why would there be. If he coached the Mustangs, would he say "We are going to beat Newton so bad. They ain't worth shit. They've never beaten us. Hell they can't score on us." I really had no idea that this existed. I've always been around Coach Hooks' ways so I figured good teams always acted this way towards others. Oh well.
  5. I wonder what Barbay says about us? I'm sure its nothing but polite.
  6. Damn TD that guy is nuts. He even went biblical. And you say that's cleaned up. What's our record against Newton?
  7. FEMA still not helping those in need.
  8. No, I've never read that. Its always funny to listen to Coach Hooks say positive things in a post game talk about a team that we just killed. I think I like Hooks' way instead of Barbay. Although I love controversy, at this level you are talking about kids.
  9. I still don't know anymore about Royal than I didn before this article. Coach Hooks talks so highly about every team. They could be the worst team in the state, but if you listen to Coach Hooks he makes them sound like all-stars. Classy
  10. Conditioning and more conditioning. That says alot about our coaches off the field and the off season programs that set out for them.
  11. saying one thing and doing another is a lack of self confidence. a coach with confidence can make a deference. a coach with no confidence will fell. a coach that has support will have confidence. parents and fans should support the coach if not the players (future parents and fans) will be seating wear you are doing the same thing. pray for him not against him what do you have to lose a game What in the hell are you trying to say? I'm not going to be the "Grammer Police" but come on. Sounds like the poor guy from Lumberton that had that post before the storm.
  12. Had to slip in the Bear Baseball. ;D I thought the game was packed. I drove down 87 and saw that PNG had their side packed and just figured that LCM would too. Sad to hear that it wasn't. Don't say that it is because of a Tuesday night. LCM got barely any damage from the storm. PNG got some problems. There are more people in Mid County that are homeless compared to people north of the interstate over here. They all traveled on a Tuesday.
  13. Mike oh Mike....where have we wronged you?? Remind me to make fun of you real soon... JK...if people like horse racing fine by me. But an Aggie throwing money on horses - now that is a different story Oh Gabe, what little you know about me. I used to be in the business. Love watching the ponies, of course for entertainment purposes only. One thing about us Aggies, we know both ends of the horse fairly well. ;D I thought it was sheep? Sorry couldn't resist.
  14. We need to start asking who will LCM beat in district. Side note PNG packed the house last night. Drove by the stadium and was surprised how many were out on a Tuesday night. Good site to see.
  15. Don't know anything about this other team. They sound like a grocery store. WOS > Grocery store
  16. we tried to get turf but it wasn't passed.
  17. The girl's gym is right next to the cafeteria. At least it was when I was there about 12 years ago. The other gym is connected to the football locker rooom. Its not like these people are away from the students. I'm sure the proper measures are taken. But that just creates lots of traffic in and out of the school. I'm sure the people who are staying there aren't on lock down and are able to leave the gym. I know desperate times calls for desperate measures but this could be another disaster. I wouldn't want my kids to be at a school the doubles as a shelter.
  18. Don't know much about PNG but they will prolly beat LCM.
  19. Bridge City area and Bolivar are different. Before the storm the big question was the levees in Port Arthur. I wonder how many over there stayed and got lucky.
  20. What is the all time record on this game? This game even makes the crowd tired after the game.
  21. I called OPD and they said the curfew has been lifted. I haven't seen it on any news yet.
  22. I'm hearing that this game was scheduled without the signoff of those in charge at LCM. LCM was also the school telling their teachers to come home on Friday while there is still a mandatory evacuation was on. A big NO NO. City officials didn't like that too much.
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