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Everything posted by WOSHIGHc/o2001

  1. I'm needing a quick lesson in this karma thing.
  2. Coop needs 801 more posts to make it to 50,000. I bet you get there before the storm hits with all the questions we are asking you. Good luck with that :D
  3. What's bugging me.... Local on the 8's I don't care about the temp outside right now. And I'm well aware of the "Hurricane Watch" in our area.
  4. Someone mentioned Lamar closing?? Lamar's website is down. Go figure. Any word on LSCO or LSCPA??
  5. Coop when you talk about the evacuations does that include Orange?
  6. Calcesiu (sp) Parrish has cancelled school tomorrow.
  7. Is there a certain spot that officials in this area look at to make a judgement for us?? Like as soon as it is supposed to go "here", its time to evacuate the golden triangle.
  8. Coop is this trend of moving north every few hours going to continue? Is that "whatever" moving away?
  9. I don't think we will evacuate for tropical storm or Category 1 conditions. With the threat of it taking a jump to the north at the last minute might play into their decisions.
  10. Does anyone know of a website that will give you distances "as a crow flies" instead of driving directions?
  11. Does that go for Orange as well, Coop?
  12. How many views/posts will this thread have? I'm sure I'm responsible for about 75 views today. Can't wait to hear what the Yourapeeins say.
  13. Only if your in the bathroom ;D get it (your a peein) It's an oldy but goody lol I almost typed that but I figured it was too juvenille. Thanks for doing it. It made me laugh. Here is a map I just saw. Not sure if ya'll have seen this. Take a look. [Hidden Content]
  14. Do we listen to the Europeans?
  15. IS THIS A JOKE? Yeah Coops just messin with you lol ;D I don't Coop should be allowed to have a sense of humor. Wait til next week!!
  16. As soon as the refs leave the field the game is over.
  17. The map above shows where the storm will be. By the looks of that map it looks like it is headed north towards my house. Is that correct? Also Thanks for "holding our hands" through this. Everytime a storm comes, everyone tries to do ya'lls jobs. And here-say gets trickled down from everyone that has a tv. Its good to hear it from the "horse's mouth" or from the "Mustang's Mouth"!! ;D
  18. Coop what does that map tell me?? Chat with Coop and the boys about the hurricane. [Hidden Content]
  19. If it wasn't called then it wasn't a penalty! And O.J. didn't do it because he wasn't convicted.
  20. So if its not until Wednesday, when do ya'll think we will hear any word on evacuations??
  21. Yeah Monday evening it was at 14 then Monday night at 13 now we are down to 8. Yeah its slowing down. Its not looking to good for the Golden Triangle.
  22. Yeah I saw that block in the back. He better speed it up this week. If Uncle Ike let's us play.
  23. Coop, are we packing up and leaving or what??
  24. LCM Hey Quinne, Please Evacuate!
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