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Everything posted by WOSHIGHc/o2001

  1. WOS better start playing some offense.
  2. I'd love to have Silsbee play WOS at home. ;D That will be a long wet ride home Friday night.
  3. I don't check the site for a few days, and know I have no idea what is going on...
  4. This might be a fair statement. I think that WOS is more scrutinized than every other school. So, if that's true.......why? I don't think it has to do with jealousy..... I think it is because of the success of the football program.
  5. This might be a fair statement. I think that WOS is more scrutinized than every other school.
  6. good point coop, in 21-3a let's name the one sport that matters. wos- football bc- of- hj- hf- silsbee- fill in the blank on the school's sport that matter, girls or boys. Right here is where this gets out of hand.... Each coach at each of these schools care about the programs you all are about to start bashing. Just because a school has success at one sport doesn't mean that that is the only sport that is cared about by the coaches, administrators, etc.... Please don't let the conversation go this way....... That is the point that WOS fans have been trying to make.
  7. I disagree with you on this matter. I dont think that the issue is that he or anyone else on here is jealous of your program. AAW is a very opiniated person that not only has no problem speaking his mind but I think enjoys giving you his opinion about a matter. AAW enjoying debating football and is looking for anyone that is willing to spare with him. I think that your arrogance is calling him out more so than he is hating on your program. I have no beef with WOS football and want to support it very much, but its comments like this "We aren't buying it. He's just a joke. Mustang fans are used to it. We've been hated on for years. And by hated, I mean envied." that makes it hard to stomach WOS. I understand completely how he feels and I can promise you its not jealousy. If you would spend less time at the helm of your program boasting about its greatness and calling out anyone who is not bowing to your greatness jealous then you probably wouldnt have people like AAW constantly looking to say something bad about your program. : The "greatness" of WO-S' football program is not seen by most, especially if you don't have boys that have gone through the program. It's really not JUST about football. I know that some of you may not understand it, but until you live in this district and these men/coaches have the impact that they do on most of these young men/athletes...you won't. I know that there are some who boasts about WO-S' greatness, but I think that there are far more who simply don't give WO-S the credit they may deserve. Our football program does still own the title Winningest Football Program in the State of Texas-all classifications and we do go to the playoffs most years. We really don't need to BOAST about anything because our records speak for themselves, but don't misunderstand "boasting" and all the blab that we get accused of for just pride and coming to the defense of our program when need be. But, we could post on here all day...and will still get blasted...that is something that we're used to. Thanks for thinking about us!! Nice comments stang4life, I highlighted your words of "It's really not JUST about football". That statement is very true and I'm not talking about just at WOS...that statement should hold true anywhere. In the past, the coaches at WOS have used football to teach life lessons and get kids on track with their lives. It sounds to me like the new volleyball coach has turned around a program that hasn't won in two years into a very competitive above average 12-7 at this point in the season. Does she not deserve the same respect and opportunity to teach life lessons as well? Another poster danced around the idea that "Let's be real honest, Girl's athletics don't matter as much as boys sports." Please. This is a story more about values than about volleyball. How WOS handles this in the next week will tell the true story. I'm not dancing around the issue. Personally I have been to one volleyball game. It was WOS vs. BC and the only reason I went is because there was a gril at BC that I was dating. I watched the women's beach volleyball in the Olympics because they were making history and that is why the TV networks decided to put them on TV. How many people watch the WBNA?
  8. I can't believe I just read 12 pages of this. This is my take: It is all about declining numbers in attendance. WOS just doesn't have enough students that want to be involved in extracurricular to fulfill all of the sports and other activities. Blame Dan Hooks? Are you serious? That is the dumbest thing that has been said. He has alot of "power" at WOS, but at the end of the day it is up to the students and most importantly THEIR PARENTS. WOS might emphasize football, but what school that competes the way the we do doesn't. I think that they girls are abandonding their team, but they are also committed to other groups. Groups that they take pride in and have worked hard to be a contributing member of. These young ladies take enough pride in their school to be part of different activies and unfortunately someone has to suffer. Let's be real honest. Girls athletics don't matter as much as boys' sports. (By that I mean, people coming to watch that aren't related or media coverage and talk in the community) I'm not being sexist, it just the truth. Sad but true. The only time it gets the press or people talking about them is when they do something special. Nobody cared about WOS softball until Ragsdale put together some winning teams and were taking them to the playoffs for the first time. I actually went to a baseball game that was being played after the softball game and the stands were packed. I was shocked, because that doesn't happen. A few years ago when the Trahan girl was taking LCM to State, that was the big talk in the papers and around town. Other than that you don't really hear too much about girls sports. It has to be a milestone that is being achieved. WosGrad and Gasilla, nice post as usual. The one thing that WosGrad typed that I did not agree with is the was the AggiesAreWe isn't a WOS hater. This was Christmas come early to him. His hatred has made him famous. Congrats buddy, you are a message board Rock Star. He doesn't respect the program or Dan Hooks. He is envious. Its rather close in comparison, but it is definitely envy. I'm sure he does root for the Mustangs because he is a football fan and needs something to do in November and December when his school is no longer playing. Its just like Cowboys fans, just because the Cowboys are not in the playoffs you still watch. You find a team, maybe the same division or conference and you run with them just like they are your own. But you aren't really a fan. You are just bored and next year when the slate is clean, you go back to your Cowboys and you start complaining about the team you followed in the playoffs. That is what he does. He says he just does it to get at the "homers" or to get COOP all excited. We aren't buying it. He's just a joke. Mustang fans are used to it. We've been hated on for years. And by hated, I mean envied. My favorite part of reading all of these pages was when COOP told AggiesAreWe "I know more than you!"
  9. you still got beat though... really?? we seemed to leave town satisfied! Ill take a moral win in this situation anytime! I hope we give every team we play a moral victory. Should be a great season.
  10. It does teach good sportsmanship. I think at the high school level, they should already know this. This should be a reminder to the fans and to teach the young kids in the stands.
  11. You are missing the point big time. I do not hate the Mustangs. I just call out any homerism. A certain person knows where I am coming from. I'm sure you are just messing around with COOP. And I'm sure you think you are hilarious. But for the past 2+ years its always something with you about WOS. I know we are some "different" fans. Other Mustang fans do are good job of policing the irrational fans. You just seem have it in for us. If its not about football, its about not being fans of other sports and so on. It is just very redundant and you seem very envious of us. I'll pray for you.
  12. Since Silsbee football is 1-2 lets just keep talking about WOS. AggiesAreWe never stops with his hatred for the Mustangs. It's amazing.
  13. No, Why? Oregon loses. Boise State guy makes a remark to Oregon RB. Oregon RB punches the Boise State LB in the jaw and KO'd him. Oregon player suspended for season.
  14. Did you watch the Oregon vs. Boise State game?
  15. I would think that is the best way. You have young men who just got finished hitting each other. Half of the guys just lost and probably aren't in the best of moods. This way the coaches can have their eye on them and nothing bad happens. You just walk by each other and say "good game". Their isn't the chance of much back and forth talk that could lead to their coaches making them run til their tongues drag the ground.
  16. not quit correct but close! Yes they did come in to Mustang Stadium and might not have had more points on the score board at the end of the game, but was far from being dealt with and definently was not "sent" home. They did leave town with their heads held high and very proud of how they played. They did leave town with the Mustang faithful left to come up with excuses sorry COOP reasons from everything to fumbles, to penalties, to the age of the players. I realize that WOS did get the win and thats really all that matters. I also know that when you win you dont need to make excuses, but if a 2a school that everyone expected you to beat by at least 30 comes into your home stadium and stands toe to toe with you and takes you to overtime, then you are only left with one of two things to do! Give the Wildcats credit for their play keeping them off balance causing them to make mistakes and excuting when they needed too! or come up with "reasons" why the mustangs "allowed" this to happen because everyone knows that Kirbyville could not do this on their own. Which everyone helps you sleep at night works for me! I realize this is a sin to say this about Hooks but there is two reasons I havent heard tossed around yet! unprepared and outcoached! A moral victory is a loss. Nobody thought that Kville would lose by 30. A team with talent to go to the State Championship is a good team and classification does not matter. We've had lots of good games with Newton years ago. Venom mentioned a magical playbook. I've been looking for it too, maybe its being saved for district play. LOL I don't think Coop is stirring the pot when talking about all of the penalties. Some of our most productive plays were called back because of procedure calls. Its a fact.
  17. I'm not going to say that the WOS band director almost cost us a win, but lets get serious. I don't know if you have never been around football at any level, but when your team is kicking a field goal do not play a drum beat. Do not end the drum beat while he is starting his kick. The drum beat that was being orchestrated by the director stopped all of a sudden with every drummer hitting his drum while the kicker is kicking. Fans and everyone should be quiet. Kickers are a fickle group and anything (bad punts) can get them out of their zone. I'm not saying that is the reason he missed the kick, but the band needs to be on the same page as the band. That's like playing "We will rock you" when a player is injured. Fans and bands have their own duty at football games. When your defense is attempting a 3rd and 4th down stop, you are supposed to be loud. And also be quiet when your team is trying to convert. This post might get deleted, and I apologize to the moderators for posting this. I know that posters aren't supposed to call out certain coaches, but there is only one band director. WOS played good defense. They made some good 4th down stops deep in their own zone. They were just forced to play D when Kville was starting with great field position. Trey has to catch that INT. He just put the cart before the horse, and started running before he actually made the catch. Offense has to execute better. 7 or 8 procedure calls in the 3rd game is unacceptable. I'm not going to count them out yet. The mistakes that are being made are fixable. We are still 3-0. Jasper will be ready so we better be as well.
  18. Hey Coop, did the field get rain today?
  19. At Dan Ray Hooks Stadium (weather pending), I'm not ashamed to say I'll catch the game on KOGT if the weather is bad.
  20. I'm glad to see that the Longhorn and Mustang hating has continued. Hope you have a big appetite, crow will be served at its usual time on Mondays. Bon appetit!
  21. Its been a while since I've said this, but the amount that ou sucks cannot be measured by any system that has been created yet.
  22. Wow, that happened today? It didn't rain like that all over Orange.
  23. I was the poster that asked if the players that were playing baseball were "relevant". This may have been a strong word to use and I didn't mean any disrespect because we are talking about young men. I know that all players are relevant on a team no matter what their role may be. I was simply asking if these 15 yr. old players were returning starters or projected starters at positions with little depth. For example, is the starting quarterback out playing baseball? (Its football season, time to put down the bat and glove. ;D ;D) I know whenever WOS was a small 4A when I graduated, there were only 2-3 sophmores on Varsity that got significant playing time. I didn't know that a bigger school like Nederland relied on younger players as much as WOS does now with enrollment continuing on the decline. Nederland 17 WOS 27
  24. How many 15 year old players are missing? Are these guys relevant?
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