Lets see passing stats;Green in 16 games(thru 08 state final)=230/354=64.97%=3,195=37 td=6 ints in his sr.year (minus-532 pass yds=10 tds=1 int gms 14,15,16) =(194/298=2,663=65.31%=27 tds=5 int)***Herrera in 13 games=(234/342=68.42%=2,889=22 tds=7 ints)***Note Cody had 1,506 rush yds=7.04 per=25 tds and I don't have rush totals for Herrera's sr year.But if you look only @ passing stats they show Herrera was the better % passing qb @ Dayton w/o a 1,200 yd wr all/american AJ Dugat.Congrads to Andres Herrera on a great sr.year,you surpassed all my expectations coming just shy of 6,000 career pass yds after taking over for P.Ploch in late 2009.Awesome job,we're proud of your accomplishments.