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Everything posted by liltex

  1. They(Waller)to us is a spot in da road ;D
  2. Surprize outdoor report:Liltex fished Carranco reef,catch incl.1 red(Cougtalk)2 hardheads(Bhfan/bh89)1 croaker(Trocket)1 ladyfish(latinlady)1 spanish mackeral(sgt rey)1 sole fish(bmt soulja)1 tigershark(aggiesrwe)1 fish I never got a hook in yet(ROT)and last but not least 1 grouper(biaplayer)10 reasons fishing is more fun than stayin home in da playoffs ;D ;D
  3. Kinda like the old show"You asked for it ;D
  4. R we still gonna see ya @ da show next week Justin if there happened to be a combo sweep 20-4a 19-4a,just askin ;D
  5. District 19-4a best passing team vs 17-4a's worst pass defense,I likes da Bronx to advance 8)
  6. Winner :D
  7. Good list,good luck coaches playing this week.Les Koenning was also a well known fast pitch softball pitcher in this state ;)
  8. Caution:Rox don't put doe p on and do dat in da woods ;D
  9. Heck w/da steak,gimme a cold breski to swallow my meds then bring on da desert ;D
  10. Thanks,who dat loud arse whistler ya'll got,I lost my Parrot ;D
  11. Cool article and alot of history there.Glad some folks could read/write and find their way around w/o a gps for the sake of written documents.Very interesting and informative 8)
  12. True dat but the Bmt/Orange area newspapers never put anything sports related this direction either.As a matter of fact they shunned Dayton when we were in that dist 06-07.The Surprize did a huge article on dist teams w/pictures of coaches,players,cheer,band.Every single team except Dayton who's considered out of the coverage area.No pun intended but in my old arse Bob Dylan song voice"How does it feeeeeel,how does it feeeeeel,to be own your ownnnn,with no direction oorrrr ;D ;D
  13. Sorry,ya'll always get our best game ;D
  14. Soulja I looked at the state championship program in Arlington on Pearland Oilers-40 players returning this year,alot of jrs.started in 2011.
  15. Went over to the ant mound ole folks home to see great uncl Jack Schitt.He had on a BH playoff t shirt given to him by neice Giva Schitt.She said Noe Schitt said it was Bull Schitt that says playing crappy gets you to basketball season;D ;D
  16. Thanks and good luck to Juan and it could not be possible w/o teamwork.Great job OL/Center & the little qb that gives 110%-the holder Andres Herrera ;)
  17. Welcome aboard JohnSmith 8)
  18. Llm could you please give us uneducated football fans your idea of a good hs qb.Please give us names of qb's that for 3 straight yrs has thrown for a completion ratio over 67% near 6,000 total yds led his team in 9 post season playoff games.
  19. Thanks ya'll antiques like me can barely post.I tried to get a twitter stamp on my hunting license ;D ;D
  20. Invite a friend to join in and enjoy 8)
  21. I have not been able to contact Chron.Prepsports off of their site.There used to be a email/contact box to log in and comment and I can't find it.Could someone get the Lonestar Gridiron art.to the Chron staff.It could mean 100's of area fans may show to see records made by a all-state jr.kicker,maybe even a spot on the All Houston area football team/banquet and awards ceremony.How about it reporters for local paper/radio.
  22. There are folks who think stats or just that,and mean squat.Unknowingly many times a record noteable of being on a Tx High School Record book doesn't get noticed until somebody says hey-lets check what records we have.Accurate or not 8)
  23. Ok all you purple kool-aide drinking Bronco fans go out and support Dayton sat.evening.Enjoy the moment as a Dayton Jr.Juan Carranco continues to shatter kick records as well as Andres Herrera setting school passing records as he closes in on 6,000 career yds.Every year each team has it's own destiny,for some it's been 4 varsity years.I believe Jakkarri Delasbour and Jamal Fowler were on the 2008 state finalist team.Will this be their last HS game or will the Broncos kick into overdrive  for another deep run.All of our friends/neigbors from other schools we welcome your presence w/us.PS=wear your teams colors 8)
  24. I have da confirmation of a email I sent Lonestar Gridiron site yesterday.Ask Aggiesrwe he saw it last night.Finally we get somebody out there in cyberspace to give the kid his earned props.If we were in 20-4a I guarantee there would have been many articles and alot of player of the week awards.Wait for it-----------here comes a barnicle story as Hstn area teams fall into basketball ;)
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