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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Broncos helmets will have streaks of blue on them come fri.night ;D ;D
  2. There were none when we played there last in 2009 :-[
  3. Heartfelt sympathy/prayers sent to all the grieving families.
  4. Ding-ding-ding we have a WINNER-Posting a 24-10 Eagle victory qualified you as the next tv contestant on the show "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" ;D ;D
  5. That's a world of hurt ;D
  6. Cool for R.Redd 3 catches for 34 yds 1st game for da Bruins.Da Barnicle stats 8) 8)
  7. To cool to not post;Darrian Wright w/a cpl stops @ nose for smu tonight.smu 40-7 final over northwestern state 8) 8) 8)
  8. A first for me last night,1st in line @gate.Lady says gotta call a admin.to see if they will except UIL dist pass for 19-4a-said they were only takin 18-4a DUH????Next having to empty pockets to walk thru a booth scanner.Nail clippers w/file/sm dull blade make me walk back to the truck and get back in line.Lawd could you imagine a playoff gm @ Aldine Thorne stadium w/a PNG crowd ::) ::)
  9. High school round-up on Fox callin this a upset game.
  10. The biggest differance thus far vs.last year=nowhere close to the old fumblerooski's and ints for tds ;)
  11. Thanks for sharing the pics 8)
  12. Oilers are for real-Congrads job well done
  13. People talking during prayer or moment of silence and same thing during anthem along w/not removing a cover(cap,hat)
  14. Barnicle stats:Bronc sr qb -Career A.Herrera 286/449=3,733 pass=31 tds=10 int now in his 3rd and final year.Took over duties in gm#8 after Ploch injured in 09.Numbers according to what is/was reported.
  15. Dayt vs Ike  Carranco 5/5 pats 55 yd fg update total career pts. 196 **52 & 55 yd fg in back to back weeks-for the 2nd time this yr.Juan puts the k/o thru the uprights ;) ;)
  16. Congrads to da Wildcats 8)
  17. Barnicle needs to fire da stats reporter.Good lawd they have Ike w more yds???????????Have Carranco w/a 46 yd fg when he kicked from the 45-a 55 yd fg.Next got Carranco w/1 punt for 117 yds.Dayton mauled Ike tonight then gets complacent w/8 min left and goes out of the game plan to rushing right up the middle and slacking on defense.2nd week in a row the last 8 min has not been pretty.Plenty of eye witnesses tonight got to see Carranco send a kickoff thru and over the goal post.As for da ant mound,well it could get ugly again ::) ::) ;) ;D
  18. Dayton and the Ant Mound cause it's cheaper to keep her ;D ;D
  19. What folks that don't attend da game don't see is the other kickoffs.Each time we scored + the 2nd half ko.Out of 5 kickoffs tot.4 sailed out of the endzone,1 was fielded 5 yds deep and returned.The 6th kick was a beauty onside kick we couldn't grab till it rolled just out of bounds ;)
  20. They have been quiet until we score for awhile now.It is pretty cool to see a man w/his wife in their 80's stomping their feet to the rumbling of hooves  8)
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