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Everything posted by liltex

  1. PAM by 40
  2. DCTF Legends of the Week Poll-Justin is leading w/53% of the vote,congrads and vote SETX ;)
  3. Yep,almost the entire team back from last yr.2010=42-14 over Jasper  32-7 over Hou Wash
  4. And another good KNIGHT-clap-clap-clap ;D
  5. Barnicle stats:Liv 316 tot yds,12 1st dwns,23=316 rush-0 pass 2/0 fumbles      Wash 386 tot yds.15 1st dwns.26=107 rush  16/34/1 pass=279 yds  2/1 fumbles  :D
  6. Hoping for a good report soon for Brandon
  7. Nothins changed 20-4a will be very interesting ;)
  8. Halfback =3rd string player  rb-bucking horse
  9. Never said they were mediocre ::)
  10. Lawd Wash lost to 3a West Columbia 42-7 last week ::)
  11. Halloween is starting early this year ;)
  12. I figured this 1 would be one of the old Hudson/Herrington rusty stomps of da week ;D
  13. In 2 weeks mattress Mack gonna open a feather bed plant in eastgate ;D
  14. Whoa that new coach got a wake up call ;D
  15. Those Hstn.metro teams can't hang w/ a mediocre 3a team :D
  16. Liv plays and old former dist team Huntsville next week ;)
  17. Montgomery ISD was bussiness as usual today.What a differance a month makes as very little green all the way to Brazos Valley Feeders(to buy 3.5 tons cattle feed)approx 15 mi west of Navasota.You could smell and see clouds of smoke but not thick.When you think your own properties are in dire need of rain I will never again not think of someone in situation 10 times worse than my own.
  18. Spead offenses do cause alot more penalties.The sidelines are used as a tool to get xtra 15 tacked on ;)
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