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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Put in me an order for 6 brown swiss ice cream makin cows so they can stock my freezer on fudgesickles.Poor calves get a brain freeze :o ;D
  2. 314 wins 94 losses & 6 ties and 1 of the top coaches( Barbay) in Texas-nuff said ;)
  3. Coach Neuman is up there among the top 5 in setx in win % and a great coach.Faircloth had a great season but as a HC he's not been long enough + he took over a pretty good team w/43 seniors.Just sayin give coach  Stewart 30 seniors and see what happens.
  4. People in the work force get tested so why not test teachers/coaches/admin and especially bus drivers.
  5. Well I was beginning to wonder if maybe ya'll were sworn to secrecy or building somthing secretly behind closed doors.As for the talking between the white lines don't get to  comfortable w/it.And what's the deal putting Dist.Champs on sweats-all that did was paint a big ole bulls eye on the coogs.And your avatar ya don't want to get caught up by Penn State copywrite infringement-just sayin 8) ;D ::) 8)
  6. Testing a % keeps it honest not to mention could it affect a team as a whole by a positive test causing forfeture of games and no kid wants that.
  7. Come on Coog fans what's up?Dist.champs/reg.semi-finalist and not a word spoken.
  8. For the naysayers that Dayton's not on a rise you're correct we'll prolly never match the stats the 2008 team had and that was 6,479 yds.of offense and next was King w/3,905.But the 2009 team led the dist. w/over 5,000+ yds.w/2 less games and 6 soph.starters -tops again.Skill positions are set thru 2011 and gunning for a little payback-Broncos unleashed ;)
  9. Beautiful country without all the petro-chem breatheable clean air :D
  10. Skip we know ya and hear ya but you're shouting like worldbeaters.Hope ya do well though ::) 8)
  11. And you should be as the dist.goes nearly to the Brazos river @Washington :D
  12. When it comes to getting past rd.1 of the playoffs the 2 dark horse teams that's normally still playing is Dayton @ WOS-Broncos-N-Mustangs and never considered dark horses to win dist.Not in setx but another great team Friendswood Mustangs-now the 3 that's some serious horsepower ;) ;D
  13. Gotcha I know right where that is.The big tall brother in long dreds w/all the clothing favors Mr.Brown hangs out there close to a church thrift store.
  14. First Congrats to you Aggie; I see it as an opportunity for atheletes to get more exposure and for those that are handicapped,elderly or otherwise unable to travel they can watch their kin on TV. Should some of our setx teams make those games it makes for a great preview show and makes wednesday more inviting.
  15. Thanks I'll put it in the Tomtom and find it.Oxtails are to die for along w/all the great sides.They got their start in Sour Lake back in the booming oilfield days and they're some fine folks.The nanner puddin is the best too.
  16. Who said the south wouldn't rise again.Kuddos to the south team players and coaches :D
  17. Old school it would be Dayton followed by Crosby/King w/N Forrest.But it's new school so Dayton,Crosby and who knows past that.Lot of new coaching w/new teams so we'll have to see how it pans out.When it comes to proven coaching Dayton stands out among all of them without doubt and that's the X(Win) factor.
  18. Didn't they close that great soul food place by the rr tracks?My fav place to eat when in the area.
  19. Now Grad throw in the UIL take for all the televised playoff games and we're talking serious $ :o
  20. Dayton until somebody does-Choo Choo was the last to Do-Do ;D
  21. Wednesday night.Guess I'll change my diet too Aggie as doctor said I need to lose 20 lbs.and wife says double down :D
  22. I thought I saw Coop on TV last night on The Pit Boss :D
  23. 1 kid from N.Tex transferred/pumped some iron then moved again + another kid supposedly transferred to Crosby and I believe he was a freshman.I think families are searching for employment now more than ever and we'll see several kids relocating,some from divorced families as that continues to rise during the downturn.
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