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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Leadership skills start@the top of the chain,the scratch by back,I'll scratch yours philosophy is teaching your kiddos=WHAT=Adults & their conditions smh
  2. They've been starting alot of young players,got a qb starting his 3rd varsity yr@Qb
  3. Break out the have mercy playoff shirts for Hou Scarborough
  4. How is that search going for US Post Office job
  5. In small towns w/o much industry and few local business folk,the locals get swamped for donations from youth-high school activities along w/the many local golf tournament fundraisers/children services organizations/local rodeo/kick-off dances/youth groups football/softball/baseball/cheer/band/uil events/hs fishing now & on and on the list grows.Getting volunteers to work concessions,schedule fund raising events to earn monies as a support group for a school district is the hard part.Example=varsity or jr high track meet=approx 12 hrs of concession work,equivalent hrs of working over 3 home fb games.What can an individual do to help that have kiddos in atheletics?If your child from jr high thru high school is playing on a particular night=watch them,volunteer to work a shift another game or lend a helping hand during halftime activites.At Dayton on home side=Band Boosters have the largest single concession@the main entry on the s/w side,Dayton all sports booster club the smallest concession stand w/smoked turkey legs/links/boudan tent on the s/e home side near dressing rooms,teachers assoc has all the visitor concessions.Game ticket sales go into a general fund=that doesn't mean $ spent goes toward atheletics alone as one would think.**Name a great Booster Club=Nederland has to be brought up in the conversation=I've met some of those great supporters/club president who invited me/Buddy Garrity to their home tailgate party after a game(the whole block around the stadium)=they do it up well,Congrats
  6. Prayers sent
  7. Heck I didn't realize Neuman was 17-6 vs PNG since 1993(1st yr) winning last 6 straight
  8. Dayt has enrolled for fb summer conditioning 60+ varsity,40+ for soccer
  9. Gene' pool has certainly helped alot of schools along w/few xfers,huge list every year of coaching opportunities elsewhere doesn't always mean they had a good measure of speed,size,talent which to work with,smh in Texas lately more coaching jobs available than hire on's for Exxon-Mobil Baytown Tx.Peeps have gotten way to comfortable w/just making the playoffs nowadays.Few are already buying playoff shirts for 2016,smh w/o playing 1 game
  10. Always good to watch HS football w/my many friends,wishing all the high school players a rewarding future ahead
  11. Dayt 7 on 7 today@Dement Field(GP Yellowjackets stadium)JV@5 Varsity after 1000 Keene St Galena Park Tx 77547
  12. Well got the word mid morning 7 on 7 Broncos rescheduled for tues afternoon same place/time,why?
  13. Just keep on giving every kid a ribbon,nuff said
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