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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Barbers Hill concession sign:Help Wanted Immediately-N-Boo Dan(Why want you come and help us out) ;D ;D
  2. Mont Belview when losing-Boo Dan(please come back and help us)  Barbers Hill when winning-Brat Worst ;D ;D
  3. Hippy if your still looking for a hobie catamaran 13' there is 2 on Hou.Craigslist w/gal.trailers 1-$300 1-$500.I thought about making a fishing platform to use to get out of the cold water in late fall.After my surgery recently to remove a arthritic joint in my left ankle from a Nam injury(donor bone/plate/7 screws) I'm not so sure I can Kayak or wade fish anymore in cold water it ached like heck 8)
  4. Trajichippy looked today@Houston Craigslist-Boats(type in Hobie Catamaran)there is 2 for sale 1 is 300.00-1 is 500.00 w/galv.trailers-Good luck w/your search.
  5. Go WAY back to the days atheletes DID NOT have air condition to cool off-no Gatoraide type drinks-no face masks on the leather helmets-Mouthpiece duh?No turf or Nike shoes or UnderArmour threads or stocking leggins.My dad always said Bmt.High lineman Bum Phillips(Lamar)(Hou.Oiler Coach)was the meanest of all he ever met.
  6. I'd say you should be able to field a good team every year when a team like NS has 4,416 students to field a team.I still take the Brook 8)
  7. Not purposely-Apology out to Mark-Thanks Mike ;)
  8. Gourdhead On ;D
  9. PM Purple4ever-Toups Graphics-BTW Tony I have a dvd of the SS/Dayton title game.Toups has them also.How is that knee doing?
  10. I would hate to see anyone make him mad as he's 1 of those that don't talk much ;D
  11. Hey there T.H-Good to hear from ya.Guess it's just something bout the power of purple being ya still got it.Hope all is well up in Nac.As for D.W he's still growing and gonna be force.When does those lumberjacks start workouts? 8) ;D :o ;)
  12. U 2 guys need to do a walk on stand-up comedy act@ the Laugh Spot. ;D ;D
  13. All Hail*That's what I told my Ins.Co.that dented my wagon gave my mule the beating of his life and they denied the claim because I had no injuries.I tried to tell em my 10 gallon had was beyond reshaping-Anyway congrats to all my mules kinfolk them thar Mustangs :o ??? ;D ;D
  14. Went out today to East bay w/friend-launched @ Anahuac refuge-fished the mouths of 2 bayous and 4  mid bay oyster reefs w/nada for trout/reds only a few big stingrays,whiting,croaker and  alot of gafftop.Stayed on the water 6 hrs. fishing 2.5-8' of water.Did not see 1 guide boat and maybe 6 boats total.Water was smooth until 2 pm-green water but still no real action as depth finder said surface water temp 92 degrees.Should have run to the north jetties.
  15. You can someday-neg.Karma
  16. It remains to be seen if the new regime can make BH better than the Price era.As for Dayton Coach Stewart well he's in the upper echelon of high school coaches.
  17. Dayton Bronco DL-Darrin Wright has offers to UNLV-NWestern-Tulane-SFA-McNeese-SMU ***Committed to SMU-Congrads to Darrin on a full scholarship.Got kinfolks in Dallas 8)
  18. My heros all wear dress blues 8)
  19. SETX -4 of 6 DCTF top 300 are TH 8)
  20. Good post:BTW words from an oldtimer w/lots of sense BH won't surprize Dayton running-period 8)
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