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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Last SETX team playing and the Ride was another great one.Congrads out to all the Wildcat Coaching Staff,their families,the players,cheer,band,faculty and supporters for a another fine year.May you all be blessed w/a great holiday.
  2. Kudos to the Semi-Finalist Winners-Brenham Cubs-Win State.
  3. Congrads to every player on this list-You could make a case for alot of players but the coaches make those decisions.I'll say this;If you have a freshman kicker who's 100% 53-53 PATS 10-10 FGS from as far as 44 yds. HOW does he not make all-dist Kicker(2nd team all-dist)Just saying.
  4. Best of luck to Brenham-It's anybodies game vs.Tivy but remember it's about finishing and all things are ALMOST forgotten.Antlers have 5 early losses but have been winning lately.I got Brenham against anybody if they can play 4 full qtrs.A Cub state Championship makes the Dayton/PNG/Angleton losses kinda a win to get beat by the best after giving your best.All a Coach wants is your Best.Have to say I like these Cubs not those from Wrigley.
  5. Well noted;Got my support-Go Wildcats ;)
  6. To all the Bronco seniors that over their 3 year title run it was outstanding-Semis-Finals(help set new scoring record)Quarterfinalists-Proud of you.For the underclassmen starting 2010 the bar has been set-It's your time to shine.Always Believe.To Coach Stewart and staff may you have a wonderful holiday season for all your extra hard work -it was more than noteworthy to build a team again after so much was lost to Graduation.At least Dayton coaches have been noted to Bring it by the pollsters comments.Never been prouder to be a fan @60 Go Broncos ;)
  7. Error on my part;53-53 pats 10-10 fgs=83 points @ varsity level his longest 44 yards.
  8. Juan Carranco 53-53 PAT-11-11 FGS=86 pts. playing 1st year of varsity @Dayton ;)
  9. In all still a great season by the Wildcats.
  10. Kudos to the Wildcats.Setx's last title hope.Make us proud.
  11. Congrads to Brenham got the break on the qb fumble w/4 min.left.Broncos only a first down or so from running out the clock but as stated many times Dayton would go as far as the defense would take em.Second half defense just could not stop them.Go Cubs win it all.Overall a great season again guys.Still exceeded expectations.
  12. Twice in the last hour had to pitch some water out the door onto the hughes net sat.dish-keep losing the feed from snow build up.1 1/2 inches on the truck.
  13. To be precise the Chron.feeds info to all the pollsters/magazines for this area.On a 1 hr.playoff talk show they talk Katy for 45 min.But hey what has the 4A Houston teams ever done lately.Drop like a rock by round #2.Already they're panicing as 1 by 1 going bye bye.Setx teams always have to prove their season.The metro teams get the props every year because it's Darn good marketing.Example;What reporters are covering or broadcasting this great match-up @ Rhodes??
  14. 17 ac.of white.Still coming down w/huge flakes sticking in Moss Hill.
  15. Was making referance to how the Chron.makes excuses for their favorites.I don't care what they say.In week #10 if you're the top pick to win it all and you struggle agaist a Rosenburg team then you have to believe there is a weakness exposed.When you get to the playoffs the better teams step it up a notch.Every year for the past 3 years they pick against Dayton 46-7 over that period w/ every loss against a ranked team.Nobody defensivley has outplayed the Broncos over 6 games.
  16. Really coming down hard w/big flakes now for the past 1/2 hr. in Moss Hill.
  17. This is some weird stuff the Chron.throws out there.Let's look:A few weeks back Angleton struggles w/Rosenburg Terry in Bi-dist.10-2 Wilcats get 12 1st.dwns.Now in gm.#7 El Campo pounds Rosenburg Terry 28-6 w/20 1st dwns.My point;Angleton was not so good after all so why all of a sudden Brenham is the top pick?In 5A Brazoswood is still kicking rears-beat Friendswood(still playing) beat El Campo by 3 (27-24).Dayton Defense has not allowed but 33 points over the last 6 games and Sam Kahn throws out a 31 point total for the Cubs. ;D ;D ;DIf the Broncos Bring It their will be alot of Crow eating Sunday.Broncos were near the goaline vs.Ricebirds w/1st dwn.and Chose not to run up the score.So much for squeeking by w/560 yds.of offense.
  18. Chron.podcast says a great game.Dial picks Dayton 28-21-Vital picks Brenham 24-21-Kahn back n forth speaking then picks Brenham 31-30.Personally I don't see Brenham scoring 4 or 5 times on the Dayton defense.Sticking w/17-14 Dayton my pick.Defense is playing tuffer every game and bet there will not be a headset problem in this game.
  19. P4E SS game Sat.2:00 Ford Stadium SMU/Dallas-LT vs.Alamo Heights tonight 7:30 San Marcos-Advantage maybe AH.I pick the upset-HD record remains tied.
  20. Getting more every 30 min. in Moss Hill-Ground will be covered in about 3 hrs.@ this rate.Enjoy-Be Safe ;D
  21. Puling for those Wildcats-Go SS. ;)
  22. Happy B-Day  Wishes out to all that had a part in the Dream and the Success of SETX Sports.My BD is coming up on 60 and if you love the sport you're never too old to have the best fun for a few dollars to watch our future progress before our eyes.A peek @ history will show alot of former HS football players are very successful adults.If you ever coached even a season it is gratifying for young adults still callin you Coach after more than 20 years.
  23. Raideroldtimer(ROT).Man of wisdom has not been posting alot this year. ;)
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