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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Welp Bronco 1st 7 on 7 today@5:30 @Northshore's stadium to take the edge off this countdownImma see if we can throw the deep ball once again
  2. Who would of thunk the Rockets could hang better than Cleveland,this series won't go 6 games,bench can play the Cavs starters.Smh broadcasters talking about the west all 16 playing for NBA finals championship
  3. Send pm of any 2 person scramble/best ball,alternate shot tourneys upcoming,thanks
  4. Wow congrats,big accomplishment for graduating soph
  5. Congrats
  6. This w/change depending on weather/eatin spots lol
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers our soldiers both male/female,remembering sacrifices/hardships/wounded & those that gave it all,remembering them this day along w/those missing in action whose families pray for closure.Remembering those that made it home while still having to fight w/memories of combat still fresh in their minds as they were one by one transported into the enemies home turf w/most never having trained 1 day w/those now assigned to.And to the Vets still fighting our Gov policies to get the care they should've been promised w/o having to still fight the system for BENEFITS & care to their respective families.Sacrifices given incl signing a blank check to protect at all costs our freedom.War is brutal/innocents die in the middle,if you go to war then have war,don't(play war) or allow politics to distract committments.Remembering our allies in 1975 given promises to protect them,while under attack by communists we (Our Gov)abandoned our promises and left them behind to suffer hardships.Without reservation Mr Cronkite the 67/68 Tet Offensive was a communist disaster of epic numbers(Vietcong Gorillas wiped out as fighting unit,Nva severely beaten/crippled and scrambling back to North Vietnam whipped & on the verge of surrender(1.4 mill KIA)how was America fighting a war they could not win=1 of us to 25 of them.Commies=hold on=US is going to pull out,I swear this on my grave as well as my childhood memories of fallout drills in elementary schools=putting our hands over our heads w/sirens screaming while crawling underneath a student desk @ threat of a Soviet nuke attack
  8. Me too,water bottle came flying down from up top right near our group,they mad,coach mad,soulja disgusted
  9. Wish him success@Rusk,what is expected there?38-64 over past ten yrs where 2 seasons the best the Rusk Eaglesmanaged was 5-5.5 yr stretch 2001-2005 Rusk went 35-26.Who ever got the job has a lg task to rebuild.I have good friends there in business over 25 yrs.I'm ready for All Star ribs Russ.
  10. I've been to ATT for every state championship for every 3 day combined games,the venue,parking,event staff,the monster center video screen w/fan interaction,the commute from numerous easy drive hotels is awesome,i will soon make reservations
  11. I'm told will compete in 7 on 7 beginning June 6th@5:30 @GPISD.I believe a 1st for the Broncos,none I can remember
  12. Sweet,by chance is Coach Davenport still in Crosby area
  13. Congrats Coach Hancock
  14. He's an athelete,competitor,works to constantly improve his game,what I instilled was you can play the game way late in life.Key=fine tune the game you got,play the course not your opponent.
  15. Hancock was a finalist in the last hiring process,on staff@Rusk and according to source in Rusk should be their guy.Board meeting tonight will make their official announcement
  16. I totally agree,our group went to EC playoff game there,1 concession,2 lines=40 min wait for service on the visitor side,great on the home side every time there
  17. Congrats
  18. Awesome stuff,great read & thanks for posting
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