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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Kudos to Juan Carranco freshman kicker for Bronco varsity.The young brother of 2 former great all-dist.Carranco kickers @ Dayton.Juan's rookie year he is 100% perfect on every PAT & FG.He has kicked 50/50 PAT'S-8/8 FGS from 30-27-25-32-35-37-44-37 yarders.More important 7 field goals in the last 3 games.Only in gm.#4 was there 1 bad snap-no kick attempt.Juan has to be a Shoe-in all-dist kicker.Good news for Bronco fans we have another 3 years to watch this amazing career-bad news for opponents.WOW 71 tot.pts as a 9th grader.
  2. ;DProbably true but at least your still cousins,nieces and nephews.The good thing about it though is Broncos have been able to back up the talk for awhile.And with the pipeline of talent coming soon it looks pretty good for some more. ;)
  3. Dayton Broncos fast on Thanksgiving Turkey;Have their Stuffed Ricebird Menu Friday night.The "Camp" is Stampeded.Ricebird Cheerleaders seen tossing minature Basketballs to the crowd after halftime.
  4. The other thing noticed lack of team speed from opponents.Lack of defensive penetration on the line for the opponents.Front three Broncos and quick backers will force them outside.Not impressed Vidor could beat them.Hou.Yates always overated(had trouble w/Bay City who won 1 game)Like Dayton's chances against run oriented teams.Cannot get kinfolk in El Campo to call back since they asked about Broncos recent playoff history.They were impressed with the dismantling of Waller and 4 -1st dwns.
  5. Cowboy09;Not to worry those Broncos have their own big-fast-very scrappy Ski bros.This will be a huge test for the Ricebirds offense.Dayton 12 games into the season-3/100 yd.rushers.The most 116 tot.rushing yds.on 27carries and the rb was a 1,200+ yd rusher.In the 4th game this year.17 total points allowed in the last 5 games-so better bring the A game and get some points elsewhere or start getting them basketballs ready.
  6. Guess I'll be fasting then after Thanksgiving ;D-Have a GREAT THANKSGIVING SETX Fans & Staff.
  7. But the WB players have decided to finish this thing on top  ;)
  8. Etbu;Huddleuptexas site prediction-Pick Em-No favorite.
  9. 40 Seniors,and I thought Angleton was loaded w/29 seniors.Great Year for PNG.
  10. Me too without Cody-Salty Defense-Careful what you wish for.17 points allowed in past 5 games for the Bronco D.Bigger/Faster-Both take care of bussiness and we'll find out.
  11. Broncos should be ready as I believe the Ricebirds run a similar offense as Vidor.
  12. Huddleuptexas site picks Wildcats by 10.
  13. Huddleuptexas site picks WB by 2.
  14. Huddleuptexas site picks Broncs by 8
  15. UIL put Dayton back into the Triangle dist.just for the Surprize 8)
  16. I'll be looking for the highlights.Big hits all night by the defense-D Wright was a beast.
  17. The biggest though we ever had that I remember since the early 1960's
  18. Sure do and 19-4A still has 2 still hanging around. ;)
  19. ;)Kin says I get a guided tasting tour@ Shiner w/Dayton Win-GO Brewski's-GO BRONCOS
  20. That's well spoken-GL to the MAV'S
  21. If you have enjoyed this Show We need you to vote now quickly FOR the show so plans can be arranged w/topics.7 teams advance to week#3 and some of the same as last year.What do you say?I vote FOR ;)
  22. He's @ every Bronco game but only recently started posting again.Mike George.ETBU what you think bout dem Broncos-Honestly.
  23. Been the year for the underdog thus far so picking the Mavs in a close one-But 1 is enuff-Marshall 27-Denison 26
  24. BELIEVE-WB advances in yet another upset for Chron.staff to chew on-Sgt.Rey does the burger deal carry over next week?Brook keeps winning you keep buying I'll become the big cowboy@ Dallas State Fair-BIG TEX ;D
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