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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Congrads to the Wildcats-Good year for the young Panthers
  2. Congrats on a great season.
  3. Great season Tigers-Best wishes t JJ @ the next level
  4. What a second half comeback,Congrads to the Indians who exceeded expectations.PNG has to be proud of the years accomplishments.Hope the winning tradition keeps it up again next year.To the seniors-Kudos for your run it was great.
  5. See ya there,Kudos to the Mavs ;)
  6. Expecting a good report and 1 more week of lot's of threads as SETX teams keep on keeping on.Time to make an impression to the pollsters.
  7. Now could we see just a little bit of dry weather from 6:00-10:30 PLEASE.
  8. OK fellas let's make it a big showing monday@6:30 Hamb.Depot.Thanks Sarge :D ;D
  9. Thirteeth Floor Elevators-Volkswagen van-Day Lake Monster Hunts-4 track player
  10. Liberty :oIf they're rebuilding next year it may be along time to get to being a .500 team because the board's gonna make a move and it's start from scratch all over again. ;)
  11. Texas Tea?Not me-Woodstock era ;D
  12. Take it to em Indians ;)
  13. A Classic.Front 3 were punishing.
  14. Ok Sarge,WB wins-Your buying burgers next Monday night @ Hamb.Depot ;D
  15. Mr Bdawgs-Mr Not-Osmr-Cm Beeg Heads-Lib Mr Bdawgs  Mr Brunkos-Mr Not-Osmr-Cm Jacks-Lib Mr Brunkos  Sumbudee gots ta giv Snoop cumpatison.
  16. Today play your position like you've never played before.They say Defense wins championships so this is YOUR day to maybe pick-one off or pick up a fumble and turn it into 6.Scouts and fans will travel to see these games and the eyes of sportscasters,pollsters,coaches and players from other parts of Texas will have their eye on you.These are the days where you EARN RESPECT & Move into the elite top rankings not only for the week but in the pre-season early poll for 2010.Best of Luck to ALL our SETX teams and may you have Travel Grace from God.So let's go kick some but ;) 8)
  17. Dayton-Going for 15 in a row
  18. 23-4A only has 5 teams but 4 go to the playoffs and Bay City is out again.Two in a row they don't get in.
  19. Daytonites-Daytonians born and raised there.Silent network says we're a go on injuries.Rumor N.L is healing well wants to play.Just wondering who will be the RB this week.Must be hard to scout Dayton switching players every week.But hey it's working.
  20. Robert Blackmon-HC Bay City
  21. Cannot remember his name but he may be a prospect,An all-state player from Van Vleck,college and pro player currently having some issues w/coaches @Bay City.
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