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Everything posted by liltex

  1. To be the best you gotta play the best so whoever/whenever-friday/saturday let's get ready to do this-stay tuned.
  2. Soph.@Dayton-Jakkarri Delasbour 4.4 barring any injury is going to get some attention in 09 as he turned some heads w/ some long runs last year + he has beefed up several noches in size/wt.and hear he has done well in the weight room.Look for him to have a great career for next 3 years.
  3. Dayton took some lickins from Nederland also awhile back .I will go out on a limb and pick WOS but in a close game #1.The Dogs will be a good team and will contend for the dist.title,as we will see again how much talent 20-4A has as 4-5 teams knock one another week by week.
  4. ;)Almond was head coach,others were coach Harris-coach Riley Burnett-Boston's came after me.
  5. ;)Thanks guys by now everybody knows I am an oldtimer,none the less I have and will always will be proud to back them BroncHos even when coaching was not what it has been since Stewart's arrival.BRON-CHOS goes back 38 yrs.or so.
  6. Well the Wood lost their stars in Karem/Gatreau as well but Broncos in 09 on Defense are going to be real SALTY-maybe the best D ever and look for some hard hitting at Bronco Stadium as some of the soph.that were all-dist.in 07 are back for a senior year along w/last years players who had Boo-Koo playing time in lot of lopsided games in 08.Broncs may not be as good on offense but are going to shock some folks on how many points they put up thanks partly to excellant field position created by a awesome defense that is big and fast.I thought if there was a weakness it would be kicking but wait another Carranco(next 4 yrs.)Alot of this years team has knocked twice for a ring and have many more games in mind.
  7. Let's see since 1981 Dayton has owned Livingston -17 wins 3 losses and close 2nd would be Lumberton.Then there's Crosby.
  8. Elgin was playing Dayton last year pretty good the first half,then the band/cheer/fans arrived just min.before half then it was all Broncos after.I think Bronco faithful have a(+) positive effect on the teams energy right out the gate as we BELIEVE.
  9. ;)Xavier will be a much better player under Stewart @Dayton.Look for a few new wrinkles coming to you soon as winning traditions seems to bring out the talent,heck even some older alumni would have loved to play under his direction.
  10. Crosby and Huffman both have no police dept.and is patrolled by Harris county sheriff's dept.On the growth factor back in the 70's two huge subdivisions Lochshire and Idlelock were platted for some 3,000 new residents w/shopping malls etc.and it fizzled out.Now down the road north The Commons is sold out and alot of homes springing up.The old saying you build it and they will come.There is alot of property left to build on as Kingwood/Atascosita/Humble is pretty much developed.Look for Cleveland area to bloom soon w/new business hiway 105 is underway w/project completion in 5 yrs from start date.Hear it will cross I-59-I-45-on out to 290.Once stood a tiny little town w/a artesian well in the middle in the mid 60's that had 1 little 2A high school-Humble,Tx.w/1,600 residents.Now there is how many high schools?Dayton will soon probably be moved back into 20-4A or UIL will need to add a new district totally.
  11. First task scrimmage#1 West Orange Stark Mustangs (Dave Campbell has them in the 3A title game).
  12. Every year there seems to be some doubt just like last year w/Cody coming back from 07 injury and leading the Broncos to the title game-Yet another year possibly in the making at QB in 09?In 07 after the leg injury unknown Gregory Charles(Katrina transfer from New Orleans) led the purple to there longest playoff berth in DHS school history and in 08 they broke that record.What surprizes are in store for 09?Stay tuned or better come see for yourself.Dave Cambell and staff like em so I will leave it to them for deep playoff predictions.
  13. ;DAnd the Dayton Broncos have another Carranco(freshman)kicker for the next 4 years.No wonder Stewart is smiling.Carranco kids have all been great kickers.
  14. As posted earlier a few yrs.back Dayton played Manor And Waco La Vega in regular season games so a trip to Austin just another piece of the puzzle sure to get watched by sportswriters but I had just as soon had game 10 w/Sulphur Springs if that could have happened that would make my day.
  15. ;)I know this is way out there but look for Dayton in the playoffs in 2009 and 2010.Talent galore.
  16. Not really a commercial bus goes faster than most autos on the interstate.Took a charter bus to Vegas from Houston stopping for rest stops and to eat and arrived in Vegas in 23 hrs.
  17. I also have a military I.D.card showing my disability and can go to any state/national park free of charge or go onto any military base and commissary.What again is the Louisiana hunting and fishing law concerning disabled veterans.In most southern states a 100% disabled vet pays no school /property taxes now Texas has sighned into law HB 3613 sect. 11.131 effective 2009 tax year for All 100% disabled service-connected vets and those w/rating of 70% w/30% unemployability added for 100% total rating are "EXEMPT" from These taxes.
  18. Question;I am a 100% service connected veteran and have in possession a Tx.exempt fishing/hunting license.What does the law say about fishing on the La. side or any other La.fishery?Thanks.
  19. Sometimes even private hired buses are late.Against Elgin in the playoffs alot of fans -band-cheer groups did not arrive at Dayton till min.before halftime.Charter buses do have restrooms.
  20. ;)Friendswood @ Dayton should be a eye opener for for all the sports guys to write about.It will be physical for the Wood you can count on that as last years matchup was a good lesson for Cody after missing the 07 season w/leg injury but after he was a beast from there on.
  21. It is a Sat.day game @ LBJ and purple will travel probably by private bus for this one.Lot's of time to plan a pep rally/cookoff in the parking lot like last years send offs.
  22. ;)There now is a well spoken comment about a great coach,but he is all smiles as the underclass teams are loaded w/talent and Stewart will develop them along.Defense should be salty giving younger players some quality playing time just like last years team.Dayton looks real good for several more years with size and speed.We do still have to wait and see as the Broncos will srimmage #1 state pre-season West -Orange Stark-08 playoff contender Lumberton-Friendswood @ Dayton right out the gate.
  23. Not too bad.Broncos at one time played Manor(Austin suburb) and Waco La Vega for a few years.Then there is 6th street after for me with some Austin locals I know.
  24. After speaking w/locals 7-9-09 fishing the pass several told me the eviromental folks have gotten involved as well as folks who support the pass as a historic place.Will this delay closure? Most likely some.We saw alot of crabs moving w/the tide-mostly females heavy w/eggs.Do not see the large male blue crab like there once was.Order crab at a food place and see how small they are.
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