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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Silent network says (2)applicants ask back for Rd #2 discussions
  2. 21-5a dist enrollment growth numbers will soon have UIL gurus scratching heads,Gal Park=close to 6a numbers,Cleveland close to 5a numbers w/Humble/New Caney building 2 more high schools=(split up current enrollment some)So I belive logic=2 schools gotta go elsewhere.
  3. Moss Hill2 & I play lots of golf w/Stew.MH2 wife coaches@Hardin & they're connected to Coaching Staff *Sch Board,I know personally they offered Brandon Craus the O/C job for alot more $ than Groveton pays H/C,Craus turned it down,then they went after Bobby Little for a cpl weeks.More goes on via texts/ph calls/twitter than most know.MH2 has been a longtime friend/Bronco follower=Stew yrs

    1. Octfeb


      So did Bobby take the position?

  4. Fyi Moss Hill2 knows more than you think,he plays golf w/Stewart/I.Like me he lives in Hardin ISD & connected to School Board/H/C staff @ Hardin.His wife coaches cheer there.He tweets w/coaches/former coaches.I know he made the contact To #1 try to hire Brandon Craus as Hardin O/C from Groveton,offered alot more than Groveton pays.They've been in negotiations w/Bobby Little too JS.He's been a loyal Bronco football fan for 15 yrs,and I'm almost kinfolk to Nations sorta by marriage,my wife is a Hencey(connection).

    1. dayton


      Fyi ... I knew exactly who his connections are. I was giving him a hard time about being so excited about being able to make the announcement. 

    2. liltex
  5. Welp great night for a ole fashion Texas bonfire=goodbye UT/Texan outerwear
  6. Here is what needs to happen regardless of the AD/HC hire=New guy needs to recruit a solid D/C right away
  7. IJS Bronco Nation has a nice ring to it
  8. Key=gene pool is still in Dayt,been here along time(here for Stewart & remains),for whoever gets the job if the kiddos like him,buy into the program,come out in numbers Dayt fans will show up & support.I feel confident about Bronco atheletics for many more years ahead,20 straight playoff appearances(Thank you Jerry Stewart for Building Blocks foundation laid) makes for some future success,a few down defensive years from awesome=3 straight rd#2 losses by (1)point=not lady luck.I want to see kiddos succeed & recieve college offers
  9. Jeff Nations currently @DL&P in Dayt in the private sector,former H/C job for 5 yrs was between Hancock/Nations,DISD supt cast the tiebreaker vote,Nations has been present & close follower of Dayt Ath ever since,hoping he gets the job & brings in a D/C.

  10. Told this afternoon Jeff Nations will be @DHS campus tomorrow

    1. Octfeb


      Cool. Wish they would go ahead and announce it and make it official.

  11. Grad,1st congrats WOS/NS State Champs,now Jody Jackson aka Smokinbaby has called/texted several times.He wants to retrieve his former Setxsports password,he told me right before the site crash that he'd contacted J Dog about it w/no response.Can you help,here is Jody's cell # 832-275-0116 thanks

    1. WOSgrad


      Thanks.  And I will get with Jody right now.

    2. liltex
  12. Welp Price set the bar@BH=5 ten+ win seasons 5 8+ win seasons(consecutive) w/o 1 D1 player smh
  13. Any news for Barbers Hill enrollment number
  14. Nice art.on DCTF website,click on News
  15. Guess the announcement will come after Jan 13 special sch board meeting@Will Moore bldg 7pm
  16. Riordan has a ring as O/C@SSprgs
  17. Great hire,BH girls will win state first
  18. Welp I'd drive 600 miles to see them play the 3a champs
  19. Livingston Lady Lions beat Nac Lady Dragons in OT to win 3rd place in gold bracket,Congrats to Lady Lions & Pastor(Trocket's) 2 grand daughters Sr.D'Asia & Soph Brianna
  20. Livingston Lady Lions beat Tarkington this morning,play NC Porter@2:30
  21. Livingston Lady Lions defeat New Caney Lady Eagles in OT 52-50 (1st gm)Magnolia defeated HJ earlier
  22. Mercy,glad we don't do BB pic-ems lol
  23. Congrats,pretty good Humble team I saw @HJ Tourn
  24. Problem #1 Kids aren't participating,Problem #2 not developing talent pool available Problem #3 can't coach/play defense anymore Problem#4 kids/parents won't support staff in place Problem#5 lack of coaching up has caused Dayt to be more recently known to squeek out wins=kicking field goals & great special teams play=now that's failing.Me=I'd aplogize dearly,build/honor by name a Bronco facility,pay him what he's earned,JS only needs coaching help for amt.of kiddos,he knows everything you want to know/learn about building blocks & winning.He's a Bronco@heart been put on a limited budget to work with.$$$$$$ from atheletic events goes into a general fund,smh.Since JS HC job many of his coaches have left Dayt for other positions.Let's choose wisely,we need a coach kiddos love to play for,not because their parent has political connections.School board decides & I don't remember very much of their former atheletic abilities(except Payne)=scary stuff I'd say.I also agree=don't be a weasel=if current HC is not your man,Man up & say you're not what we want.Those doubting JS presence=take that back(many times he's been asked for HELP).We'd already been searching if he hadn't been giving help tips to staff in place because they don't have the expertise to make quarterly ajustments.as needed.Some Dayt coaches present are being contacted on other possible job positions & some talking down Dayt football to other district coaches at Bronco Relays should be ashamed.Opportunity just months ago@75th Bronco re-union was a wasted opp for a ballot box as to the direction the majority that wore the uniform to give hindsight as to direction/recommendations for a sch board to review for DHS.I'm done posting on this topic but got starch/iron ready to look good even if it gets ugly cause my heart/soul is about the kiddos future,to be anything less I'd be an old man not caring a bit.It's a job,but one w/lasting effects.Always judge yourself first,if you've done well the kiddos will cont.to call you Coach & find you to talk about the memories & impact you made to produce a winner in society
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