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Everything posted by liltex

  2. Two of the top rated qb's that had over 1800 reg.season pass yds.got 48 & 91 passing yds.against.Dayton.We match up great.teams have had little success passing as Dayton secondary has played great all year & putting heat on the qb with a good pass rush. #8 & #14 are always very nearby.Dayton will be ready to hit & tackle w/pop.
  3. THe next best thing to Dayton winning STATE is the fri.night games w/all the memories of the games,bands,cheers,the sportsmanship from all of you from s.e texas. If they move us back to our old dist. it will be a sad day
  4. Dayton "D" too much for the guys from hippie hollow . in a offensive track meet the BRONCOS have many more talent & speed.Again who gets breaks,makes a difference.DAYTON BY 50-15 GO BRONCOS
  5. in your poll i thinkeverman lost to rider 6-0
  6. True,but the enterprize does not put their papers in the houston area.They do have them all over liberty,co.w/48,000 locals.I am sure all those sales flyers in the paper are intended to bring some $$$$$$ to beaumont area stores.I think the real story is the sports dept.is ran by rookies,who can't determine what a Great story is.Again I wanted to see every s.e texas team win,& there were some GREAT stories there,but to headline a story about Dayton & put in two lines in the middle of the story &write all the rest about lumberton was a slam to Bronco players,parents,student body,all of lib.county.
  7. Thanks,PNG PROUD.Still got the ringing of that great fight song in my head.Ya'll got class & rich tradition.Take it to the next level in your new stadium.
  8. True about the stats.waller for the most part kept it on the ground consuming clock time & gaining yds.Dayton did not run much but the passing game for quick strike yds.does not use much time.G.Charles had all kind of time to throw & good as waller was they never sacked him ,give credit to the line here.both 3rd.qtr.waller tds. came on bronco turnovers on the short end of the field thereby creating a huge momentum swing.The real deal Dayton D rose to the occasion when it got a little close.Remember this Dayton never trailed once in this game.GO BRONCOS.**Austin lake travis supposedly has a offense similar to Dayton,but not so good on defense.
  9. Not surprizing at all.Very poorly run sports dept.@ the PRIZE. Said that because they forgot to [ENTER] one of the best sports story for 4a football in s.e texas in a while.Dayton has not been this far into the playoffs ever. The 1961 team lost to brady in the qtr.finals.I refuse to buy another prize paper.
  10. talk about excitment,my legs got a little rest @ halftime,I think I stood for the entire game at a magnificent stadium.THANKS to all of you out of town folks for att.the game & your support.GO BRONCOS YOU HAVE THE HEART OF A CHAMPION & COMPASSION FOR THE OPPONENT< THAT'S CLASS
  11. Dayton to my knowledge has never beat West Orange Stark,who has a undistputed record for all-time playoff runs.I made a statement on my belief that the hay days of Lamarque-Bay city-Tx City I know they could beat many 5a teams.I hope to see Dayton play all non-dist games against 5a teams.With Dayton's playoff run I think there will be alot who want a shot @DAYTON.
  12. Waller did a good of job of slowing down the run,but G.Charles had all kinds of time.The score really did not indicate how the game really was,as the broncos drove deep in the first qtr.instead of a short field goal att.they fail on 4th down & turn the ball over.Dayton controlled the football for the better part of the 1 st.half.two costly turnover by the broncos gave the bulldogs exc.field position in the 3rd.qtr.allowing a momentum swing to waller.Waller is a very physical team,and proved they deserved a chance to win,but the bronco defense rose to the occasion to slow them down.this was a great game for all.congradulations to waller,good luck to the seniors who will be getting scholarships to play @ the next level.GO BRONCOS BRING A STATE TITLE BACK TO S.E TEXAS & thank all the team players & parents from other towns for your attendance & support. Please come again.to my knowledge Texas City lost to Austin lake travis 32-31 in game 1 this year,and I think it was Texas City's only loss in the reg.season.
  13. same old same enterprize.use a headline about dayton & say nothing . All lumberton news.
  14. just because your not interested in a forum,do yourself a favor,do not reply.as far as my status, I fought for it & I live it everyday so if it doesn't concern you stay out.I already figured you out,I stepped on your toes .Well coach credeaur @ lumberton just used a great military quote that has been used for years to motivate troops to the ultimate level.**Quote; men I know things are not going well,but i would want each one of you in this foxhole next to me. Now call his quote a silly thread @ lumberton fans will be on you.me too
  15. If you believe what you say[silly thread]then why even have folks in press boxes keeping up w/every stat,then reporting to newspapers & sports magazines so you will buy them.it is just a talk forum that doesn't determine the outcome at all.What not only is silly but a disgrace to myself {disabled combat veteran] to see people in the stands who will not face the flag & remove their caps & shut their mouth for a few minutes. If it does not touch your heart when the bands play & the flag is raised,you could for those who lost a friend,a son or daughter,give them respect.
  16. that would be greater.good idea.love to see that.back in the day-in the late 60's we were 2a & beat humble who was also 2a & hard to believe their pop.was 1,600.Now they have 3-5a schools.
  17. It's all been good at Daytonw/coach Stewart & staff.Where they put us does not matter to me,i'll go watch those broncos anywhere.I am thinking it won't be many years ahead & Dayton will gave populated & move to 5A.The nucleus is there with new Parkway & north Dayton growth towards the expansion of US 105.Tx dot in liberty tx.has a plat of new bus.105 exp.@UShighway 321 to cont.west into Houston.
  18. Dayton's coaching staff has just been awesome in game preperation in general.Dayton just plays fundemental football,does not make many mistakes & rarely gets alot of flags thrown.The broncos just flat out play hard nose football w/sportsmanship.congradulations Broncos you make us proud.
  19. and 2 of daytons 3 losses came the same way in non-district &w/orange stark just put up their pads.friendswood was a t eam that beat dayton by 1 & lost to tex.city & lamarque in a close game.lumberton beat dayton in the last moments 8 to 7.I am not to sure of what the current record in post season 4A games are but a [3] game total to date of 134-17 may be in the mix.
  20. some say i am silly comparing team stats & scores so i'll just leave you with this site to look at---www.texasfootball.com dave campbell's texas football site.great bronco article on waller game they pick it broncos 42-14.read-n-weep
  21. i never said that lumberton,west orange,or friendswood did'nt beat dayton-west orange been beating dayton for years.i was making a comparison. the only diff.in 4a vs,5a they only have more students enrolled.yes they have more athletes to choose from. still only 11 at a time can play.if you don't play both ways your fresh.so much for that,thought i would put it on paper/rather a screen so some non-believers will shut=up.on a given day-in a game of football-the big underdog takes down a perrienal powerhouse.*****example APPLAC. STATE BEAT MICHIGAN>etc etc.for years people have voiced their opinions & newspapers have printed the stories of let powerhouse la marque play katy-or let bay city play odessa permian.right now lsu could beat new orleans saints you can bet on that. get it now.
  22. anddddddddddddddddddd so was two other bigggggggggggg -------greattttttttttttttttttttt powerhouseeeeeeeeeeeeeee teams .look @ college teams this year.
  23. congradulations,have a great game-have fun-rep your s.e.texas fans,ut fan.
  24. for years people have said 4a can't hang w/5a schools in football.the stats in chron.com/hs-go to scoreboard-click on team sch.scan to team-change start date to 09-01-07-click on go.you can cross ref.any area team stats & scores.EXAMPLE-westbrook barely lost to clements 36-33.w/brook beat-atascosita-kingwood-bayt.lee & sterling-pt.arth.memorial-humble-channelview-so.houston.GREAT***RIGHT **RIGHT---LETS LOOK BACK & SEE*** WESTBROOK 8-BMT.OZEN 6 @ HALFTIME*FINAL W/BROOK 21-OZEN 6 **W/BROOK 21- BMT.CENTRAL 10 @ HALFTIME---FINAL W/BROOK 34-CENTRAL17-----IS DAYTON STILL AROUND BY LUCK ???? LETS COMPARE--DAYTON 20-OZEN 0 HALFTIME***FINAL DAYTON 33-0ZEN 0***DAYTON 10- CENTRAL 0 HALFTIME--FINAL DAYTON 20- CENTRAL 0.not intended to hurt any feelings here just showing it is no fluke the "BRONCOS" can win it all.if you believe come out & lets bring it home to s.e.texas.see ya there.GO BRONCOS
  25. i want to see dayton play bay city-game #1 --west or stark game #2 -- la marque #3.we ain't scared.we will be good next year.
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