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Everything posted by liltex
i have pulled for every s.e tex.team.i love the competition,sportsmanship,& you can not only wear your purp.png shirt,you can paint png on yor face & sit next to me.my football coach @ dayton ,coaches @ png-riley burnett.great man-great coach.hope to see his family there also.GO BRONCOS= THANKS RAIDERS= LA MARQUE took us out awhile back-tx,city did last year.WE ARE ON A MISSION>
so as it is,everybody for the most part has been bigger than dayton. i recall tx.city put 28 pts.on b.city in the 1 st.qtr. dayton has allowed that many pts. in 8 games.yes they had a grt.qb go down for the season,since charles took over its been all dayton.in case you don't know the broncos lost to lumb.by 1 pt;west or.stark by 1 td: friendswood by 1 pt.2 of three just lost out last week.you don't believe because it's not supposed to look this easy.you'll have to go see it to believe it so you probably were born in missouri "THE SHOW ME STATE"
you got that right.the prognastercaters [spelling ?] still scratching their heads also at the college ranks.high school scoreboard live are going to have to rethink their thinking.the past does not always make them the best.it tells a story they have a winning tradition.this is a year of heart.should be great for valentines day sales.
i believe brenham beat waller & passed for 200+ yds-not to many weeks ago livingston lost,but was in the game 21-10 to waller.look @ waller team schedules @chron.com/hs go to and click on boxscores. you will see they are weak against the pass.look for g.charles bullet passes to great recievers w/speed to have a stellar night & gable will get 100 + rush yds.i think nederland beat them 1 st game of the season 21-14 .dayton will spread wallers defense tooooooomuchhhhhhhhhhhhhh
waller is good against the run.stats show this.they have not seen anything of the likes of qb gregory charles throwing very accurate darts at 4 diff.speedy rec.then they will fool you & bust a big gainer.dayton,s "D" will rise & shine to their running game.speed & agility will overcome size.you must be good to get this far.dayton will come to play their "A" game.should be a great game to see.everyone come out to support the broncos.coach stewart will have some surprise schemes up his sleeve.Question #1- can waller slow down this high octane machine? dayton will force waller to pass & real trouble looms there .i have to go with my gut dayton-42 waller 14 waller coaches son the qb under too much pressure in this one.turnovers too much in poor field position. i see another tx.city re-run here
a year after rita rips through s.e texas with all her fury,tornadoes & destuction,friends-neighbors pulled together as a huge community united & most of us got a real good 1 st.hand dose of amish livelyhood.we found more time for family than ever &found out we can live without somethings.our families learned alot & our children matured more,learned more,definatly exersized more,but gained the most in will & heart & PROVED IT ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD THIS YEAR.every district can say we had a great year & HISTORY will carry the story for many yrs.to follow.others will have trickle down memories of the 2007 season & will pick-up where we left off.so college scouts come for the fall harvest,the fruit of our labor is right for the pickin.
awhile back i put a blog in the hous.cron.paper as the cron.stated dayton had a chance if they could weather the texas city storm.they were saying basically tx.city scored 28 1 st qtr.pts.on bay city.that being said as nederland said they would run over dayton, they both paid dearly like 105 pts.to 10 pts.we welcome all comments about what you think you ca do w/the football. i made commentsto the cron.paper that 2 of 3 teams,being lumberton & west-or stark,are both still playing in the playoffs & both games were close,the other loss to friendswood by 1 pt.& they played real close games w/tx.city &la marque.
i am not sure how many int.a.j.dugat had,but i believe he int.passes & scored off of them,more points than the defense allowed in the last 7 games total.it factors in huge for a teams defense if you keep the offense in great field position & keep your opponent in poor field position.most teams could not run well against the broncos,so they would be under pressure to pass,and lob it up for grabs or be tackled for another loss.we will see -A.J.still my pick.but mine don,t count.if all the players in 22-4a got a vote i think overall A.J.#8 would be the top vote getter unbiased vote.
if winners can be picked over 65% of the time lets pool some big money & bet it in vegas w/the bookies.to many variables-injuries-ineligible-weather conditions-rumors of coaching changes-arrests-death of a teamate.put your faith in a team playing w/speed-heart-will to sacrafice.
dayton broncos build on new horizons
liltex replied to liltex's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
very well spoken about stewart and his coaching staff.dayton has had plenty of talent over many years,the reason for early playoff exits are great players in the wrong positions,this takes a great coach to spot the playmakers.at one time i think the team was coached at the drug store coffee shop. -
DAYTON featured in hsgametime.com article
liltex replied to PURPLE 4EVER's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
there is no such thing in football as "UNSTOPABLE". the word is been hard to stop.i agree rodgers is great for football,and i admire what a young man his size has accomplished,but he has been contained.last week LM CONS.won in overtime 17-14 and i promise you DAYTON has that film ,should they play each other,the broncos speedy defense will slow him down considerally he is great,put up stats,but other tuff speedy running backs w/1800 season rush yds.were held to 54 tot.yds.each against the BRONCOS,and 2 qb,s w/1800 +passing yds.were held to total 48 & 91 pass yds.against the BRONCOS. -
why do we do this sports like we do in texas.the college scouts recruited heavy here every year.all the boys & girls growup in a environment to win.each loss makes them become better.some families are from multiple counties,but would like to follow their kin folks games,while attending their own kids games.good for scrapbooks & who knows with a little news coverage it may save a parent some education tuition-they may be offered a scholarship.if this is silly then your favorite tv program is larry the cable guy.now thats silly .if vince young would have played @dayton would he had gotten the news coverage to be recruited like he was. silly-i doubt it.maybe you just think the paper comes out so you will have some after your morn,coffee .
first off you need some talent,desire to win,willing to sacrafice,ability to adapt,and more important a great coaching staff.dayton has been blessed for 12 seasons now & reaping the rewards of their hard work & dedication.excitment follows victory.underclassmen will feel a trickle down effect & new talent will rise up to take part in it.this season will stand as a pillar for future ponies to become fighting broncos-the we can-we will broncos.on to the finals a week at a time.who knows maybe in the near future we'll have size to go w/guts & talent.that would be awesome.when my brothers & i played all the big guys were in ag.& did not go out for sports.
That is a hard decision.I would have to pick a player who not only is a class young man,but one who can totaly make things happen on both sides of the ball. That would be a player who is a game breaker. A player that can return kicks-punts-tackle-catch-intercept-& outrun most opponents. Give him a crease it's a td /xtra point. My vote would be #8 A.J Dugat.who will do it better next yr.as a Senior at DAYTON . Charles has stepped up and had a great season,but other qbs.have great stats also.colleges like multi-position players who are impact athletes. A.J. DUGAT has size & speed,all-dist last year & will grow to be a force next yr. He simply makes it hard to tackle him. I like Hussey also & D.Johnson @ Nederland. And Nederlands qb.next the qb. at Lumberton for his leadership.
oh well,either way in case you have not taken a long drive around the dayton area,folks are moving this way,building subdiv.on blocks of farm land as we have fewer farmers left.example: huffman put in lockshire,idlelock subdivions back in the 70,s.it did not delevop until recently.the commons subd.down the road is sold out & others are building nearby.when i was in high school in the late 60,s humble had 1,600 residents and a 2a school.they have 3-5a high schools,huffman moved to 4a this yr.their is a newly const.bridge in the making past the commons to tie in to n.end of kingwood.to top that off the expansion on us hiway 105 a link to north liberty co.-hardin co-jefferson co-louisiana is currently under const,w/a plat on record at texas dept.transportation,liberty,tx.office to expand us 105 @hiway 321 @tarkington due west by n/west to tie into us 59-us 45-beltway/290 to I-10 in the next 5 yrs & will be new business 105,allowing traffic to ease in local towns @ direct flow of heavy trucks deliveries from katy to bmt.-pt.arthur-louisiana plants @ refineries.dayton should see new companies,residents building big time in the north-west area.timber is already being cleared in thous.acres.hang on for the ride,dayton probably will have to build yet another high school @ will step up again to a 5a classifcation.i have seen the plat @ liberty tx.dot office.i live on 105 in far n.east liberty co.w/690' hiway frontage @ 17 acres.land.another thing this same area had seismic people stringing cables,drilling holes & blasting as the big oil folks know their is deep oil/gas out here.it is called n.hull field.approx.150 yds.from my east property line there was a oil/gas well ,the only 1 this side of batson,tx.that made over 200 bbls.a day till they got geedy,wanted more and collapsed the well & abandoned it.i know,i sold oil tools here 1975-1985.the oil bbl did not leave,but they kept it good and quiet.multiply 200 bbls.oil a day x 100.00 a bbl.i am afraid they may want to drill on my land.unfortunate to me i do not have any minerals.watch for drilling activity to pick up in n.e liberty and hardin county.they may have located the major undergroung oil pools that tie all these salt domesfrom huffman-n.dayton-hardin-hull-schwab city/segno-batson-saratoga-kountze-village mills-louisiana together.they always thought it was nearby.but now the price is more than worth the risk to explore the area.hang on to your hat/hold on to your minerals if you have any.good luck liltex
ok stangchain:then maybe the enterprise should remove their papers from liberty co.and maybe liberty co.folks should take their money & spend it in baytown since the "BAYTOWN SUN "gives us coverage besides "OBITUARIES".we are all going to pass away sometime but not to often is uplifting news told.i think people from liberty co.should buy their autos,appliances,building materials,clothing,food at a area that supports their achievments.after all how would only 48,000 liberty co.residents hurt the beaumont economy.you can mess w/adults ,but most will get in your face when it comes to their kids,who are our future & will take us to ********who knows in today's hi-tech society.so get on the know before you sow.after all you reap what you sow.plant bad seed & bad you get.get it.
its round ball time for all but the broncos.hou.cron.paper finally woke up after 42-10 win over their #1 tex.city.never mind the 49-7 win over crosby that could have been the 6th of 8 teams the broncos shut out,as dayton played reserves the 4th qtr.last but not least dayton humilates livingston 43-0 never getting even within fieldgoal range. lets add up 3 playoff games***********unheard of 134 to 17.could have been as much as 160-17.anybody,anywhere doing as well.12 yrs.in a row been to the playoffs,this one special,we finally have a great passing game to,and a defense that has prven they can play
as a disabled vet -marine combat machine gunner 1968 tet offensive,khe sahn hill fights,i stronly object to your childish comments about bombing a football team out of anything.grow up ,do you think you enjoy all you have for nothing on your part. you should go to church sunday @ pray for yourself @ the soldiers who gave their lives for you.
Waller 42 Lumberton 14 Final/Comments
liltex replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
hold your heads high,you had a great run @ made history.as a former bronco from the late 60's you are all winners and show true sportsmanship.the community should hava a ticker tape parade for what they have done.even if the broncos go to state, you guys still beat us fair & square.the same things happen in college @ the pros.celebrate,enjoy & come out to cheer us on as we go forward to represent 22-4a bmt.area. -
Dayton 43 Livingston 0 Final/Comments
liltex replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
broncos "D" TRAIN derails all over lions den. 43-0 final. 300 yds + offense 1 st.half alone. -
hello bhawk.that is a great comment about scrappy "d".better cowboy up tonight,waller will beat scrappy.be 105% .they have not played w/big boys yet,but have put up some stats that catch your eye.good luck "L" train stay on track.
liltex replied to ladyraider123's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
hi ladyraider,i believe,just as in christ,blessed are those who believe,and have not seen.s.e.texans prove again we can unite as neighbors pull together after destruction from rita,and show the world,even in high school sports we are still the best place on the planet to raise our children to become responsible young adults,show compassion for less fortunate,with the will to suceed,and be proud. -
So, who's coming to the Bronco Tailgate?
liltex replied to Mike George's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
hello mike,went to school with you twins,i am a disabled vietnam vet,cannot walk far,will not miss the game though,have a great tailgate.email me your cell. [email protected]. hint #1-our 8th grade pony track team could outrun the varsity in the relay events where i ran the third leg.hint #2 my bro.was killed in a accident @ newmans gulf station 1967 by a split ring wheel .tell pat hello,liltex