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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Da Butch cause if inclement weather comes it's great shelter underneath close by.Great parking,concessions and a great view from anywhere 8) 8)
  2. DCTF thinks every 5a team that dropped to 4a is gonna go to state,nuff said ;D ;D
  3. Good stuff ya'll in overdrive in mid July.Must be believing in The Mayan's so gotta crank it out while you can ;D ;D
  4. I was wondering if you got on board @BB 8)
  5. Speaking bout ice cream BrenhamFan you makin lime sherbert yet ;D
  6. Just like my fav jig-Booyah the jigs up ;D ;D
  7. I'm all in 8)
  8. This will be a off year for da Shore & their once badarse D has not been that good in a few.They may p/u some transfers from sister school 4a Gal.Park 8)
  9. You're right we were mediocre @ best before 96 ;D
  10. Nice move Tradin your new team accomplished more in 1 yr than a indian could muster in 5 tries ;D ;D
  11. Trading up- every team you listed went to the title game ,name another SETX team since 07 that has done that 8)
  12. That's what a 5a power is supposed to do-beat a 4a team ;D
  13. Bet em up then,be bold and creative.Ya never honor a bet anyway ;D
  14. Now we'll see what kinda season bh will have w/5 & 3 returning.Tighten da J strap/chin strap 1 of the biggest lines Dayton has fielded in yrs is coming for payback,all those (2)3 rd.soph & jrs are Ready.I only wish it was BH homecoming  ;) ;D ;D
  15. That magic 8 ball is messing w/your mind I wonder what da hill fans will say when da Broncs donkey stomp da battle blue ::) ;D ;D
  16. New growth=D1 bracket nuff said cause it doesn't get easier for rd #1 ;D
  17. Soon as Grumpy is ready and you get caught up w/your uh-oh trips I'm ready ;D
  18. We didn't have 1 @Dayton but Jerry Stewart/Joel Hancock & staff have made believers since 96 that da Broncos can play w/anybody 8)
  19. Mansfield will crack the top ten by mid-season ;)
  20. I've never known a Jerry Stewart/Hancock team to ever field a team w/over 21 seniors,1/2 what PNG fields yet they continue to win.Says something about the coaching overall & the underclassmen ;)
  21. Sad news but hoping there's other colleges that will offer Will and other teamates @Lon Morris :(
  22. Juan attended several kicking camps since the 2011 season.His leg is getting stronger and I look to see alot of long 3 pt kicks if the opportunity arises ;) 8)
  23. 1,000 watt par 64 stage lights can be found @cheaplights.com and watch ebay as I bought a case of 12 bulbs a cpl yrs back for 36.00 for back-ups since I could not find any nearby.I have 2 stage lights and they work good on the bank and we've wacked em fishin em out of a boat in east bay 8)
  24. 2011 all-state kicker Juan Carranco Dayton senior year 2012 will break even more HS records and will get alot of offers.I've watched him since his varsity freshman yr.and the best I've ever seen @HS level ;)
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