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Everything posted by liltex

  1. Disagree it's been working for 16 yrs.Example 3 yrs ago Carranco a freshman kicker moved up to varsity was 100% pats/fgs @ the varsity level.Primed for his all-state sr.yr-stay tuned for more HS records ??? 8)
  2. Congrats and a fine job of representing dist.19-4a all year 8)
  3. Wishing DC Coach Jones a good run w/King 8)
  4. Got any pics?That would be really funny to see Bronco coaches in shorts wearing boots 8) ;D ;D
  5. Sounds like a heckava pitching duel.Get 1 back today Eagles 8)
  6. If you're going to be the big dog you gotta bark every year.Broncos are getting ready for the 17th year since 98 8)
  7. Wishing success today to the Eagles 8)
  8. This just maybe the biggest team Dayton has fielded in a long time.I like what I've already witnessed and the intensity 8)
  9. Ok for those who were wondering where I've been lately I'm back in town.Met up w/several of my old Nam marines from 68 and we visited relatives and the graves of infantry kia that we were close friends.It was moving and sad after 44 years.Memphis area,Montgomery Al,Atlanta Ga.Thanks for those who called to check on me over 10 dayswe were gone.
  10. The old timers go to lures=gold & silver spoon.Dress it up w/a single live bait hook w/o ring built on and put on your fav color plastic trailer/grub ;)
  11. The way I see it nothin spectacular will happen in 1 year w/the new for the Coogs.Crosby has had alot of offensive talent for years.Their demise has mostly been on defense any way.The Coogs have let to many teams hang around on the defensive side.As for the new what will be differant,just like Crosby the teams from SS have relied on the big play for years 8) ;)
  12. As usual the cold front has given those Florida bass lockjaw today.A 4.15 leading the 8:00 hr w/only 4 other fish weighed in.There are 4-2 lb.class fish sitting on the $ w/19 min left.
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