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Everything posted by purplepride

  1. OMG I WISH I was at this game! My buddy lmcoog, you always have to BELIEVE! ;)
  2. YES IT DOES! TIME? TIME?????? ;D
  3. Looking at your game last weekend..........I BELIEVE IT! GO LaMarque!
  4. Crud, I still have spanish feed on mine! UGH!
  5. I have a spanish station on mine.......? ;D
  6. Hey exlmcoog, I am here rooting for your team in heart! Got a new computer today so had to stay home, just got on! I am telling you, YALL WILL WIN! Keep the updates coming cuz I can't get that radio station! GO LAMARQUE!
  7. Ugly, just ugly! ;D
  8. Brenhamfan, you are a CLASS ACT! I didn't get to watch the PNG game but was at the Bronco game. I plan on going to this game between LM and Manvel.......Again, I didn't watch the PNG game but I watched the coogs and man.........they are GOOD! You follow all teams so what do you think about their matchup? I go with LM cuz I seen them and I also like lmcoog, he is my buddy! I hated to see PNG go down cause I LIKE PURPLE!  ;D
  9. Hang in there lmcoog.........your cool in my eyes! Looking back at the smack talk threads..you did good! I would like to know what other thread you are talking about that your on? Maybe "thread" is not the word I am looking for but "site"? I still think your coogs will win against Manvel! Anyway, nite nite! Purplepride is SLEEPY! ;D
  10. I WILL BE THERE! Not too far at all! Yes, PLEASE don't use that CYAN crap cuz I can't really see it too well at ALL! (squeench the eyes to see that part, not good at all!) Thank you for asking about our QB, my source says he is wonderful so God is Good! He was good with yours today too! Again, good luck next week, I honestly think yall will be fine if you play then like you did today! Will be yakking with you this week to root you on!
  11. Well OBVIOUSLEY baddog KNOWS his football teams.......he picked them right! YOU GO BADDOG! ;D
  12. Thanks baddog, I thought so too and it was from the heart! ;D
  13. haha! Well, I APPRECIATE YOUR BOLD POSTS cuz I can SEE them SO MUCH BETTER! You are more than welcome on this site anyday, and I look forward to your future posts! Again, good game and good luck next week! I also expect you back on here to THANK ME for my belief that your team WILL beat Manvel! :D WHEN YALL BEAT THEM! Go LM and Go Broncos Next year! PS. Rip, you are THE MAN! Gosh we have enjoyed watching you! I had the Morais, King and Campbell boys in the house last night and they call you THE BEAST! You were AWESOME ALL YEAR!
  14. I was VERY impressed with LaMarque! They are very very good on both sides! We had some "my bad" plays but LM came with their A game. I know this is petty but.......I thought it rude when our player got hurt and they didn't take a knee for us like we did when their QB got hurt. JMO! NEVER THE LESS! Great job LM, if we had to lose, I hope we lost to the BEST! Good Luck Next week and make us proud! I hope you do NOT take this rude as I DO NOT mean it rude, BUT, yall got to cut down on your penalties! Can you imagine how much yall could have beat us by if not for your penalties! (Yes, we had some too! Just sayin....for next week when I pray yall beat Manvel! They are pretty good at penalties too!) Anyway, just want to say yall are good, oh, lmcoog, I think your wrong.....I look for your team to beat Manvel, and btw, I like your posts on setxsports even when you call our district cupcake, haha, I think it is funny but you actually tell the truth like it is! Again, congrats LaMarque and I wish you the best! GO BRONCOS NEXT YEAR!
  15. I guess this is kind of "off topic" but then again, maybe not since it was listed a few pages ago.........BUT! I clicked the link on Joseph Stantons page and have been reading it for hours and will continue til I am up to date on him! What an AMAZING young man and what an AMAZING GODLY family he has! Just kind of puts things in perspective.........he would have loved to have been on the field for Kingwood Park..........I believe he will be in the near future! Check his site out.........it will lift your heart! GO BRONCOS!
  16. OMG! Is it not over yet! IT IS! Congrats Dayton!
  17. What goes around comes around...... ;)
  18. Gosh Brenhamfan, I like you and was rooting for your team! Crazy game! Broncos are in a crazy game right now! Really thought we would see you next week! Fighting for our lives right now!
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