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Everything posted by purplepride

  1. All teams left are GOOD! I pray that I don't have to eat crow BUT....I hate to see Bambi come down...... GO BRONCOS!
  2. You guys are cracking me up! ;D I remember all these situations and figured out most of you! I was a mommy at the time but had connections to your parents and siblings....... Best QB? I don't know, Dayton has had some good ones! Hope to see all of you at the game! GO BRONCOS!
  3. Hold your head high Jags! You made your district PROUD and even your surrounding districts and fans! So sad about the calls! You still had an awesome run! ;D Keep rooting for us Broncos, we need your support! GO BRONCOS! ;D
  5. You can get your ticket at the First Liberty National Bank in Dayton on Friday from 9am-6pm for $5! GO BRONCOS! HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! ;D
  6. Russ.......you KNOW I love ya! ;D I understand and I know where your coming from! I get your point! We just also love and appreciate Coach Jerry Stewart. I must add that we know you do too! Your just that kind of guy that everyone likes to pick on also..... ;D.......that is why WE LOVE YOU TOO! ;D
  7. I do know FOR FACT that the twirlers made that up on their own. Ms. Julie had NOTHING to do with that number! She was just as shocked and embarrassed as everyone else in the audience! THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!
  8. I knew you were picking about the stall Russ! I was just picking back! ;D Maybe we can talk to the Booster Club about the Wall of Athletes?
  9. We do have a "Hall of Fame"! Check it out at the High School! I am bad because I only know of a few names but.....Ms. Katy Griffiths is one, Will O. Moore...Mr. Spraker........Mrs. Brahm.......etc........(my old time generation, haha) but I really agree with you on giving credit to the past is so due! I will be doing my research because the school district is always appealing to the public for submitting nominations to the "Wall of Fame" honorees! HELP ME ON THAT! MORE STATS! But I cannot go to a restroom with the name Russ on it.... ;D so no, you will NOT get a stall named after you unless the guys want it on their side..... I also totally LOVE SMITTY but unfortunately, I don't think we should name anything after him......he was too cute though.......PRECIOUS!
  10. Russ, Russ.......you know I love you and I do not drink the Purple KoolAid, even though I have purple running through my veins.........BUT......I am OLDER THAN YOU........unfortunately.....haha.....I give you my respect and I appreciate older generation putting their marks in the Dayton Map.....HELLO:? Who DOESN'T love Smitty? I MISS HIM! He was SO CUTE and his job was SO IMPORTANT TO HIM! He was PRECIOUS! BUT talking a LONG TERM TURNAROUND.......again,,,,,,I have been here a LONG TIME ALSO.......man, Stewart is the REAL DEAL......he put DAYTON ON THE MAP.......He is NOT here for Kuddos etc.....he just likes the game of Football.......AND HE DOES SO VERY WELL AT IT! I just disagree with you on this one......even though your my buddy......I just really think the Art of the Dayton Football Team over the last 12-13 years falls on the shoulders of Coach Jerry Stewart. He earned it and deserves it.......DISD is very lucky to have him! But I will say that I appreciate and give KUDDOS to the older generation that brought titles to our town! Thank You So Much!
  11. I am NOT even looking at the previous posts.........I KNOW how THAT GOES......just wanted to say GOOD LUCK CENTRAL! I really believe you CAN DO IT! Get your "Game ON" and "BELIEVE"! This Bronco fan is BEHIND YOU! ;D GO CENTRAL JAGUARS AND DAYTON BRONCOS!
  12. I do not know about playing Friendswood.....ugh......THEY WERE MEAN! But I do know that I am SO PROUD OF THE NEDERLAND BULLDOGS! This BRONCO FAN WAS VERY PROUD OF YOU! ;D
  13. I'm back! :'( Sad to read the ending! I agree, HOLD YOUR HEADS HIGH! YOU DID GOOD! Everyone knows that in the playoffs...it is ANYONES GAME! GREAT JOB NEDERLAND!!! Hush "bronco"...don't BLOW MY COVER! ;D (sorry, but an inside joke here....he just knows me too well....... :-\).......Don't you tell them that I don't know how to text either! ;D HEADS HIGH NEDERLAND! GO BRONCOS!
  14. NO! Boss looking at me.......gotta get off! COME ON NEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!
  15. I am dying here.,........updates? GO NEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!
  17. haha.......No work would be getting done huh? ;D We are safe.....we can both keep playing like we are working.......two different jobs........ COME ON NEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!
  18. I am in the same situation as ryker so please, post the updates! Time, quarter etc.!
  19. WOO HOO! GO NEDERLAND!!! Can you tell my ex was from Magnolia?? ;D haha.......I was the DIE HARD BRONCO at the time and of course, still am....BUT GO NEDERLAND BULLDOGS!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  20. I heard it was a rib injury.......not sure though........I also just read in the Baytown Sun that the game would be Saturday in the Woodlands? Of course they had our game in Elgin too..
  21. Yes, that is the same one! I have a habit of calling him "Coach Toups" because when he first came to Dayton, he was a coach.
  22. Aww! While at the Dayton game, you had a Crosby fan sitting in front of me and yall were winning! (as in Crosby)......Bless his heart, he was sitting at the Dayton game and yet he was listening to the Crosby game........Where is the thread to plays etc.? I know, I will look again....it has to be on here somewhere! I was really hoping to see yall go all the way since you took out the L-Train........plus I was kind of hoping to see another Hwy 90 shootout........you got to admit...those are FUN! Heads up Crosby! YOU DID GOOD!
  23. I was very worried about you Toups! I was happy for the thumbs up that you were alright! Now I know why you love Dayton Football......You KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME! Thank you for your Hilights etc....and all that you do for the students at DISD! I heard the game would be at Deer Park? UPDATE! HOW ABOUT THOSE BRONCOS?!!!!! ;D
  24. Lionfan.....your a CLASS ACT! WE ALL COULD LEARN FROM YOU! :-*Thank you for your post and Congrats! Your Lions had us on our toes and you owe me a heart attack pill! ;D Totally different game from last year to this year! Your team should hold their heads high.....the win wasn't a cake walk for us! Again, Thank You for your post and your class!
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