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Everything posted by Raider81

  1. This is awesome news.  I wrote to Dr. Sims last season regarding the sound system and scoreboard, as I am sure he received many complaints from others.  Sometimes, squeaky wheels do get the grease.
  2. This is 20-4A high school football. Anything can happen, every single year, every single game. What's past is past and is of no real consequence to this week's game or any other future game. Those of you with long histories of winning traditions, good for you. Support those who finally have a program in place that works. All of you be grateful for what you do have and remember that no one deserves to be arrogant or cocky. This game could go either way. I will pull for my Raiders, as a good fan should, and leave the idiocy to others.
  3. Personally, I think that the cheerleaders and drill team would be short a few members and the volleyball game would be played. That's how it would roll in my world, anyway. It would be either that, or the girls would no longer be a member of either team.
  4. Why? Unfortunately, Lumberton won because we took advantage of mistakes by Silsbee. Silsbee nearly handed our butts to us. Our defense was not stopping them and our offense was continually shut down by their defense. Silsbee has only themselves to be mad at.
  5. 2 pt conversion good. Lumberton 20 Silsbee 14
  6. TD Silsbee 20-12 Lumberton Tigers lookin for a 2pt conversion
  7. I keep hearing these comments about how BH hung with PN-G, as if PN-G is the team to beat in SE Texas or something. No offense to Indian faithful but PN-G was 3-7 (I think) last year and averaged around 19 points a game. I still feel like BH has a good chance to "upset" Lumberton tonight but I don't know that we need to hand a team coming off of a 3-7 season the district trophy just yet. In fact, if BH is as improved as I feel they are, I'm surprised they didn't beat PN-G themselves last week. Then again, the Indians may have regrouped in the off-season and may put it to the rest of 20-4A this season. Right now, I don't know that we have enough to go off of to refer to them as a "tough opponent" for anyone. Good Luck Raiders! Why would it be a upset if BH won??? Is it because Lumberton has had 2 winning seasons in there history?? I'd like to know why. Perhaps because Lumberton is coming off two back-to-back winning seasons and PNG, despite their history, is not. Regardless of that, those that say it's far too early to have enough inforrmation to make an educated prediction are correct. At this point, it's anybody's game, and that, my friends, is the unvarnished truth. Good luck to both teams and I hope the weather holds out. We can't make the trip, as we've got one that has to be at work tonight and will need a ride home sooner than we'd be back.
  8. We dont, We cant, And none for the last question. It would take away from High School Football to play in a dome, until you get to the playoffs or State My thoughts exactly!
  9. Why would SETX need a domed stadium? How would we support a domed stadium? What would be the justification for having one?
  10. Just a question regarding the facilities, by which I mean the fieldhouse specifically. Yes, it's old, but other than that, what's wrong with it?
  11. In all my years of high school, (there were only four), and all the years that have expired since, I have NEVER attended a basketball game. Basketball sucks! I have, however, attended many football games.
  12. You know, my son played soccer for the first time this past fall for HCYS. He had the time of his life. He absolutely loved it. However, I know absolutely NOTHING about what most of you are posting about and honestly, from the sound of it, I really don't want to know. I can tell say this, however. 14-0 is a very lopsided score. Sounds like the coach did everything he could to keep from running the score up short of forfeiting the game. Would that have made this Friendswood person happy? If the other team didn't show up to play, and the coaches and the girls did everything within their power to NOT run the score up, whose fault is it that it wound up 14-0? There are times to be upset, like when that basketball team did NOT try to keep from scoring and spanked their opponent 100-0. But, if the coaches and the team tried to do other things than run the score, then there's no gripe available to anyone! Honestly, it's this kind of utter crap that makes me pray that my son doesn't try out for soccer next year or if he does try, he doesn't make it. Friendswood, click the power button. You need a life.
  13. Que sera, sera ... whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see ... Que sera, sera.
  14. All that means is that LaMarque called ... and as stated before, he's gonna get calls. It also means that whatever information you have is hearsay on the side of Credeur and you're still overlooking the fact that talk is cheap. All you're actually trying to do is stirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the pot for some unknown reason.
  15. There's no question that Lumberton pays its faculty less than just about anyone around. It's a real shame too. But some of you people are acting like Credeur is paid ten bucks an hour. I hardly think that's the case. For all any of you know, his salary is just short enough of the principal's salary to be legal and, for all you know, he and the principle will receive raises this year. Yes, Credeur is going to be hunted, courted, wooed and sought after. Goes without question. But I really feel in my heart that he's not planning a move or truly interested in a move. And, for those of you thinking you have inside information, well ... unless you've spoken to the horse, you've spoken to no one that really knows anything. Rumors and factual meetings can serve more than one purpose.
  16. It would not be a surprise to find schools trying to recruit Credeur. But just because they may be courting him doesn't mean he's leaving. I've said it before and I'll say it again ... Credeur has come home. I really don't think he's interested in moving anywhere else at this point in time.
  17. You know, seeing this thread get bumped back up today (for whatever odd reason), made me look at the headline in a whole new way. "CROSBY UPSETS LUMBERTON!" Whoever would have thought that anyone would have "upset" Lumberton!
  18. I would vote for THAT bond issue! You better vote to give the man a raise or he is going to take the six figures PNG will offer him. Just sit back and watch. NO WAY! the man has started something here that no one ever has, do you honestly think Lumberton is going to let him go? coach C isn't going anywhere . it's pretty obvious that you don't understand who he or what he is about! for those who know him, including myself, know that he is more than a dollar sign.besides lumberton gave him the AD title before he even went to the playoffs, and now that he has done that 2 years in a row...his home is here. I do see it as a compliment that png would consider him, with their winning tradition. who wouldn't want him? as a relative of Coach Credeur ....id put my money that he aint going anywhere Thanks, Piratefan ... that's exactly what I've been saying every time this comes up.
  19. It's a bandwidth problem. Unfortunately, to get more bandwidth would cost more bucks ... and might mean the end of the free membership here. It is frustrating and it happens to me just about every week.
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