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Everything posted by Raider81

  1. You'd be very wrong about this. It starts with the game and just doesn't stop. Perhaps you'd like to sit in the handicap section with us sometime and try it on for size.
  2. The main problem I had with this type of thing was when we'd take my niece, who is in a wheelchair, to a game. Haven't you people ever heard of eating at home before the game? There does not need to be a constant stream of people going to and from the concession stand. Please note, lots of people like to watch the bands, too. Also, go sit yourself down on a bleacher seat. Don't hang on the rail. My niece, who is six, complained because all she got to see was butts. If you have younger kids and they aren't able to sit through the game, find them a babysitter and leave them at home. They don't need to be hanging on the rails either.
  3. WoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooo Dayton! Way to go, Dayton, Way to go!
  4. Who hijacked the thread? This was a do not post about the L-train thread, which actually is an L-train post, which mean we should still be posting about the L-train. Lumberton is behind Dayton all the way.
  5. There were 30 seniors on the L-train this year.
  6. Our Raider family is pulling for Dayton. We're not bitter about losing to Waller at all, but we still want ya'll to kick their butts! ;D Anywho, having attended the Lumberton/Waller game, I can say this. They're big, they're strong and they're fast. They run the ball a lot and they have a way of hiding it so it's very hard to follow who has it. They're VERY good at that. They hit hard, really, really hard. I think Dayton can pull it off, but it's not going to be a cake walk. Pen them puppies on the porch, Broncos!
  7. It's not a Raiders thread, it's a Southeast Texas thread. Just because I happen to be a Raider alum doesn't make it a Raider thread! I wouldn't presume to start another Raider thread because Pimp is so tired of all the Raider threads. I mean, one more Raider thread would be so redundant, wouldn't it?
  8. I'm so glad I found this board! You guys are all awesome. The support you show for teams other than your own is fabulous. Give yourselves a huge pat on the back. GO RAIDERS!!!!
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