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Everything posted by BCcardbacker

  1. But that was a quote from one of your clan wasn't it? Guess it doesn't apply to you or your followers. And I am not worried at all about how many balls my son catches, that was taken care of when you and yours took over, so this year will be no different from last as far as how many balls he catches. that got shut down as soon as possible. You should feel very proud of that and you have it down to an art. Let me make a suggestion, go wallow in your glory, and don't read my "crap" because you can't take it when someone says something about how things are done in BC, you get your panties in a wad. I know my kid is a good kid, and sad thing is, he worked hard to get where he was and had a very good chance of playing after high school, but the powers that be shut all that down very very fast, because he went from having many yards rec. to almost nothing last year and now the same. So don't tell me a thing about my son, he has more heart and character and love for the game than you could ever imagine, BUT the dream he has had all his life of playing football in college is gone. He knows now that will never happen because his numbers fell off so bad with the new qb. But why bother with any of that, you could care less what players get the shaft for your little regime. But he never stops supporting his team and teammates, isn't that ironic? So you take your advice and "run son run" comment and feel proud of how things work in this town.....your town.........and lets hope the sophmores that are on this team now and doing very well don't get the same treatment next year or their senior year. Do you think these kids parents might want to know why were they treated the same way......................but I am sure they have nothing to be concerned about, this could be an isolated case don't you think? You tell me if #24 has 1000 yards this season, then gets thrown to very very seldom the next year and has a fraction of the yards, then the senior year it's the same thing, no yardage, no passes, that no one will be upset or want to find out why? Get real! Anyone would want to know why. So, you be very concerned about how your community is seen, and heaven forbid if the truth got out that it's not perfect. And I would watch out how you preach to others on here and yet you get on another thread and talk trash about OF. And when you start saying crap about "I am not his family.".......that's a dead givaway.
  2. "There is no "I" in team" right? Good job Cardinals, ALL of you, and get ready for the Bears!
  3. Great article, Gabe! Derrick is a class act and a good kid! Seems like Orangefield has an excellent coach that will take the Bobcats to another level of play. Some teams might be in for a surprise when playing against them. Good luck OF, just not when you come to BC!
  4. Nobody can take you serious when you keep saying they won 1 District game last year, They won 2 District games to OF and HF, Not saying that's much better than 1 but had to point that out... [/q I stand corrected, and you know this is so ridiculous, and everyone is so quick to accuse me aof whinning, wearing the scarlet letter beause I stated an opinion, and it's all becuase no one can answer the question at least not honestly so the attention need to be adverted from the real point of why this kid is not getting the ball at all. Is BC's offense so great that they don't need to use him, or do some of you think that a kid runs his routes time and time again, gets open but doesnt' get the ball thrown to him at all is "teamwork". And people are noticing so some jomp on here and try to justify this by accusing people of whining, and all the other stuff they like to add but no one has given a reason at all. But guess that isn't surprising considering.
  5. sounds like you are the only one with the stupidity jealousy problem to me....you make my head tired too!!!! HA! Nope, I don't have one thing to be jealous about as far as this subject is concerned and that is evident time and time again. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. If your head is so tired, then why are you reading? There's your sign...........and wanna explain about the scarlet letter? Oh, or is it that nothing that goes on in BC can be discussed openly because then your kid will have to pay or maybe be taken out? That's about right so guess we should just say BC football is heads and shoulders above everyone else, all the players are equal in ablility, blah, blah, blah. This is a football forum and if stating or answering a question on here is sewing a scarlet letter on my shirt, then it's more politically pathetic than I thought.
  7. New name? LOL! And no, guess you don't hear very well, no one is whining about a certain player not getting enough playing time or being in the limelight. There was a question asked as to why a player doesn't get the ball when he HAS proven himself for two years, but I guess you don't understand that. And it is football, a team should use whatever they have to become better, not take a player that is good and totally take them out of the game. Or guess little Bobby might not look as good if someone does something well, so the idea is not to ever throw them the ball..........................now that's building a program! And please.............played an awesome game? Defense looked good, offense wasn't impressive at all, with the difference in the two kickoff returns which were great and the throw from a player that someone wants to shut down to Dishon. And how well do you think the team will do against WOS, Silsbee, HJ, OF? Maybe they will win one game in district, like last year? And you as a fan are so happy with that? So if you think someone is whining, so be it, it is ignorant that they don't use what they have on the field because of stupidity, jealousy, whatever the reason is, and its because of people like you that are happy with a shabby offense and winning one district game that makes it "awesome" and as long as so and so is on the field playing a key position, doesn't matter how bad they play, you are happy. That's a shame too because of the talent that IS on this team. BC should be much better than they are with the players they have and that includes the new younger guys who have already shown what they bring to the table.
  8. WOS by however much Coach Hooks wants it to be. It could get outta hand early.
  9. I would like to know that also..................he was one of the leading receivers in district as a soph and just about every play manages to get open, but last year and now this year.............................he will never get a pass and it's blatantly obvious that the qb refuses to throw to him or the coach has told the qb not to throw to him........................either way, after his soph. year he has been taken out of the receiving practically all together and had an outstanding year then and the numbers speak for themselves. And your question has been asked by numerous people, but not sure of the answer other than what I said above. And it's become so obvious that it's laughable. This team is loaded with good receivers and there is no I in Team. First of all, no one said anything about the team not having good receivers so what does your answer mean. And as far as your quote, maybe there are a few on the team that you should address that to, because Rhodes is the first one to congrat another player on something done well whether you want to admit it or not. And perhaps you should read your previous post, seems you are making a few "the team". And apparently you are saying because the team is "loaded with good receivers" that's the reason Rhodes does not get thrown the ball? Explain that one if you can. and Rhodes is a senior, has been all district the past two years and has a bit more experience than those you named, has proved time and time again he can go up in the air to catch a ball and take the hit and hold onto the ball. How many times have these you are so high on done that? But it's obvious you think the newcomers are "all that" and it's okay that a proven receiver for the third year doesn't get thrown the ball. Maybe it's because he might do better than someone else and that wouldn't bode well would it. And I have the tapes of the games the past two years, would you like to sit down and see how many times he is open but won't get the ball? It's really pretty amusing and you might enjoy the humor in it, because that's what it is and for whatever reason, someone doesn't want Rhodes to get the ball and he doesn't.
  10. Congrats to all! Lots of local talent and can't wait for the first game! And Big Pat (Carlton), so glad you made it and we can see you play!
  11. Luke Rhodes, by far, has the best hands on the team. He has lost a step but does manage to get open. The problem is, the QB's are inaccurate on short passes and like to throw deep, their best attribute. I don't think anybody will disagree, that knows, that Lemoine and Rhodes have had their problems but, Lemoine wants to win and it ain't that!! You might be surprised at the times he runs, he is certainly not slow even losing a step. But point is, he will get open short, long, mid, but very very seldom will get the ball. Most coaches would have buillt on his ability and great hands and used it, but not the case. And with the receivers on the team, seems like BC should be a threat to the teams we play. Something just is not right and again I believe this team is loaded with talent, just the talent is going to waste by not being used. We beat Liberty, should win this Friday, but what about district...................are we prepared for the teams we are going to face? That is where the real "teams" stand up, so I hope we can be ready and competetive then. And we can't live and die on the long pass, so why don't we get someone in who can throw the short pass if that is the case. And who was the JV qb?
  12. I would like to know that also..................he was one of the leading receivers in district as a soph and just about every play manages to get open, but last year and now this year.............................he will never get a pass and it's blatantly obvious that the qb refuses to throw to him or the coach has told the qb not to throw to him........................either way, after his soph. year he has been taken out of the receiving practically all together and had an outstanding year then and the numbers speak for themselves. And your question has been asked by numerous people, but not sure of the answer other than what I said above. And it's become so obvious that it's laughable. jacf, let me apologize for sounding so negative in the above answer.................actually its all in BC's scheme of things I guess so whatever reason he got yanked out of the limelight is all fine and not surprising at all. But, at least he has a touchdown pass this year so that's a good thing, lol! And he hopefully will have baseball to look forward to as it is his last year and he did very well there last year.
  13. Wishing you a speedy recovery Kirby!
  14. I would like to know that also..................he was one of the leading receivers in district as a soph and just about every play manages to get open, but last year and now this year.............................he will never get a pass and it's blatantly obvious that the qb refuses to throw to him or the coach has told the qb not to throw to him........................either way, after his soph. year he has been taken out of the receiving practically all together and had an outstanding year then and the numbers speak for themselves. And your question has been asked by numerous people, but not sure of the answer other than what I said above. And it's become so obvious that it's laughable.
  15. Congrats Cards! The game was full of surprises................................2 kickoff returns for scores, pass from receiver to another receiver for score, but I was really impressed with the field goal kick! That kid booted the ball!
  16. Hate to hear of the injury to Kirby. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family from BC. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  17. I do not believe the talent level is down, but quite the opposite. There are numerous kids on this team that are all around athletes with above average ability. These include several seniors, juniors and sophs which have played football from a very young age and are not getting the recognition nor coaching in order to display their abilities. Now that could be because the coach does not like them, they don't showboat their abilities, they have had the confidence stripped away so they just go play with a little less enthusiasm just so they can play, only certain team members get recognition and no matter what they do or can do, they aren't one of the players that coaches push, and the list could go on and on, but regardless of why some of these athletes are ignored, not utilized to the best of their ability, or just shoved aside for no apparent reason, BC football should be much better than they are due to the good athletes that are on this team and the situation needs attention or this is going to be a very, very long year for players and fans alike. I hope someone gets the team together before it gets really ugly in district play and that is a shame because everyone knows what talent some of these kids have.
  18. You show how ignorant you are with post like that. Crawl back into your black hole and be miserable. I hope your type does not spawn. 8) I am with you ETBU! Hopefully BC just had a really bad day with Shepard and will get it all together for Friday's game against Liberty. Time will tell! Good luck Cards, work hard to get the kinks out!
  19. You know I have heard that for the past three years, and I have to agree with you, but why does BC keep trying to run the spread which is not working now, and hasn't worked for the past 2 seasons. Doesn't make much sense.
  20. Defense held them to two first downs, they are going to be stout defensivly this year. A little too early in the year to call out the coaches, it's just pre-season. So seems like the defense is holding their own, but what the heck is wrong with the offense? Why are we not moving the ball and scoring?
  22. All I can say is AWESOME! You guys have everyone in Bridge City pulling for you and we are very proud of what you have done to this point. Go get em in the next game! Great job Coach! GO BIG RED!
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