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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Dayton's offense is good, run defense is real good, pass coverage sucks...... big time
  2. The crown jewel stadium of liberty county,,, surely you jest,,, it's ridiculously large on one side and rather small on the visitors side,,,and parking is a joke, stadium holds about 10,000 with parking for 1,500 how many playoff games have been played there since it opended,,, I recall 1
  3. Nederlands defense is not what it used to be, i keep hearing about all these 2 and 3 year starting qb's but they never deliver, they have the luxury to play all the week teams first so they usually are 3-0 or 4-0 in district, then they go on a 2 or 3 game losing streak towards the end of the season I have watched Nederland for about 15 years, 1 or 2 games a season, the defense used to punch you in the mouth, now they play soft
  4. What are we picking them for High School or College High School i'd go with Tyrik College i would go with Cody (the other guy i know nothing about) Cody can learn a play book, one can't spell play book But then again Vince Y. was a excellent high school player, great college player, i doubt he can spell NFL, had the lowest wonderlik score (6) in the history of low wonderlik scores
  5. so where is this guy going to play after high school?
  6. Dayton will have to play as close to perfect as possible, no dumb penalties, no snaps over cody's head, no negative punts.
  7. sulfur springs defense looks vulnerable, lots of things to exploit
  8. I hear that Sulfur Springs Q.B. is pretty good, whats his name? (Radio is what i hear most people call him) whatever that means,,, LMAO ;D
  9. I went to sulphurspringstx.org and looked at some info,,, look at the downtown pic, i swear thats a picture of daytons main street ;D [Hidden Content]
  10. What are you our momma now
  11. A masters degree,,,, are you kidding me,,,, are there any "high school football coach 101" courses out there????? PN-G will battle LC-M for last place next year, Why would Credeur leave Lumberton for PN-G anyway??? That would be like Mack Brown leaving UT for North Texas or Aggie Land (i was going to say Baylor, but they win games now) ;D
  12. Tivy never gave up, neither did Dayton, what a game
  13. What a crazy game, dayton had their backs against the wall, playing against kerrville and the referees,,,, and that punt, LORD
  14. Actually Cody i a so so kicker, they go for 2 just as often as they kick the extra point, this was the 1st field goal attempt in 2+ years that i can remember. I think the first extra point was missed by dayton in this game and they made the 2 pint conversion on the second touchdown
  15. Has a team ever not showed up for a game???? These kind of comments always make me laugh
  16. Wow this game is Dayton VS Kerrville-Tivy & Referee's They calling Dayton for EVERYTHING, Kerrville-Tivy nothing
  17. I hope this was Daytons bad half, both defense's are playing pretty good
  18. Dayton is there own worst enemy, maybe they got it worked out, 14-12 2 point conversion to follow
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