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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Its almost midnite cinderella, time to turn in those glass slippers ;D ;D ;D
  2. Now that i have picked central, lumberton will surely win
  3. Heres the score peeps, right it down Central 42 Lumberon 17
  4. I would settle for interesting, it seems as i have been watching the same halftime show for 3 years in a row, i 'll be glad when they turn the churping cricket off
  5. Oh yeah, central takes this game, lumberton is about to start another streak
  6. I like centrals halftime show, with the chicken noodle soup, lmao, i used to like ozen, but ozens halftime show is as boring as daytons now
  7. I hate to say this, but i don't think anyone in 22-4A can beat crosby, they look pretty dang good this year
  8. Its strange not to see a dayton rusher in there
  9. Yeah the Q.B. for Ozen had a brain fart, the buzzer sounded and he just stopped, and got hit by 4 or 5 dayton players at about the same time and got up a little wobbly.
  10. anyone got any stats, i'd like to know how many passes we chunked
  11. Yes new Q.B. for dayton, all i have to say is the passing game is fixed, whoever we play they should be ready to defend the pass, we pass a bunch
  12. You might win a few games here and there, but not much else. I wonder what coach stewart could have done with some of the previous dayton teams, i would have like to have seen ivory durio play for stewart
  13. i heard he was 2nd string q.b. but was also hurt, and a.j. is actually the 3rd string q.b. i also heard that he was as good a passer as cody green, just hearsay, guess i'll see friday night
  14. I heard rumors to that affect, i guess you just confirmed it
  15. I'm glad you are keeping track of me, whoever you are
  16. How many yards, touchdowns does john have? I checked the chronicle stats, these are the rushing leaders for dayton, i don't know if the lumberton game has been included in this yet or not #1 Cody Green (2 games) #2 A.J. Dugat #3 Ronnie Powel #4 Ford Smesney I don't remember Cody ever punting 12 yards, i think that was the average for the 1st 3 games, heck it might have been 15 yards
  17. Dayton has big problems also, stop a.j. and you stop the broncos offense, they have no running back to speak of, punting game is the worst ive ever seen.
  18. Theres one good thing about dayton losing to lumberton, maybe the wos people will stop bragging about beating dayton in every other post, who's gonna brag about beating a 1-3 team ;D
  19. Good job raiders, and for all the people talking about the ref's, thats what kind of calls you get when you have 3 FIGHTS IN 3 GAMES, dayton brought it on themelves And if dayton does not find a Q.B., R.B. & decent punter, THEY WILL GO 0-6
  20. Is the radio working, i turned it off, i could hear ole bill running his head
  21. Pretty weak, there will be no 3rd rounders in this bunch, the only way they get to the 2nd round is by playing a very weak 21-4A, which this year is a little better than average, i don't see a sweep of 21-4A this year
  22. If someone buys them a ticket, they will
  23. I don't see either team contending for the district championship, both of these teams will finish in the bottom 3
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