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bayou city 713

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Everything posted by bayou city 713

  1. Not to mention that any give year the special All USA prep teams have and can be beat by juggernaut Houston High Schools, and have in the past. Used to witness It at the Academy Tourney every year when it was held here. Carmelo Anthony, Tyson chandler , Micheal Beasley, Martellus Bennett , jarien grant , and several Rainer Beach , and oak hill teams that were stacked with multiple one and doners .. watched the great willowridge , Waltrip , milby and yates teams .. and don’t think any could beat a d one program. Like you say we would know who the best players are but I’d take the college kids.
  2. Tucker is a specialist in the nba that knows what his role wit the rockets . He wasn’t a hot prospect coming out of Ut . He was drafted in the 2nd round and was a journeyman just like a couple of those southland conference players will be , some will go over seas , some into the nba Undrafted and be specialist .. all college players are closer to being a finished product and knowing their roles than High school players
  3. Bruh I think u missed my point .. I know there’s a difference. I’m just saying from a competition standpoint. the point I’m trying to make is that regardless of sport it’ll be Very hard for an elite group of kids that are 15-18 to beat college Level kids that are 17-22..one of the main reasons is due to the 17-22 year old group having faced elite experience and competition. Experience and competition that you can’t replicate on the high school level.. only my opinion tho ..lol
  4. Pj tucker uses other things that comes with experience and being a NBA veteran to make up for his lack of height and other deficiencies . The best big man in college would struggle vs him, he’ll they would even struggle vs harden down low. You guys are u underrating basketball experience , and basketball experience vs competition.
  5. When I was younger I would debate my gpa And uncle on whether on the best 5a high school Football team could beat the worst swac team , my gpa would be like no because what the college players lack physically they supplement it with experience/iq and technique
  6. Is all of mv key players seniors ? I agree that if the game was played we would no doubt know who the best players are in the game.. but the major mismatch is college upper classmen vs 10th graders... regardless of height and size , maturity and Basketball iq is a big advantage... especially when ya dealing with kids that are in the 15-22 age range .. each year is a huge gap until u reach ur peak
  7. I can agree with them dragging yates but a mid level D1 college team idk bruh .. especially a team full of upperclassmen ... the iq and physical level of 21-22 year olds .. idk bruh !!
  8. sounds like ur bitter and have excuses already
  9. Yea ok !!!... but to poo on ur parade ... based on what yates have coming back they’ll be favs to win region again next year .. so step ur game up and stop wanting to move the Goal post when it doesn’t benefit y’all
  10. Wow .. ya think so ? I think that would be super tough
  11. Facts .. the kids, parents and fans deserve better than that. Parking and getting into that place is horrible The Alamodome isn’t even a good place to watch a football game.
  12. Yes that’s crazy ..he received a warning today .. but in 12 years ion think him or any of his players have ever received a tech .. have never seen any of his players do anything borderline dirty
  13. I thought this was a game day thread and i see ur super salty!! the transfer thingy goes both ways ..kids in Houston are less stable than pretty much anywhere else in the state . I see it’s kinda hard for most on here to understand that ..most of you all want to draw the line up until the point to where it stops benefiting you ... Stop knit picking and congratulate the kids for their accomplishments
  14. The gap will close some but They will still be the favorites next year .. 23,12, and 5 are Also super solid and are starters pretty much every where else ...
  15. He’s carrying them On his Back for sure ..should have at least that and some this game
  16. 4 for silsbee is a dog .. hasn’t came out for a second and doesn’t look as if he’s broken a sweat
  17. Entertained meaning he did nothing ..he Simply smiled and said something in his teams defense to the ref ... and him almost dying Does not give Him a pass to be disrespectful towards the officials ...did he even go shake wises hand after he fouled out ? IMO as far as the crowd the coach should not be screaming back and forth with anyone in the crowd.. in this situation the coach is the professional.. not classy by the crowd or the coach ... then the interview afterwards ... low class
  18. Absolutely not ... don’t know what ur trying to reach for but to set the record straight I’m black and yes it’s harder for us but do I complain about it. No I don’t ... Off subject .. let’s return to the topic
  19. Disrespect towards the official Resulting in him getting a tech and the coach pretty much being entertained by it ... didn’t pull him out the game or pull him to the side .. he basically sided with his player and barked at the officials after the tech ... Poor class and some sour /salty loser type stuff...Then to scream in the audience And make those statements after the game ... then y’all on here justifying it
  20. Life being uneven and unfair for everyone
  21. A lot of those kids have ties to yates .. great grandparents, grandparents , or parents went there ..yates is a very old school ...with yates basketball ur argument goes both ways ... they lose kids to the ft bend schools which are always exceptional in basketball , they lose kids to Prep and private schools ... this balances out.. yates does not have to recruit any players ...players already want to go there ..
  22. I Work hard , and control the things that I can control, I don’t complain To my kids about the unevenness ..I tell them to work hard and treat everyone like they want to be treated ... but I’m not gonna make a big issue Or go to the media about something that I’ was guilty of doing years back ...Clay Davis was Clearly out of line for those comments and for allowing his player to be disrespectful..and y’all are on here Justifying his comments , actions / lack of actions
  23. So it’s justified for HJ to benefit from a marginal .transfer as long as it’s only one super star ... ...sounds Either hypocritical.or sounds like moving the goal post to me ...Is it fair that everytime that yates play In Huntsville it’s 5 vs 8 ? When they lost to silsbee in 2018 was anybody saying that ? Stop with the excuseS where I’m from life is uneven for most people
  24. I see you’re the type of person that likes to move the goal post ..
  25. Not saying that ... im saying it pretty much balances out .. nobody brings this up when they lose , ( nobody says yates lost because Tyrone went from Cullen to Strake , or they lost because Deandre Jordan decided to attend a prep school etc ...) and Are u saying that they should continue to get raided and just do nothing ... if Schools are legally finding loopholes to snag ur schools players .. wouldn’t u want ur school to do the same ?
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