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Everything posted by hut42

  1. yes hopefully these two teams will even get to compete tonight before the rain hits
  2. dont know how much is true but I heard Liberty's umpires were terrible...
  3. really have not heard much from this area...I want to know thoughts, who is going to take the district, who the best pitchers, hitters, fielders are? lets see what yall think?
  4. Who cares if they are freshman and sophmores. they are playing on the varstiy level so it does not matter how old they are
  5. didnt cleveland already beat the wildcats? and Ryan Shoquist is not the wildcats ace..Trey Gill is their ace.. Ryan Shoquist must have been the person who wrote this message before mine
  6. I think they will they are returning almost all of their starters..
  7. nobody's gonna beat cleveland in cleveland....Its just to impossible with the officiating Cleveland has
  8. # 11 kid from tarkington can shoot pretty good
  9. Yes Tarkington's point guard who is left handed is a pretty good shooter..
  10. Wow cant believe Tarkington beat the cats in Splendora..Congrats Tark
  11. Close game at half 21-22 I think-Liberty...Tarkington started to pull away at the end of the third. Beginning of fourth Liberty slowly making a comeback down by 2 or 3 then Liberty started fouling alot and Tarkington got some easy lay-ups..#11 had 21 or 22 I think..
  12. They Beat Liberty
  13. heard Tarkington played real well that night
  14. HaHaHa I just read this, your not Talking about Hampshire Fanett are you? if so then sorry but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
  15. Tarkington and Splendora both have real good shooters dont know their names though..
  16. Tarkington's # 11 is actually pretty good. I was at the West Hardin vs. Tarkington game in the Colmsneil championship and He was playing hurt and still had about 15 points...
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