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Everything posted by bigbasketballfan

  1. It never surprises me how some try to justify and excuse vulgar or offensive behavior. I thought we were to inspire each other to be better people in every aspect of our lives and to expect people to be a little better each day. I find it very refreashing to see people conduct themselves with class and integrity in our society that is so full of garbage and trash.
  2. As a player I was cursed at during practices and in the locker room, but never on the floor. I have since seen coaches curse at players during games. Does it happen, yes. Does it happen in the real world? Yes. I find it interesting that when a person askes the other at work if he/she curses at home in front of the kids, most of of the time they say no. So, why then do they think it is acceptable to do it all? Why then does a coach, which let us not forget one of the roles of a coach is to be a ROLE MODEL, do it even on the floor during a game? The definition of profanity is: "Profanity is a weak mind trying to express itself strongly." Enough said.
  3. Glad to see that Leggett showed restraint. I can only imagine if they wanted to run up the score on a obviously inferior team.
  4. Ditto team first. What is wrong with being professional? What is wrong with expecting a little bit more from a player. I think it is classy when the team, the entire team dresses. I as a parent and fan notice it and appreciate it.
  5. 48newyorker, by the way you try to explain not making calls, I am beginning to wonder if your whistle even as a ball in it. The way I read your explainations, you seem to focused on advantage/disadvantage verses actually calling a rule. You say you "don't want to take away from his move to the hole"? When on the floor does that moment actually begin I wonder. At the top of the key, mid-court, or during the inbound pass? I think after all of this back and forth, we have covered the topic in that, some ref's will not call the rules consistently through out an entire game and others will. Thus the frustration by the players, coaches and fans that prompted this blog in the first place. I think all would agree that some calls are missed, that is only human, but for a ref to be in position and to not call a rule out of advantage/disadvantage or for some other reason/excuss is what prompted this whole discussion days ago. I too find it hard to understand why there is not any accountability to the ref's. The coach is, the players are, the fans are, but not the ref? The ref can throw a fan out, sit the coach down and even eject him. So why isn't there a mechanizem to deal with a ref? I just seems that the ref has an undue advantage when he or she steps onto the court. If a fan is tossed, he or she will then have to deal with the schools administration and take the UIL course. Does the ref ever have to be sat down and take a UIL course or be "warned"? Those of us that have watched enough basketball to be bench sore, have seen the good ref's and the bad ones. It just seems we are seeing more bad than good. What have we learned from all of this?
  6. Not in order: 1: Goodrich 2: Leggett 3:Spurger or Burkeville (the reason Friday's game is so important)
  7. My bad about the game being in Leggett and not in Goodrich. I still am surprised by it though. Hind sight is supposed to be 20-20, but I still felt that Leggett was the better team, even at Goodrich. Still think that these two are the better of the district.
  8. Prayers for the Jones Family. May the players, coaches, families and the rest of the Center basketball family feel God's comfort and peace.
  9. This surprises me somewhat. I saw Leggett as being more fundamental and more physicalthan Goodrich. With the game at Leggett, I thought that the odds favored Leggett. Goodrich is indeed a surprise. It is not over until that ol' lady sings as they say!
  10. No, with playing five and obvious younger players, they just do not have the firepower to challenge. Having seen them, my hat goes off to them. They never give up and do not let the obvious get to them and try to be postive about it. Personally, I cheer for them. What a position that they are in.
  11. So, just for my understanding here. How much shuffling of the feet is not considered a travel? Lets not get confused with calling younger little dribblers games here. Common sense to me would mean following the rules.
  12. I was with you 48newyorker until you started with the "advanage" stuff. So, you will not make a call if there wasn't a "advantage" gained by one of the players? Just where in the rule book does "advantage" fall, as I want to read that part and I know many others would too. Traveling is not traveling unless there was an "advantage" gained? Interesting concept.
  13. Flip the coin......... Call heads.......... Spurger by 4
  14. Goodrich won by 7, but for the most part they were seperated by 4 or less most of the game. Goodrich is very athletic and runs the floor very good. They seem not to like a half court game, they seem much more comfortable in a fast paced run and shot type of game. They have a player #3 that can really shoot well and seems to be the catalyst that makes this team go. Spurger played well, this was just a close game all the way. The rematch in Goodrich in a few might be interesting. I must say that this loss by Spurger disappointed me.
  15. Thanks for the input soonerbeintexas. It has been a couple of years now that I have been to Brookeland's gym/s and each time I left with the strong impression from all of the banners and trophy's in the cases that that school had a long history of good, very good basketball. Now, it just seems that they have faded away fast. I know that schools swing from the bottom of the district to the top and then back down again over a period of time. This is the reason for my question earlier in this string. Thanks for providing insight. I will not even attempt to "read into" the situation anymore that you described.
  16. Not seen Goodrich this year, but my pick is Spurger at home +6.
  17. I have seen West Sabine play and they are good, very good. I haven't seen the others in the district play, so my veiw from the bench is limited here. The question I have is what is going on in Brookeland? I know that they have had a successful program for many years, even up to 2 or 3 years ago. So, what has happened? Just seems strange to me. I know programs go through ebbs and tides.
  18. I agree that the current scheduling is ridiculous. So far I have driven 3 hours, 1:45 & 1:40 one way to away games, getting me home aorind mid-night. What good id this doing the students, staff and families. I can only imagine how effective everyone is the next morning. I know that I am not. What about the safety factor here? I would love to see the look on a superintendents face when he gets that dreaded call at mid-night that the team bus was involved in an accident. Heaven fobid that this would happen, but explain that logic to a resonable person.
  19. Yes, this year I have seen a lower quailty batch of ref's. I do not know what it is, if there is a shortage or just an overall poorer prepared batch of ref's. I have seen several games this year where one of the two ref's seemed to make most of the calls, the other just seemed to run the floor. I have seen ref's stop and argue with coaches while the game is in flow. So, how and who would grade the ref's? The coaches? Really, they would be the only logical ones to do so. So then what? They give a ref's a bad mark? If there is a shortage then who will replace them? Should there be more work done on training them and preparing them for the season? A really hard question to answer as there is not going to be any real solution.
  20. As you can see by the score, this game was never in any doubt. HI has 7 players, so they really do not have a bench if one of the starters gets into foul trouble. Spurger played well and their bench got some quailty playing time. HI really doen't have a big guy to stick in the paint, so if their opponent has a big guy that problem is solved. HI does have two or three guys that can shot the NBA three, so stick someone on their front bumper and workt the screens and you will dampen that one. HI is a scrappy team, is not afraid to get rough and take what the ref's give them. Speaking of ref's, there is another string about grading ref's. I do not know what it is, but the ref's this year have much to be desired. It is a shame that these kids work hard to compete and the ref's become such a huge part of the game. I have always thought that the best ref's were the ones that you didn't even know were there. Went about their business and were fair at both ends. The ref's at this game seemed to not have a clue. Good luck to HI as they have the desire and work hard.
  21. Ditto what Catman stated. A close one, but Goodrich will win this one.
  22. Ditto what "The Spy" just stated. If Spurger does get a inside game going it will be a interesting game. I put this at a Pick or at best a spread of 6 either way. Will go along way in determining the district standing.
  23. Like the guy in the stand said, "game over".
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