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  1. Kountze - undefeated in district E.C. 6-3 Anahuac 6-4 Warren 5-5 Deweyville 4-5 Hardin Buna - no district wins Tonight: E.C. @ Buna Hardin @ Kountze Dville @ Anahuac Warren - bye Tuesday: Kountze @ EC Anahuac @ Warren Buna @ Dville Hardin - bye Friday, 1st : Warren @ Buna Dville @ Kountze E.C. @ Hardin Anahuac - bye
  2. Deweyville is 3-5, and I believe Warren is 4-5. Kountze, E.C, and Anahuac in the top three - not sure of EC and Anahuac order, then Warren and Deweyville, followed by Hardin and Buna. Anyone know Anahuac's record?
  3. What are these two teams district records?
  4. That score is incorrect. The final was Kountze 66 Deweyville 45. Well played game,Kountze. Congrats!
  5. Can anyone update the standings for this district? I know Kountze is undefeated, Buna has not won a district game yet, and Deweyville is 2-3. Anyone know the rest? Thanks!!
  6. 24-2A I think these are correct, please update if anyone sees a mistake. Kountze 4-0 Warren 3-1 E.C. 2-2 Anahuac 2-2 Hardin 2-3 Deweyville 1-2 Buna 0-5
  7. The Hardin returner, Mamerow, played Tuesday night, Dec. 11th.
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