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Everything posted by silverhat

  1. This a great hire by the Mustangs! Toby will do fine there this year and many to come for the Blue and Silver! Talking to him the other day and reading the article in the paper last week he doesn't plan on leaving ever, which is very good for the kids and the community of Orange. He will end up being a great head coach after Dan and Cornel retire. In response to Gasilla comment about the decisions made by the WOC administration, if Cornel or Toby does not become the next head football coach they will have an ENTIRE town of people to answer to. I believe this return by Toby ensures us TRUE Mustang fans that our GREAT football will be secure for MANY years to come!!
  2. I have known Toby since he was coming to the practices and games as a little boy, and I can honestly say that there may not be a more TRUE MUSTANG then he. It was unfortunate the circumstances that transpired last year and I know that just speaking to his father the other day he doesn't plan on leaving ever. One of my main concerns with Coach Hooks and Coach T so close to retirement is who will run the Coral after those two and will it be continued the Mustang Way. Toby coming back for good answers those two questions for me!
  3. You are 100% correct ozensfastest, the staff at WOS does a great job and has for years. However, you have got to give credit to those that have raised the level at WOS. Don't forget that in the history of WOS FOOTBALL this equation holds true NO THOMPSON and NO FOREMAN'S = NO PLAYOFFS!!! UNDISPUTED........
  4. I cant wait to see Cardinal Football back in action!!
  5. I personally being an ex-mustang am glad to see as many of our ex-athletes back at the house, and I think that goes for most schools. I think that almost every school in the area has some alumni working back at home. I think ozensfastest misunderstood the earlier post supporting Toby coming back. I did not take it as bashing the other coaches that are not from WOS, I took it as supporting ex-mustangs that come back home to coach. There is really nothing that can be done about it anyway, Coach Hooks has made his decision and Toby is coming back. I am looking forward to the 2008 Mustangs!!
  6. To be honest he may never leave!!
  7. That is the biggest difference between a place like WOS and a place like OZEN, at WOS you are not measured on what you do against hj, hf, or bc, but what you do against the Giddings, Lavega's, and in the playoffs. I really could care less about what other schools do, but myself and MANY other WOS fans care about this team. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can helf a team get over the hump. For example, Tony Dungy is a great coach and did a great job at Tampa Bay, but the owners had to bring in a different coach to achieve the ultimate goal, which is a ring. Change will come eventually, no matter how bad some of you fight it!!
  8. No matter if it was 1st down, 2nd down, 3rd down, 4th down or 5th down, why was the oc not calling plays in the fourth quarter of a playoff game and the ball on the inch line? Also is the person that called those plays in the Giddings game the same person who call the same plays against Ozen when the ball was on the ONE INCH LINE?
  9. Please don't get me started on this topic! I thought the entire year that Haynes and Gloston were one of the fastest kids around and they rarely got to see the ball. I know we had the Garrett Boys and Hypolite, but whenever we needed big plays they did not have the break a way speed that these two did. I am not sure about Franks!! To me that seemed like one of the biggest differences in this years offense and the one from years past.
  10. Two WOS Mustangs!! One on each side of the ball!! That is a first!! Not bad for a team that played this year with "NO TALENT"
  11. Common now souljaboy! I mean I am not one of those people that complained about the Bay City game, but don't you think yall need to worry about making the playoffs instead of talking smack on a team that has beat yall 3 out of 4 and two in a row. I personally think that we should continue to play bay city and I would rather play the jags rather than ned or png. Honestly, it is hard to put yall on the schedule, because yall really don't give us a game at times. 2004 48 - 0 WOS, 2005 28 - 12, and the clocks ran the entire second half in 2004. This aint ozen, we will be you like you stole something if your not careful!!
  12. SETXGURU I am also confused by the hilldad or hillson, or whoever this poster claims to be today.  You see this poster was taking shots at Cornel and Toby about a month ago, and then he was identified and all of the sudden he thinks these guys are great people and coaches.  I don't know this poster, but I am sure glad he is in L-Town and not at WOS!! 
  13. I had a chance to read Deon's article and it is a very good read. Coach Hooks has several good quotes as well as the current coaches at UT, and it sounds like he is doing very well. Keep up the good work Deon!!!
  14. I actually heard that info from a few lcm backers, but I don't know anything about liberty.
  15. The word out of MUSTANG COUNTRY is he is waiting on the lcm job to come open so he can go back over there.
  16. No dustbuster, I don't think we will give whoever the new guy is this hard of a time, that is unless he continues to fall short for 8 to 10 years like the current guy. We didn't start really getting fed up until after year nine. I hope I made the answer simple enough for you.
  17. You know when Coach T came back it did not take long for the D to get back on track. The samething will happen if Toby were to return. For some reason this is just taking a little longer for the head guy to realize that the current oc is about as good as the former dc. Dan it is time for a change!!
  18. After the Giddings game in 2006 Coach Hooks said on Kogt and the Orange Leader "This one was our fault in the second half, WE GOT OUTCOACHED." He was talking about the oc producing 13 points with half his lineup going to play college football!! I don't know how much proof you need more than that!! He could have said the same thing after Lavega, but I guess he figured since the local sportswriter had already called out the oc then he had been embarrassed enough. Some of you people are in DENIAL!!
  19. Kicker that is the difference between WOS and most of the other programs in Texas. Being outcoached year in and year out and losing to teams that are not as good as the stangs is not going to be accepted. Especially when the same guy on the coaching staff is not getting it done. Don't tell me about our lack of players when we end up with three All Staters on offense, and by the way, that is the most we have EVER had in the history of the school. That can't be used as an excuse and was weak coming out of certain coaches that coach on our offenses. The fact is the only talent that is missing is on our OFFENSIVE COACHING STAFF!! Coach Thompson had ZERO All Staters and produced the #1 Defense in the state!! It is definately time for a change!! The current oc + all these excuses = ZERO FIRST DOWNS IN THE SECOND HALF IN A PLAYOFF GAME, AND ANOTHER LOSS!!
  20. I spoke with the old Coach Foreman the other day and asked him the same question and he told me that Toby had been offered the OC's job at Huntsville, as well as a coaching job at Navarro Junior College, and he had turned both of them down. This conversation was three days ago and I am not sure if something has changed since then. Isn't Navarro where Andre Bevil is at?
  21. ??? ??? Why the haste??
  22. One of the EXCUSES this year from some of the WOS faithfull as to why we couldn't score more points and why we went firstdownless in the second half against Lavega was the fact that we didn't really have any Superstars on offense. However according to the 3A AP ALL STATE TEAM, we have atleast 3 on the offensive side of the ball, and I personally think that Q. Garrett was as good or better than any of the three. This kinda assures what myself and many others have thought all along, it is not the kids, it is the COACHING on the OFFENSIVE side of the ball!!
  23. If you go to the east texas web site it has the first and second team all-staters listed. Tim made 1st Team All-State OL. Congradulations!!!
  24. Im not sure what is going on today. You have posters that appear to be coaches saying there farewells and you have other posters pretending to be from one school and posting on another incorrectly about another school. Very confusing day!! Some less than thrilling people need to get there facts straight.
  25. This is a quote from Thrillhill80 "Since the current oc at WOS hasn't left and tried to come back does that make him loyal?" To answer your question thrillboy, NO, it just means nobody else would hire him ANYWHERE!! If DRH was so good of a coach, then why when Cornel left was there no playoffs? If Cornel were leave again, then I promise you, you will see a drastic drop off in several area's. Team strength, DISCIPLINE, defensive performance, and OVERALL TEAM SUCCESS!! You are very uninformed on the topic at hand. Anybody that would think Cornel Thompson was fired from anyjob is uninformed about what's going on at WOS. Just stick to those two playoff wins yall have in the last 50 years. The best year that Lumberton has ever had is just an average year at WOS.
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