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Everything posted by wasson_25

  1. Thanks for the info courtside and sideline fan I have family that lives in Bremond it should be interesting. Great Job to all the team that made it to playoff. wish district 25a the best luck and lets respect setx
  2. 1 and only- Yes we did win but me and you both know we played horrible.Its easy to say I did that right and hard to say i did this wrong.At this point and time we need to fix what we are not good at. Make our bads our goods and our goods our Stronghold Only 10 days till Bremond
  3. Freethrows was missed on both sides :'( #30 (jones)missed around 8 still finished with 18 points #25(wasson) missed 2 and finshed with 22 points #21(carlos)best freethrow shooter on our team might have missed 3 and finished with 13 points Thats atleast 13 missed freethrows for the Sharks and thats only 3 players
  4. Sharks Will Win Still got to come ready to play though
  5. No disrespect Spurger but i need yall to lose So us Sharks will be tied for 1st and mostly play the tiebreaker at LU... That's if we get passed Hd If Copeland and George match up then whom ever get in foul trouble 1st is the team i could see losing. I can see Poor matching up with Blankenship(hope i spelled it right) but only when Poor is playing D! Their Offence of skill level don't compare Wh will be ready to play in hopes of keeping there playoff dreams alive
  6. It got very loud. Sp fan was screaming and Evadale fans was at it also Our fans was worth 5 points maybe more Now no matter what happens Sabine Pass and Spurger both goes to the playoff.There is only one spot left open. This Friday, what should be the most intense game,will be between Hull Daisetti vs Evadale This game basically tell who take the last spot. If Hd win they go to the playoff If Hd lose they have to beat Sharks
  7. Yeah it makes you ignorant also ;D Your tryng to bring a hard working team down. Its been the same numbers from the past 5 or 6 years If i ask you why your so ignorant thats an interesting question but it's still an insult Moving on...time to get ready for Evadale
  8. The question don't need to be answered. You didn't need to know it when Sabine was getting blownout by 50 You don't need to know it now that they are winning Same kids that got blown out are the same kids winning GET OVER IT SABINE IS HERE GREAT GAME WEST HARDIN.GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF YALL SEASON
  9. I'm sure he wasn't intending to down size the whole district...Just Deweyville He kind of got the right to...Sabine did beat Deweyville plus an D-ville fan came at Sp. Yes we know Kountze are very good but they beat Hd in Kountze by 14. 14 is a game to me...just saying hd is in this area...No comment on Anahuac Rivon is an monster but so is Walker.But Copeland could play and start on any of those teams Truth is Spurger or Sabine could make the playoff in 23-2a be hide Kountze and Anahuac Calm down 2a fan nobodys trying to start an 1a vs 2a
  10. BS had 3starter out and still a close game? which one is it. Is Bs just way better than last year or the surrounding teams are fairly Weak?
  11. DVILLE-GORILLA-Your post is very ignorant. 1 Sabine would whip the floor with your Deweyville.My bad they did whip the floor with Deweyville.D-VILLE wont making the playoffs in 2a and wouldn't make it in 1a 2 High school student don't get accept in Sp.That means our team come from our middle school.If you think our talent comes from our middle school you need to check again(sorry 8th graders) 3 Only one player on our team have went to Memorial for 1 year and while there as a Freshman he Started now he is in the 12th Ignorant baboons like you cracks me up
  12. Ghostt I know we like Spurger but that's kind of stupid... We need Spurger to lose not counting other team out but since Spurger already played us twice its not likely they lose to anyone else beside Hd... Don't know about you ghostt but a tie breaker game sounds pretty exciting. Wouldn't mind seeing Spurger team and Courtside again Goodluck to both teams tonite
  13. We will be looking to destroy West Hardin for more than one reason... Sharks could win by 20+ No we haven't lost a home game this year
  14. Gambit-Don't know who you are don't care who you are Stand or fall we do it as Sabine Pass Basketball Team. There is an old saying a team is only as good as there worst player My Teammate-You are to busy worrying and pointing fingers at who wrote this post that your forgetting we have 5 other teams in our District waiting to tear us apart when they get the chance. Pick each other up not push each other down, Because im Darn sure no team will help us beat them In the end we only have each other Good sign or bad we are still 4-1 ;D
  15. I hope Spurger two starter get ready soon It would be nice to beat Spurger in Spurger but not when two starter are out but a win is a win and who's to say Sabine will even without them I just hope its a good game from start to finish and in the last few seconds the sharks pull it out ;D
  16. Pulling for High Island on this one
  17. Evadale Vs Spurger Game in Evadale i believe I hope Evadale can take this win. but my gut tell me Spurger....Is there big man still out ?
  18. You'll be in for a surprise tomorrow Sharks will protect there house
  19. Yea i mean the Sharks complain about everything : Can't wait to play at the battlefield or whatever the gym is called I hope your point guard come back soon Good luck on the rest of yall season Evadale
  20. Sabine Pass wont let this road win get away how much??? Depends on what shark team shows up
  21. It was a pretty scary game for our sharks Evadale jump on us in took the lead by 14 points After halftime we put a gameplan together and did what we had to do to take the Win Jones and Wasson lead the team both with 20 and both 4-5 assist Carlos with 15 4-5 assist Great Win For The Shark. We head to High Island on Monday to steal one on the road ps Is the standing right? they have Spurger 1-2 that give them a tie for 4th any Spurger fans know?
  22. By 4...wow I doubt it the Sharks will be hungry for this win I hope Evadale don't let being in first get to there head. If so...lets just say we will find out
  23. Not counting the chickens but you'll see tomorrow. But remember we beat Spurger and there nothing you can say about it. If Evadale beat us at home it gives them something Spurger Don't Have Same with any other team that beat Wh at Wh enough said LETS HAVE A GOOD GAME REBELS
  24. Im tryin hard not to blame the refs so im going to say if you was at the Wh game you would know why the Sharks lost... I promise Evadale wont win tomorrow!!! (just my humble opinion) But if some how they do Evadale will win District
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