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Everything posted by bushpilot

  1. One other thing, the 2000 through 2006 years were a whole different system. The 2007 system is only getting better. Don't get too confident, we're gonna bring it this year and many years to come.
  2. EC will lose to Hardin, Anahuac, Kountze, and maybe even Deweville. I would add Buna but I heard they lost a lot of key players, don't count them out though. I do like your stadium though, maybe we could use it this year in the playoffs while ya'll are getting ready for basketball.
  3. I think EC may win 5 games this year. Unless they're as big as everyone in Winnie's mouth, then they might win 8.
  4. Hardin looked very good in this tournament and gained a lot of respect from these 5A schools. They went against some D1 quarterbacks. Hardin has as good a chance as anybody coming away with a state champioship in College Station. Good luck Hornets!! Don't let these idiots on here discourage you, someone always seems to find something to bad mouth you about. Keep on winning, we're all proud of you.
  5. Know nothing about New Boston, gonna pick Buna all the way though. Good Luck!
  6. Where you at panthaplaya? 0 and 3 ?!?! Congrats to Hardin and Jasper!
  7. Some people in this area just can't stand for Hardin or kids from Hardin to succeed at anything. Why bring any negativity to this topic? Is it jealousy? Hardin has been losing for years and now we don't accept it anymore, we want to win and demand it. Two kids from one school, both on the all-state team, both going to Hawaii to play. How many schools in Southeast Texas can match that?
  8. Never underestimate Hardin. I think we'll do just fine against Liberty, probably won't even be close. Oh, by the way, we beat Liberty again this week in both games, the first was a rout and the second was a little closer.
  9. They've done a few fundraiser type things, but mostly help from family and friends and the community.
  10. Nolan is going to Milsaps in Jackson, MS to play for former Alabama coach Mike Dubois, I believe Marsh is going to Blinn.
  11. You are correct, Anahuac won on an interception on the last play of the game so congrats to Anahuac on finally winning at something
  12. Game 1--- 24 to 12 Game 2--- 36 to 0 24 + 36 = 60 12 + 0 = 12 Hardin's JV scored on Liberty in the second game.
  13. It's not often we get two players from the same school in our area selected to the All-State team and a chance to play in a game like this. Great job guys!!!!
  14. Congratulations to Hardin's Nolan and Marsh being selected to play in Hawaii in June.
  15. Panther must be a Liberty fan, thats OK though, I'd be jealous if a small 2A school down the road beat me 60 to 12 in two games also.
  16. The Dickey kid came in to the school probably the second fastest and top five strongest, and this is at the QB position. With the team speed they're returning, look for this kid to captain a strong offense. We're losing a great QB and receiver, but from what I hear Haynes has big plans and expectations next year.
  17. When Crosby wins at any sport, then their fans can mouth about ripping someone. Hardin went underated and unpicked game after game all year and continued to put it on people. Good luck Hornets, lets play our playoff game in Crosby again next year, they won't be needing the field.
  18. Deweyville brought a very balanced and powerful team today. Yes that was nice shot that kid hit to right field. I wanna say congrats to Nolan on an outstanding senior year, can't wait to watch you play on Saturday next Fall!!!
  19. I guess Anahuac didn't get their kids back after progress reports!!
  20. I know Nolan pitched against EC but that was last week, he should be available. If so and Hardin keeps their errors down, Hardin should favor well. They have the team to take the second spot, they just need to realize this and gell together and make the routine plays. You know there's problems when we cheer after a routine fly ball is caught. Good luck Hornets.
  21. Nolan pitched and once again came through. He continues to shine with an outstanding senior year at everything he does.
  22. Are you kidding me, did I just read "when our players get back from progress reports"? I swear I could hear the laughter coming from all over Southeast Texas as I was reading this. Don't count Hardin out at any sport over the next few years. I forgot to mention we are district champs in powerlifting in one of my earlier post. Oh, and flatsmaster, 15, 12, 8, 5 hits, whatever, you got beat. You should be used to Hardin owning ya'll by now, it's been going on all year.
  23. Excuses, excuses, excuses!!!! Was the sun in Anahuacs eyes more than Hardins too? Oh wait a minute, I bet the umpire blew the whole game for them. Better yet, the wind blew in only when they were batting. I can go all day...........You got beat, just like you did in football and basketball and will probably get dominated at the district track meet. Hardin has had a good year, granted most people aren't used to that, but accept it.
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