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Everything posted by bushpilot

  1. Also, before you even start about Villemez, a large part of Hardin's game plan was counting on HD to key heavily on him which we knew would open up a world of other opportunities. That's called great coaching, and HD fell for the bait. Not to mention our receivers blew past the much slower defensive backs all night and Miles was dead on. Now, here's the problem for the rest of Hardin's schedule, you key on Mitch, we kill you with the passing game, you don't, Mitch runs all over you. Good luck!
  2. The HD headhunters were coming, they were just about 10 steps behind a much faster, athletic Hardin team.
  3. 48-17 rout by Hardin. HD only had one legitimate score, a nice pass play with a perfect throw and catch. Their other points were given to them by Hardin on some stupid extra-curricular crap that resulted in like three 15 yard penalties on one play and gave them the ball on the 2. All in all, Hardin showed they were much faster and athletic than HD. Hardin called the dogs off early in the 4th and our reserves held HD to nothing.
  4. HD's JV had some good sized kids and hustled, congratulations!
  5. With the game only a day away, I would like to set some ground rules for the visiting HD group: 1. We ask that players and parents refrain from spitting of tobacco products on the track or new field. 2. As hard as it may be, we ask that fans stay out of the mud in the new stands area. 3. Last and certainly not least, we ask you limit your time in the port-o-john to 3 minutes, it's a restroom not a lounge.
  6. Are you serious? That was your comeback? OK, I'll stay in the same league, thats so old, last time I heard that I fell off my dinosour laughing, or that's so funny I forgot to laugh. OOOOh, got you good this time...LOL
  7. Very well put!
  8. The sad truth is Mitch could rush for 300 yards a game and have sparks flying out of his helmet every time he touches the ball and he still will have people down play his abilities because he's from Hardin and people around here can't stand to give anything or anybody from Hardin anything. I can't wait to see him on the sidelines at Kyle Field next year!
  9. Hey, for the most part, we all love each other 364 days out of the year, just that one night that brings out the demons in all of us. Good luck HD and Coach Slack!
  10. I'm not an EC fan, but I don't see anybody beating them by 3 td's this year.
  11. When you say family, are you admitting most of you are related in HD.......LOL!!
  12. Um hello uknowit, more like dontknowsh*t, that was a compliment to EC. Are you still sitting in the stands wondering what happened in that butt kicking you took last year?
  13. I was at practice yesterday and was told the same thing about the stands so it could be true, HD will be on the side with the portables and Hardin will use their original side with the press box.
  14. I'm still taking Hardin or Anahuac, but EC is always a threat. You notice, this year there's not a lot of topics about them on here, not a lot of trash talking, actually pretty quiet considering the past few summers. Maybe they're the sleeper we're all forgetting about.
  15. The scores in both the HJ(3A playoff returner) and Kelly(4A) game show that Hardin wasn't weak. HD played Warren and Deweville and scored what 3 times in both games, I'd say thats pretty weaK! LOL! But hey, I appreciate the support for your team, good luck!
  16. I know I'm tired of this topic, I'm sure all of Setx is sick of hearing it, but it's just too much fun to stop. Everybody likes hearing HD make idiots of themselves and after Friday you'll be tired of HD's excuses and whinning. I talked with 3 people today that watched their scrimmage and said HD looks weaker than they ever. Oh, but how will Hardin ever get past their tradition, what it means to be a bobcat, blah blah blah......lol!
  17. HD, be sure and bring your lawn chairs.....LOL!!
  18. I had one person say it was 5-5, another said 5-4 in Hardin's favor. I missed it, but it should have helped both teams get ready for week 0.
  19. I heard it was a very even scrimmage, any comments?
  20. He ran a 4.5 or 4.6 at Texas A&M last year, not sure about this year. He's big though, 6"3", around 200 or a little more, and strong. His biggest improvement this year is his work ethic and attitude, no playing around at practice at all and going 100% all the time, spent the whole summer in the gym. Watch out for this kid!
  21. I heard HD barely beat Warren, like 2-1, I wonder where all their weapons were then? Like I've always said, HD, champions in their own minds, laughing stock to the rest of Texas.
  22. When I was in high school we went 1-1 against HD, and the loss was on a last second field goal that hit the cross bar and rolled in. The win was a 27-7 pounding, so I can be a little cocky. Yes, you beat Hardin last year by making 3 more extra points, and if ya'll win this year I will be the first to congratulate you, but my predictions are still having Hardin making a statement with a big win.
  23. Again, Hardin by a ton. HD only scores after the game is way out of hand and our 7th and 8th grade and JV are on the field.
  24. Most people in Hardin will agree with that, HJ will be a good test.
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