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Everything posted by emac08

  1. what was that really good defender from nederland. I remember one who wasabsolutely outstanding when we played them.
  2. nope...we were 4 points ahead of vidor going into the lumberton game. Lumberton beat us in shoot out so we get 1 point. Vidor beat PNG, so they get three points...so i'm pretty sure they are accuarate. I could be wrong though..
  3. true. i just think its dumb that 4 teams get a chance to go in a 6 team district. if anything, i would say only the top two teams would get a chance.
  4. why does everyone think im always hating on people lol. i was just stating that all the top teams should be battling it out, plus vidor has to travel to livingston to a district game. Thats ridiculous. and I dont "hate" i love you all.
  5. yeah, we'll just get the playoff spot clinched tomorrow night and not even haveta worry about it. sounds good to me.
  6. well even if we lose to lumberton...we're still 1 point ahead of the closest threat going into our last game (ozen).
  7. i think they should have switched vidor/lumberton with ozen and wos. thats stupid.
  8. no no, YOU are the beast. you are awarded the designated bear soccer fan of 2008.
  9. haha true. She was not so happy that night.
  10. Sorry.....that was not emac.......that was emac's mom.......oops!
  11. Two players were hurt last year when playing Central - sent to the hospital as a matter of fact.
  12. LCM- 1 PNG- 0 very close game, both teams played well. Central- 3 Vidor- 2 sounded like an awesome game. -thats all i have heard.
  13. Both teams played well, PNG keeper played outstanding keeping it to a close game, reffing was good. Very intense game all the way til the final whistle.
  14. Lumberton - 45 Nederland- 36 LCM- 32 Vidor- 31 PNG- 28 Central- 27 as of march 7, 2008
  15. predictions and comments?
  16. predictions and comments?
  17. i think central actually has 24...
  18. i was not trying to "dog" on lumberton or anything of that sort. I was just stating that this year, Lumberton's weaker points is their defense. Next year, maybe they will be playing better together and be the top defense in the district, i don't know. all i was saying, since lumbertons attackers and mids are leaving, i don't see them controlling the district. I'm sorry if i offended you Nike...
  19. my fault. i guess it was bonneaux. i'm just a keeper, what do i know?
  20. good game pirates. goals... LCM- sophomore scott karasik with first goal 5 minutes into play and craig leger with 2 pks. vidor- travis greenway with first goal for vidor and tim reynolds with a nice header off a corner.
  21. I think nederland will be on top. i'd say lumbertons biggest weak spot is their defense. They're gonna be hurting without their mids.
  22. thats how the goal against us and central was. except on a corner kick.
  23. not sure if everyones game has changed from tuesday march 4th... but LCM-Vidor game has changed from tuesday to monday march 3rd due to TAKs testing.
  24. Honestly, just one win like this isn't going to impress me as much... Now if ya'll beat another top team, I'll give the team credit... Sounds like LCM just didn't play like they should have... this is very true. we definitely weren't at the top of our game. We will be for vidor monday night though!
  25. good game central, controversial goal but its whatever. definitely could have been a better called game. all 3 refs were horrible...anyway, all excuses aside, we just flat out got beat...congrats central.
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