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  1. Way to go Coach Ellis and the Lady Texans!!!!! Lin, you are definitely building a program. Ya'll have gotten better each year you've been there. Keep up the hard work... it's paying off!!!! Best wishes this season!!!! I am proud of you!!!!!!! BK
  2. Since I have retired and moved to Austin to be wth my kids and newborn grandson I didn't know about Bill's bout with cancer or his passing away. But in all my many years of coaching girls basketball in SE Texas, Bill Tennison was one of the best coaches and best persons that I have had the privilege to know or coach against. His teams were always fundamentally sound and well prepared. They played the game with a passion that trickled down from Bill himself. But his success as a coach was not only determined by wins and losses, one can also see his fingerprint in the number of his players who went on to play in college and also become coaches themselves. Even after Bill retired, he supported the Lady Cat basketball team religiously. It was always good to visit with him before our games. He was a "old school" coach that will always be missed. If his funeral was in the old gym, that is a fitting truibute to one of SE Texas' basketball legends. My prayers are for his family and for those many people whose lives he touched in a very positive way. Coach Bob Killam
  3. Joe, I had the pleasure of watching you guys call at the state tourney! As always, YOU did a great job! The game you called was probably the most difficult of the whole tourney to call as it was marred with so many unforced tournovers and such a fast pace that there was rythym to get in. But you kept it under control and NO ONE could have done better!!!! It was great to see your whole crew and I was very proud of you AND for you to have represented this area! I think everyone in attendance at the 3A championship game was aghast and amazed at the attrocious job done by the officiating crew in that game (and I was an impartial observer with no ties to either team in the game). There is no doubt in my mind that the best crew was not on the court in that game! Joe, I have known you for over 15 years and quite honestly that has to be one of the greatest blessings for me as a coach and as a person. You are pure class and honor and you not only talk the talk, but you WALK the WALK!!! I hope you keep officiating for a long, long time! The players, coaches, and basketball fans of Southeast Texas need you!!! Congratulations on your well deserved honor!!!!! God Bless You, Bob Killam
  4. To all the fans of Silsbee Lady Tiger basketball, everyone associated with district 21-3A, to my girls that have hit the hardwood for me these past three years, and to those of you who have touched and blessed my life while I was Head Girl's Basketball Coach for the Lady Tigers, I want to say Thanks from the bottom of my heart. As I move on to coach the Kountze Lionettes, I will miss you but I look forward to the opportunities and challenges with KHS. The decision to move on was very difficult but I feel that this is God's direction for me. Carol Sims, you have been one of my closest friends in this profession dating back to when I was at Lumberton and you were at Nederland and HJ. We had some real barn burners over the years. I will miss the sleepless nights preparing for those last second finishes. I wish you the best in your retirement, but I know that Janet and Mike will have everything under control for the Lady Hawks. To Chris Jost and the rest of the 21-3A coaches, you are class acts too and I know you will do well too. To Tiger voice Wayne Brasher, I will miss your prescence and gift of announcing at our games. To Ang Green, Prissy Fowler, Chelsye Tyler and the many other girls who have played for me and have also gone on to play in college...thanks for the great efforts! To Mary Moody, Shan Shankle, and the rest of my girls from this past season, thanks for the opportunity to coach you. To Old Ref Joe Whitted, thanks for your friendship and your prayers and for being such a strong inspiration to me! To Lindsay Leach, you were an outstanding player to coach and the very best assistant coach anyone could ever have! To my sister-in-law, Dede and her family, and to my daughter Meagan, son Dustin, and son-in-law Travis, thanks for you undying support. And finally, to my soul mate and bride for over 25 years, Scottie (or Mama Scottie as the girls call you), you are the best and I look forward to this next step in our lives with you being right there with me every step of the way! I love you girl! Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of this profession. And thanks again to Silsbee for your wonderful support! And then to the Kountze Lionettes, I look forward to leading you into the years ahead! God Bless You! Coach Bob Killam
  5. Carol, I know we've talked about this a bunch over the past weeks, but let me add myself to this list of Carol Sims' fans on this thread. We go waaaaay back to the early 90's when you were at Nederland and I was a Lumberton. Over the years we have had some thrillers against each other. You are one of the toughest opponents I've had to prepare for. You are a class act and your teams are always extremely well coached. I personally know the many hours you have spent not only teaching and preparing your kids for basketball games but also preparing them for life. You coach the "old school" way that I was brought up to teach and coach. Thanks for being a friend to me over the years! In this profession, you are one friend that I'll always cherish! I wish you the best in whatever you do! God Bless You, Coach Bob Killam Silsbee Lady Tigers
  6. Congratulations Mel! I remember having to battle your LCM teams when I was the head coach at Lumberton in the 1990's. I also watched your Baylor team win a national championship. I had the honor of coaching one of your Baylor teammates, Victoria Jones, when I coached at San Marcos High School. You are possibly the very best true post with height that this area has ever seen. I know you will do a great job as "Coach Hamerly" too! I wish you the best and God Bless You! Coach Bob Killam Silsbee Lady Tigers
  7. Congratulations to Silsbee's Ang Green on her achievements in the TABC All Star Game in San Antonio this past weekend. Ang scored the first two points of the game and finished with 13 points, 2 steals, two assists, and 2 rebounds. She was 6-11 from the field and was saddled with having to guard the class 3A player of the year Destini Hughes of Kennedale but did very well. There were 11 players on her team so she shared time evenly with her teammmates. Unfortunately her blue team lost to the white team 98-83. Silsbee, Lamar University, and the SETX area were represented well by Ang.
  8. Katelyn, In my honest opinion, there were three young ladies from our district who acheived above and beyond the competition this year...and you were one of those three. As a coach, I appreciate your competitiveness and abilities. I have known Coach Sims for years and know first hand the top training and coaching you have received and I know you will do well at TJC! Coach (Tillis) Jones is an awesome coach and she runs a top program at TJC. Tell Prissy Fowler hello and ya'll go get 'em! Congratulations to You and best wishes to you and your family. God Bless You, Coach Bob Killam Silsbee Lady Tigers
  9. KK, I too believe San Jac is getting a steal! You are an outstanding basketball player and you will do well in college if you continue to play with the same passion that you have played with the past two years that I have known you. Many of my gray hairs are from having to prepare our team to try to slow you down. For that reason, myself and the other coaches in our district are glad to see you graduate . It has been an honor and a privilege to know you and to see you play this game! Best wishes to you and your family. We are pulling for you! God Bless You, Coach Bob Killam Silsbee High School
  10. Ang Green of Silsbee also made TGCA Academic All State
  11. Congratulations to Coach Chris Jost and the Orangefield Lady Cats! You guys have certainly earned your title. Despite your youth and having a new system to learn this season you have played hard and as a team to win one of the toughest districts in class 3A. My hat is off to you. Myself and the Silsbee Lady Tigers wish you the best in the playoffs. After winning this district last season, I know how good ya'll must feel and believe me, you've earned it. So after next week, Go Lady Tigers, Go Lady Hawks, and Go Lady Cats! Coach Bob Killam
  12. I am humbled by your kind words and I'm a very blessed man. Thanks, Coach K
  13. Thanks Cat and Bleed. As a coach, I'm a little uneasy about speaking on the forum but I feel that you deserve a response. I want to begin with a hearty congratulations to Chris (Jost) and the Lady Cats on their well deserved victory. At the half, we felt that we had taken their best shot and knew we could come back and almost did but several girls stepped up for Orangefield and did what it took to win the game. I am proud of our LadyTigers but I am also very respectful of the Orangefield team. You play the game the way it should be played!  And from a crowd standpoint, no girls team in this area gets any better following than Orangefield. In addressing the issue that has been brought up, I must admiot that I personally don't register much of the heckling that takes place during the game. I wish it would never happen, but probably all schools do it to an extent and after all these years that I've been in this profession I've learned that you have to zone it out as best as possible and focus on the important issues...your team and the game at hand. I really couldn't tell you what the three major culprits last night were saying but the kids and personnel on our bench were really drained from the constant barrages. From a head doach's standpoint, I felt I had to get the officials to remove them from the gym but it never happened. I was very disappointed about that and as a result, our bench was still taunted by these people. It's a shame that some people couldn't realize that there was a great game being played by two very good teams and to enjoy the moment. I want to thank the several Orangefield fans who were so courteous and complimentary after the game. As coach of the Lady Tigers, I would hope that Orangefield was able to see the true quality of people such as Ang Green, Chelsye Tyler, Brittany Henry, Mary Moody and the rest of the team that I am blessed to coach. Believe me, I have the same high regards for the Lady Cats and their staff. I wish the Lady Cats the best for the rest of the season...except if we are fortunate enough to make the playoffs and would have to play each other again.... Thanks for putting up with my long essay.... Have a Blessed Day, Coach Bob Killam Silsbee Lady Tigers
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