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Everything posted by ForeverADog

  1. Dogs but closer than the experts think! May have a bit of a letdown after the big win. 27-21. Dogs miss another extra point.
  2. This team will make one of our QB look like world beaters next Saturday. Should be a record setting night for LU. Thanks a lot Langston :o
  3. In my opinion, disappointing showing for BISD football programs this week.
  4. A lot of special teams problems this week across the area.
  5. That was stupid. But the refs got it right and put the time back on.
  6. No he obviously had multiple injuries.
  7. Gosh I missed football season! Great game! Congrats dogs! And big ups to Carson Raines who commanded his team and made big play after big play late in the game while limping across the field and what looks likes a sprained left wrist. Great effort!
  8. The majority of the east side stands will be in the shade at kickoff now.
  9. If all you say is true, then yes that wrong.
  10. I completely understand DUIs are very serious. Idiot drunk drivers have killed millions of innocent victims and it is stupid for anyone to ever drink and drive. My question is: Do you guys think after 2 arrests for Drunk Driving but never hurt anyone (yet), should a player still be allowed to play pro or college sports?
  11. I think there was naming and bashing of kids which clearly against site rules.
  12. WOS just flat out has Nederlands number. 24 21 Mustangs win.
  13. When have you aren him play go prove he is the best by far?
  14. James sounds like he played great all week long.
  15. Randy Johnson another soon to be HOF. Ken Griffey Jr. Another one. Mike Piazza. Gets in I think. Not first ballot. Ivan Rodriguez. Gets in for sure. Vlad Guerrero gets in eventually imo. He is real close to done. Bernie Williams is just out I think. Andy Pettite gets in after a few years. Just adding some guys that I thought of.
  16. None of these guys killed anyone, did they? ??? And I just ask what team do you support? Because every team has at least one of them it seems. I'm not approving of anything any of these guys did. I'm simply saying I don't think any of these guys did anything to deserve to never play football again. But I'm not sure what these players offenses are.
  17. 1. Garrett 2. Vinson 3. Logan At least that's what I was told.
  18. Can't we just all agree, PNG SUCKS! ;D ;D ;D
  19. I disagree. I love basketball a lot more than football but with everything, it goes back to the money. Football brings in a lot more revenue so they will get the priority. Basketball is closing in and has clearly passed baseball. But football is still king at NHS.
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