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Everything posted by basketballcoach

  1. What aren't you sure of about hardin they are 22-7 and beat EC and Kountze this year. Kountze beat them by 20 the 2nd time and then EC beat them by 6. The 2nd EC game was a very good game. Warren beat them at the buzzard and it was just one of those games that came down the wire with warren playing very good basketball right now. The district is a very tough district and i believe its the toughest 2a district around. People want to say kountze and EC are down but they are still EC and Kountze. Hardin is a very good basketball team and when you have a guy Like Marsh who knows how far you can go in the playoffs.
  2. Give me your thoughts??
  3. Is anyone gettng anything set up???
  4. This is isn't english 1301 its a message board who cares if you make errors i'm not getting a grade for this.
  5. I was at the game, Ozen is a very good ball club, But who cares if they run it up there playing hard and giving a 100 percent there doing there job. I am from lumberton and a lumberton fan but I don't mind ozen running it up its basketball its part of the game. Lumberton used to run it up on teams they just can't do it this year becasue they don't have the team that the had in years past. So lumberton fans stop pouting thats how the game of basketball is, stop being sore losers.
  6. Its a no brainer EC vs Hardin going to be a helluva game. OF vs wos I mean come on WOS is 3-7 if OF loses they don't deserve to get a playoff spot. Best game fri night by far EC vs Hardin and if EC win it makes the district wild with a three way tie for first.
  7. What do yall think should this game be Broadcasted?????
  8. DO yall think it will be standing room only???
  9. Coach 27 just hush you sound pretty dumb. The lumberton program is ok nothing wrong with it. Lumberton lost 4 starters last year, wilson, pickering, furlow, and Bo of course the team is going to struggle when you lose your whole starting lineup, use your brain a little bit and put two and two together. There putting up a fight in the district for 3rd and thats very good when you lose two div 1 players and two more starters. So if you knew any basketball what so ever then you should know why there struggling and you know what why not leave the starters in the whole game thats what you do you don't see boutte are all the other good teams around the area taking there starters out. I am not saying wilson is the greatest coach but he's pretty good and please don't say the reason they went to state was because of pickering and wilson becasue it was a team effort and good coaching.
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