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Everything posted by AFC77

  1. no man there isn't i wish there was though man it was a great hit.
  2. o yeah those are some nice pictures WES. you should definitly go into that career path and take pictures full time just for the Panthers ;D
  3. o yeah our grass is real nice this year!! i have to say some of the best grass i have ever played on in the two different states i've played in.
  4. yeah i said SPEED you will see shortly slimbo hahaha.
  5. Good prediction pantherfan i like the way you think. Liberty will shock a few this year and im just glad nobody is giving us credit because when we beat yall, yall will see the true outcome of the better team.
  6. The two that i see just happen to have your son in them whats up with the other ones haha. they look good as always though.
  7. Hey WES the offinsive line is looking good. We are still trying to get use to the new offense some but got most the kinks worked out. The defensive line is looking really good. They have good speed and are also decent size. They will definitly be better than last season and making more tackles. And no CrackerJack Gibbs isnt the one with the big thighs.
  8. I agree 3aPantherfan if he will hold onto it we will have sucess with him...and we have a few other running backs new to the varsity level that are just as good as with with just a little more size.
  9. yes we did lose our big running back but we do have some talented running backs this year that are in my opinion quicker than he was.
  10. Who wins this game? Will it be close once again this year?
  11. we have been doing blood alley since pee wee football down here...nothing new to any of us. and its always exciting no matter where you go in southeast texas.
  12. well if Liberties plays there best players it will be a great game period and if history continues liberty will come out on top.
  13. yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah
  14. our action down here in Liberty was really great. good effort among the kids and alot of enthusiasm. NO reverse psychology there THATS THE TRUTH
  15. yeah i am fired up now especially for monday!
  16. Well Liberty lost quite a few but is returning more than we lost...we should be pretty good, we need to find another starter for our rotation but we look pretty good.
  17. i agree that the red sox will not be able to replace manny...i have been a red sox follower for years and still will be and manny was a major asset to there team with his experience. The Sox i think shouldn't have traded him. They should have just punished him in some other way for his efforts on the field not trade him.
  18. yeah i sure hope we beat them also...the way they got us last year was rediculous but thats how it goes sometimes...i think shepard could be better also but still bottom two.
  19. Slimbo you may be right about the 2-8 thing or 3-7 but one of those wins will definitly be against yall!!! ;D but us over here in LIBERTY are definitly expecting a much better turn out than most think...we will be making a playoff run and district title run Playa i agree with you man you got it all worked out in your head, they are negative about everything towards us but that is because they all know we can kick it in at anytime and beat any of them... i cant wait for monday its going to be great!!!
  20. i agree it will last a really long time for the players especially all the seniors on all the teams it will last a lifetime for them. its going to be a great season i cant wait until 5:30 on august the fourth for my first practice to start!! ;D
  21. hey playa i really like those predictions alot!!!...i think it will lay out that way. slimbo how you been? you liking it over there, probley so but not as much as it was here!!
  22. Yeah that is a tough history with yall and Liberty...i think coldsprings has been there toughest opponent in the past couple of years not huffman...when Liberty and Huffman played before they went to 4a they were still all really close and great games to watch at that.
  23. who wins this season...it will be a really good game in my opinion
  24. Liberty won 11-4 I believe. Why dont you think Liberty will win? They have already beat them once this season.
  25. who takes the W in this one
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