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Everything posted by Roughrider

  1. [quote name="Football Fan 50" post="690742" timestamp="1256931172"] Not sure if it was a group of people. I recall one guy with a sign, but it said 3rd class. [/quote] Oh yea....3rd class....LOL
  2. [quote name="FriendswoodFan" post="690716" timestamp="1256930327"] So, is that how it is done at PNG?  Post something inane, attack pointlessly, declare yourself the victor when you have obviously been proven wrong, say something mildly racist, and then take comfort in the fact that you have, at least, stuck together!   I actually feel sorry for your children!   [/quote] This, coming from the same group of people who called Nederland "second class citizens" last baseball season before we took FW to the woodshed in the playoffs. Paleeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
  3. [quote name="badndn" post="690650" timestamp="1256927587"] A Vidor loss the next two weeks and Nederland wins out and Ozen splits creates a three way tie. Which goes to a coin toss right, since they would have all three beaten each other? [/quote] Yes, very unlikely to happen but then again I would have never guessed the Dogs would line up 4 or 5 different quarterbacks this year. If Vidor misses the playoffs to a coin toss, thier whole season would be a dumpster fire. Go Dogs!
  4. Yea I remember Malone, he took a down and out program and turned it around overnight. After 2 years PNG ran him off. Here comes Faircloth, takes a down and out program and turns them around overnight. Your not gonna run Faircloth off after 2 years are ya....Sure your not.....But you know these high dollar Dallas and Austin area schools are chompin at the bit for the next up and coming genius. Ya better re new that contract. Dont wait too long... Ask Lake Travis, it can happen....  ;)
  5. [quote name="etbu" post="687046" timestamp="1256597772"] You may think it is funny but from the outside looking in you are making fun of HF bc they have had a tough year. Apparently that does not make a hoot to you but to me it would. Coaches and kids I am sure are trying as hard as they can but to have you rack on them in my opinion is not cool. Maybe I am missing something but whatever floats your boat. [/quote] You are missing something....Someone can laugh at what he said and still not be making fun of a team......Thats half the problem with this board....Everyone needs to lighten up.  ;)
  6. It will be a good one but the team with the least amount of turnovers will win here..... Dogs are coming around.....They win at home by a field goal. Go Dogs!
  7. Yes PNG faithfull, very true because you guys are winning....Last year the stands were half empty and yall were calling for Burnett's head.....Its funny how a few wins brings back the good old school spirit. Good old pride honor and tradition baby Go ahead....let er rip
  8. L train is still new to this whole winning deal.....Its easy to run your head when you are spankin everybody but you gotta be able to go through the tough parts of the season.....Its all about the playoffs....The district champs is nothing more than a cute shirt at the end of the year....They have a good coach and a good program....They will learn....They just got to go through withdrawls like everyone else does. They will be alright...........Just eat it and move on.
  9. I was told that Lord Faircloth said at a booster club meeting that every kid would play in every game...what happened there?
  10. This is not the Bulldog thread....Im talking about indians....Its just facts but good come back though... You must have been thinking of that all night.....
  11. Well I can tell you one thing...If you cant see the game from the parking lot and you are relying on the radio broadcast to give you good updates then you are screwed.... BTW....Before you start looking for state rankings, just remember that the combined record of the two district teams you defeated is 0 and 4 Besides OZEN who is probably the most athletic team in 20-4A and will deal out a few upsets this season, the rest of the district is very SOLID and I think it will come down to the final week to decide who is in the playoffs and who is going deer hunting.....
  12. I really wish you had to pass an aptitude test to create an account....Or at least pass middle school grammar.... That was pretty painfull to read... :-\
  13. Better carry around a machetee...or a shot gun!
  14. No comment....... ;D He knows better than to comment on the Freshman game.....Nederland is going to smoke PNG.....BAD!
  15. I personally think it took a tremendous amount of determination and grit to tie that ballgame up last night. We weren't playing well and had our third string QB in... yet the kids keep battling and tied it up. Neumann applauded his teams effort as well, I guess it's just frustration, but I think our kids are playing their tails off. JMO. Grit and determination should be a given.....Winning is everything at this level....There are no moral victory's....You have to go out and play with the hand you are dealt and bust some heads.....That means no more arm tackles and for god sakes the lineman have to block....I cant beleive what I am seeing from a Larry Neuman coached Bulldog team.....IMO the Dogs are not tough enough this year and I have seen this trend for the past 3 years.....Its time to toughen up and knock somebodys teeth out.....Personally, this year makes me want to puke!
  16. Hey why so harsh.. B/C the Panther JV must have took that shovin a lil personal b/c they stuffed it down the Doggy Chute.... Bull Dogg JV scored with less than 2 minutes to go in the fourth and they were down 24-2.. Man that was harsh. This thread needs to be rated NR with no one under 17 allowed to read. Just speaking the truth....Trying to give the freshman Dogs some props.....Some times the truth hurts.....this is football, not tennis and I was talking about freshman.....not JV!.....Oh Yea.....Waaaaaa...... :'(
  17. The Freshman Dogs did a good job last night against a very big and physical Ozen team. They overcame 5 tunovers. The score (15-12) does not reflect the way the dogs shoved the ball down their throat....Good blocking and hard running.....Ozen scored a TD with less than 2 minutes to go in the game....The Defense played well...... Good job fella's.....Next week is Mid County Madness....The boys are pumped.
  18. Whatever you do if you are a Dogs fan get there early....The stands are tiny on the visitors side....The field is very nice but the seating stinks......
  19. Its official.........Vidor has taken over setxsports.com....
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