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Everything posted by Roper84

  1. SEC is overrated. #WRTS
  2. #richpeopleproblems
  3. I watched the SEC Storied on Spurrier. The Ole Ball Coach is a passionate competitor that wins. One trait of guy like that is they are honest with themselves.
  4. Butt wuppin
  5. "Some D" was just enough tonite.
  6. Whatshername and txwhooooops gone underground.
  7. True freshman pressure leads to true freshman interception!
  8. We can start critiquing your anniversary festivities....
  9. That ankle looked broken
  10. Spurrier with headset toss
  11. 5 Million Dollar Man! GOT MILK? Whatshername ? What say Ye?
  12. Now cover somebody on D
  13. Bahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. Seen that before.......:-(
  15. Plenty more behind him.
  16. Now lets play some football!
  17. from now on, when it applies.....my replies will be one word: Dumb
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