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Everything posted by Roper84

  1. whew me too, i was worried. no gadgets!
  2. Since we're getting all Historical and all......... What years where David McWilliams and John Mackovic on the 40 acres?
  3. OFF TOPIC Alert , sorta   Did Coach ever ok the hook? What about the helmet logo? Was there any talk about name on the jerzee?   [Hidden Content]
  4. SEC QB Unrest? Arkansas QB Brandon Allen's truck was set on fire   [Hidden Content]
  5. Vincent Testaverde No.3 quarterback for the double T [Hidden Content]
  6. Les returns the favor.   [Hidden Content]
  7. Wisconsin thinks they can't outsmart the Mad Hatter by not naming a starter. [Hidden Content]
  8. Mean Green had a pretty good record last year.........just sayin.  :rolleyes:
  9. You must tune in. I'll be waiting to hear your expect opinion.
  10. Can't be, consider the source.
  11. Sunday Night Battle of The Protestants. Waco area churches hold evening services at McLane. Miracle on the Brazos.   SMU takes out Baylor.
  12. 3 days til kickoff! Finally.
  13. Ags finally play some D. Pull off the upset.
  14. Home away from home. L$U
  15. Whatshername only focus on here. Dog Sumlin/Aggies. Praise Strong/horns. Got to give it to her....she's focused.
  16. Georgia between the hedges. Dawgs win.
  17. Playoff will settle it.
  18. Hmmm, where have I heard the name Chance Nelson before.........help me out GPat That red field is turrrible
  19. Come on whatsmyname.....you know you can't transfer inter-conference. (And not sit out) I'm surprised at you, your so much smarter than the rest of us. You're so eager to dog ATM you lost your edge.
  20. Look back 1 page txhoooops gcpats Whatsmyname UH OH IT WAS YOU!!
  21. DGB just gonna be student instead of a student athlete.
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