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Everything posted by Roper84

  1. KState hard to beat at home. 11:00 am game time favors horn.
  2. Read the article. "First"? Texas AD making an informed decision to budget money to address the ruling. Media turns it in to : Texas is first to pay players...... Lolz
  3. Prayers for continued healing for your wife. God's Peace for you and your family.
  4. You want entertainment? PM me and I'll give you my password to Rivals- Aggie Yell. #closetaggieobsession #WRTS now means: we ruined this xxit
  5. The writer's bio says she's an Aggie..........me not so sure.
  6. Looks likes you need your Lunesta.......
  7. "If Sumlin doesn't make drastic changes quickly, he'll undo all progress made in first two years. " Captain Obvious. Recruits sticking with us so far. Kyler Murray did visit BlowU this weekend, though ?!? Coach85 - welcome to discussion, your timing is impeccable.
  8. I'll take a bad win any day over a bad loss.......
  9. Could get to 77-0 .............
  10. My wife was like "You're not too worried about football over here?!?" When the wheels were falling off against OleMiss, I just clicked off and headed to the luau.... Met Texans all over the islands. Great elderly couple from Beaumont at Pearl Harbor Memorial. Some nice PNG retirees in Waikiki. Some class of 97' Ags in Maui. Funny note: most every time a Hawaiian found out we were Ags, they wanted to know if we got to see Johnny Football live. Hawaiians love them some football. They were gearing up for hurricane Ana, thankfully didn't affect them too bad.
  11. When I read the title I thought you were looking for me.......... I've been in Hawaii for almost 2 weeks. I highly recommend the trip if you can ever make it happen. Our 30th Wedding anniversary. DID I MISS ANYTHING? ;-) Will the Aggies win another SEC game this year?
  12. Just when I was starting to like you........back to my senses now. Thx.
  13. 8:00 pm Game. With some early success, Kyle Field should be rocking. My wife and I will be watching this one from Maui, as it is our 30th anniversary. #humblebrag. #hopewatchespnworks
  14. I know, the only reason I replied. Tough weekend.
  15. That's an interception!
  16. We sucked so bad we may have lost to y'all today..........
  17. Contender to pretender. Peace out.
  18. PMack not rooting hard enough. Not much to cheer for so far. I said two days ago I was nervous about this game.
  19. That guy's obsessed!  ;)  ;)  ;)
  20. Txhoop and whatname, Come on guys.....MB is a great player. Wrong place at the wrong time. With the team results and the media/fan infatuation with offense/QBs MB won't be considered.
  21. Dang, I fell asleep on the couch and missed the 2nd half. Had a feeling it was gonna be a game. Hope this isn't "that weekend" in college football.
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