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Everything posted by DoctorSamson

  1. I don't have a dog now, but I used to have a basset/australian shepherd mix. Really smart dog, but he stole things from the neighbors. He's gone now, and I'm hoping for a Texas Blue Lacy soon. Best dogs in the world.
  2. Anyone watching the fights tonight on spike? gonna be some good ones I think.
  3. 4/1/08 Nederland JV 12 Lumberton JV 0 Osborne pitched a great game.
  4. Cung better hope he develops decent takedown defense then...I just like Cung Le, he's fun to watch and he's a standup guy. I'm not much on either of the shamrocks. Never have been, even when they were good.
  5. everything is misleading if the batting lineup is weak. I think you are right though, a good ERA is truthful in this district ( I assume you are speaking of 22-4a).
  6. I definitely think there will be a rematch with Le and Shamrock. I hope Le kicks the crap out of him and brakes another limb. The Kimbo fight is scheduled for 2 a.m....I think I'll wait and watch it at a later time.
  7. 0.39 is impressive. How many games left in regular season play?
  8. Matt lindland and Paulo Filho have no chance with Anderson Silva. Cung Le was impressive against Frank Shamrock, but Shamrock also never took him to the ground, where I believe he would have beaten Le. Anderson Silva is the top man in the world at 185. Boy I sure would like to see him and Cung Le fight though. Man that would be incredible. As of now it just doesn't make sense for the UFC to cross promote. They are still too big to gain from it. All they would be doing is giving lesser organizations publicity and power. It doesn't make business sense. Sucks for fans, but that's how it is. I also don't think you will see anything come of the CBS and NBC deals, for two reasons: 1) the organizations who inked those deals both continue to try to bank their futures on one fighter. If that fighter goes down, their promotion goes down the drain. 2) All these networks have done is give the organizations crappy timeslots. No primetime. Without primetime, the organizations will flop, and if they don't, they will at least not get enough exposure before the UFC figures something out. The only hope for a competitor with the UFC is HDNet, because of Mark Cuban. He seems serious about really doing well there. We'll see how it plays out.
  9. I agree with midcounty, because the definition of ERA is based on the number of innings in a regular season game, which for high school is 7. That of course changes afterward, but I think midcounty has a good distribution. I don't know that many kids in high school have under 2 ERA's. That being said, I think that coaches and scouts probably look at more all around game play than just an ERA statistic.
  10. errors have nothing to do with an ERA, which stand for Earned Run Average. Runs scored because of errors would be unearned, and would therefore not harm the ERA.
  11. Who would those guys be at 185? Name some. Doesn't really matter because the UFC doesn't do cross promotions. But we will see how anderson does with boxing rules if they let him fight Roy Jones. I don't see it happening, but we will see.
  12. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who can beat him at 185. The only one I can see that would have any chance at all is wanderlei silva if he were to drop down. I still don't see anderson losing though. If he moved up to 205 then I think you would find some fighters capable, ala rampage, liddell, maybe even shogun or machida. But right now, at 185, anderson silva is tops.
  13. I would just say that make sure your bow has an ok amt of poundage, shooting those big gar a lot of times they will bounce off if there isn't enough power. And if you have a boat to put lights on or know of someone with lights on their boat, do that, it's much funner than spotlighting, and easier as well since you don't have to hold a light. Learn to shoot without fingers if you haven't already, makes things easier. Hopefully since this is a late post it will find you already having a great successful time. It's one of my favorite pastimes.
  14. I'm guessing the fish are spawning well at spindletop now?
  15. Post what you think is a good ERA for a high school pitcher, and name any pitchers for whom you happen to know their ERA, and where they are from.
  16. I don't reveal sources, and don't pretend anything. I try to stay up on Lumberton stuff because I'm an alumni.
  17. Corbin Bell; freshman. No, I don't live in the area. I was told about it, trying to make an attempt to stay updated on everything.
  18. Wow in depth article of clay's story. I'm glad he's getting some publicity.
  19. 3/28/08: Lumberton 6 LCM 1 Kid pitched a 3 hit game with 10 K's.
  20. quite the astute observations COOP
  21. Are you not going to provide an article?
  22. incredible. Good for Ozen, big deal for them. How do you think this will affect the Pirates?
  23. who won? The game should be over by now right?
  24. I have to say that "The Babe" and "The Wizard" are my two favorites, but I may be biased because I'm just a fanatic of the two players. Sperm Frog? I'm glad I didn't go to your high school.
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