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Everything posted by cardinal81o7

  1. idk their era's but i know meek's is among the region leaders in era
  2. casey caught his first game last night and was 2 for 3....i really think that him actually playing as opposed to dh'ing will help him...its easier to be focused
  3. amen... there are two things i cant stand when i call little league games... 1:coaches sittin on the side trying to call balls and strikes..if its outside and the catcher doesnt move his glove its still a ball he could frame it all day, and the coaches think its right down the middle...(umpire officials are now telling people to warn coaches before the game starts and they can be tossed if they argue the strike zone) 2: some little league mommy thinking her kid is the greatest and cant have any wrong done to him. telling me or anyone else that has been around the game all their life how to make a call. my favorite little league rule out of the rule book "all calls including balls strikes out safe fair or fould are final and cannot be argued by a coach player or fan " ;D
  4. if it goes over the fence...its a home run..plus the wind blows in across from right to left most of the time.out of the south. its really only short down the lines. we moved center back 40 feet after the hurricane and its pretty deep straight away. occasionally its pretty breezy aiding some balls in left...but most of the homeruns hit there would be out anywhere
  5. stringer and hicks for relief works pretty well
  6. look at his last two starts...hes still the man though im not doggin him..im just sayin anything is a possibility
  7. Southpaw: so.... the kelly game was scheduled before the season..bc wouldnt do that just to bail a kid out....and besides why are you guys assuming we will automatically pitch stringer?
  8. its gonna be a good one, lets hope we can cure our tuesday night yips
  9. you never know wo-s might stomp a mud hole in meeks and WALK...IT...DRY! lol
  10. its gonna be exciting...silsbee is tough and i havent seen jasper but i know they are worth the hype
  11. worst infield in the state at bc....tryin to get it redone sometime this year... the outfield is pretty good though
  12. dishon-6 dillon-2 willey-1 jackson-1
  13. im tellin you...this district is tough..throw the predictions out the window...all the "lower teams" if thats what you want to call them are still good whether people want to say it or not...people can be beat w/ small ball and being "scrappy" hf is a solid team..there is a reason why jasper played them close too folks..they are no gimmie
  14. its always fun to talk to the opposing players and see the looks on their faces when i say "yea #15 is a freshman" hes got all the tools.
  15. in the words of Roy D Mercer..."thats a good o'l country a** whippin"
  16. so this whole thing is about parents having to pay for them?? i know a lot of guys that buy their own bats...and if that happened they would find a way to find a top-of-the-line wood bat that costs just as much
  17. umm...i guess i got in this a little late but i love metal bats, i dont think i would like to swing wood and about 75% of all players would probably agree with me. metal bats bring excitement to the game in hs. i would bet a ton of money that if we went to wood bats, scoring/hrs/avg would all decrease about 50%. and i've seen a lot of games and never once have i seen a player/pitcher hit with a ball that was serious because of no reaction time. i've seen a lot of stupid injuries...(throwing bats or getting hit w/ fly balls or not moving your face out of the way of a pitch) but not caused by a line drive, paying attention usually takes care of that
  18. tuesday showed why no one should try to predict any games in this district...
  19. i've also umpired...not on the hs level but i could have done better than that...its a lot easier to call games if you've played them. i dont bash umpires normally because i dont think one or two bad calls warrants everyone against them....but that was getting out of hand
  20. yes dishon never pitched to a batter...just threw a few warm up pitches..and in BOTH teams defense tonight...the the homeplate umpire was about as consistant as john kerry
  21. funny since he was recruited and got offers
  22. west brook lost to ozen and we run ruled them ..
  23. thomas may play all those but dishon excels in ALL of his sports...could play d1 football if he wanted to, baseball speaks for itself, and probably gonna win a gold medal in triple jump or maybe a relay for track.
  24. if anyone was paying attention to that game...yes he struck out...on a ball 10 yards outside i mean the catcher had to dive out there to get it...that umpire was horrific..you usually dont see our coach get on the umps but that call got his attention
  25. its not an official offer its just talk...i dont think teams can do that untill the draft..
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