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Everything posted by cardinal81o7

  1. still...dragging out what happened during football season was uncalled for. those are two different sports w/ two different groups of kids and different opposition, did you forget that the football team lost 23 seniors a coach and a 3 year starting quarterback to graduation? the baseball team is different. and i would expect mark dunn to realize that but i guess he was too stubborn and too concerned about his faithfullness to coach bryant that he forgot he still has to ask coach stump for a sideline pass come august. if anyone out there really wants to know what some opinions are in bc about our former coach....just read the title of the mark dunn article " the thing about billy" not "the thing about coach bryant" even mark dunn did it and he didnt even realize it. and the title of the article says more than the article itself. "they want you to play the best 8 and their kid" ....duh.... this is true, i mean honestly who wants their kid to sit the bench? who doesnt want to see their child play? ofcourse parents are going to be supportive and want them to play its common sense. but the context in which it is said is wrong and crutch for him to lean on and point fingers to these "politics" in bc. this town is full of parents that know the game of baseball and know that their kid might not always be the solution and can accept their role on the team starter or not.
  2. well maybe coach stump should schedule high island, the school for the blind, and a 6 man team , just to get some easy wins so he can look good on paper
  3. bcpatron you have got to be kidding me....... and did anyone catch the penny record today? i cant disagree with mark dunn more, hes a great photographer and does his job, but that article was pitifull....going out of his way to bash coach stump on his "perfect 0-10 campaign"....dunn might be shooting pictures from the other sidelines next fall if hes not careful
  4. people only see the surface
  5. yea fackler thats what i meant
  6. grow up what about thackler (sp??) ? not thacker lol but thackLer
  7. no i dont think so like its been said, this was an off the field issue from what i understand
  8. i called it! as soon as some real debate was about to get started on the other thread it gets locked up...rediculous
  9. what does this have to do w/ football??
  10. shadow 1 and buc 3 that is false and a crutch. to say that his grandkid's playing-time or lack there of is the reason coach bryant lost his job is a laugh. that might be an issue, but the politics that you speak of is not the deciding factor, atleast from my perspective yes he played the best 9, which he should but jerry has personally told me that his grandkids arent always the best and he doesnt think they should start over anyone else if it jeopordizes the team or the game
  11. anytime this topic comes up the mods are always quick to delte posts and lock the stupid thing down because no one wants to step on any toes. i understand you dont want people just ripping into coaches on the internet. BUT come one it is a real issue and is worthy of discussion, and i can tell you the win loss record probably has nothing to do w/ this. and i can also tell you that bc's win percentage wont take that much of a dent if there is a coach change, does anyone know the schools win percentage for our history? prob wont be below .650, its bridge city a town that breeds baseball players
  12. what an atmosphere....and good game on both sides....tonight the ball fell just right for jasper and really only hit the ball hard one time (bronson hr) but that and well placed hits is all it took. and if you questioning the pitching of bc, idk how you can second guess that, how do you know if anyone would have done better the perfect game /no hitter was intact for both teams into the fourth inning. jasper won fair and square, and is bc's kryptonite and earned the right to continue in the playoffs BUT i really think the 1 gamer should be eliminated, and im not just saying this in light of tonight (all of you are thinking "yea right") but anyway i really think the integrity of the game is dampened by a 1 game series, i just think a "series" needs to be 3 games to really prove who the better team is. and not just for the teams sake in this situation but FOR THE FANS SAKE i think we all wanted two more games between these two, it would have been so good for setx baseball. superb play by hicks on the squeeze and great tag jackson, and you're right gabe there is no shame in losing to a champion, but when a player like hicks thinks in his heart that HE and his team are champions losses in games like this is hard to swallow congrats jasper, go gettem'
  13. no one has the advantage...both teams have 7 innings to make the decision themselves...if it were a 3 gamer pitching depth from bc would take over.
  14. man...i have ants in my pants for this game
  15. im assuming jasper won the toss but why did they choose nederland???
  16. there was a little confusion from the bc side, jasper was there at the third game and they thought jasper just wanted to flip after the game was decided...and then we won and apparently the just left and no one discussed the games... wish this was a best of 7 lol that would be fun
  17. lol sorry, just had to set the record straight
  18. gingersnap: you obviously have no idea what you are talking about....anyone that knows coach bryant or has played for him has seen that ne never plays the "chess game" with other coaches, in fact he thinks its rediculous. he has always been up front with the players and he pitches who he thinks gives him the best chance to WIN the game at hand. in no game has he ever "conceded " victory to the other team. hicks has been his number one pitcher all year long and to say that he was letting needville win game one because the seniors would give them a better chance to win after needvilles ace pitched is flat wrong. he went day by day and put the team in what he thought was the best chance to win and it payed off. and the clean up hitter is there to drive in runs hence the term "clean up" not bunt, but on the high school level coaches expect everyone to be able to bunt 1-9 so he was playing to the situation, not to the mind games of the other team, besides how do would they know whats "expected" they dont watch all of our games. this is baseball not chess....if it were chess....they'd call it that
  19. and doesnt refer to himself in the 3rd person sources say dillon hit 92 on the gun in the 6th inning today
  20. i completely forgot that someone might want a one gamer...if anyone would want this im assuming it would be jasper. and i hope whether its three or one game/games i hope its at a park that can fit a lot of people, wish lamar would let us have it thurs and friday nights....they have the new turf so tearing up the field isnt an issue...and they usually practice during the day right??
  21. im guessing they will prob trade home games, or they could play at woodville if jasper won the toss or nederland if we did...both are pretty nice parks...or silsbee
  22. ball game, example of how pitching depth is key in the playoffs
  23. let the debate on this year-long awaited series begin... i'll take bc in 3, its a shame any one of these two teams has to be eliminated this early
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