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Everything posted by cardinal81o7

  1. friendly ribbing
  2. yea thats what i said WINN...c'mon you went to the lcm wos game w/ me. still trying to figure out why you put my name in all caps..i guess ur tryin to call me out or something?
  3. one of our lb's (kurt moerbe) went to state in powerlifting last year..not sure on any numbers though.
  4. saw bevil play in person..and he is the man at the qb position. cannon arm and can pick a peanut off anyones helmet. you're right..he does have athletes, but they have a scheme to their passing game and he grasps it...so its not like hes just chunking it up for earl and them to go get it. then i give best athlete running the show is dishon. ramsey is third in my opinion. hes got a great arm, but doesnt have what wo-s has to work w/ as far as supporting cast...even though sheppard and helton have been pretty reliable for him
  5. one man still out as far as i can see, garcia should be back next week
  6. no kville freshman team...just jv and varsity
  7. and yet you have no reasons to back that up...why? because you dont know football
  8. nice real nice stringer. looks like mcneese and lamar will have a little bc rivalry going on now
  9. took his official visit yesterday, might get to play football also. if he stays healthy and becomes a big sucess i'll be able to tell my kids " hey i tackled him" or "yea i got him out" lol but its amazing to see such a great athlete be miles ahead of others at such an early age and then for it to all come together into a career
  10. Andre Bevil from wos and bk johnson from silsbee
  11. i never once said yall didnt have any speed. we're very aware of that fact. and i agree it will be tough..but you're joking yourself if you think bc will just lay down
  12. so your answere to why kville will kill us is that "bc is average, and we're not" ?? wow...you dont know football but you sure do know how to avoid direct questions. look i'll tell ya what makes us different..its called heart ..we thrive off the fourth quarter, we're also getting healthier every week and will be have more experience playing as a unit come friday night (2nd week in a row being full strength for the first time all season) we're quick up front on both lines and our backs hit the hole quickly. we've proven that we can throw if need be. our run defense has been getting better every week. we've cut down on the turnovers seriously since the beggining of the season. oh yea we've got an amazing athlete running the show... do you have anything to counter that? im not being sarcastic, im being serious...i really wanna know why you believe what you do..
  13. hey kville balla..why do you think kville will kill bc?
  14. compare the scores between wos vs kville and wos vs silsbee....
  15. somewhere in another post someone said this district doesnt live up to the hype...well i have to say i strongly dissagree. 4 out of the 6 that went to the playoffs last year are fighting it out for the 3 this year. what about this though...bc over kville..kville over silsbee...would we have to go to the coin flip?? just a scenario for you guys
  16. great game..glad i was apart of it. given the conditions (wet) i think the teams did a great job of not letting this one get sloppy with turnovers. except our one interception (and i guess the same guy from 3 years ago was calling last night because everyone new our lb was in) but anyway, it was a great game both sides were intense.
  17. yea i believe the new OC from orangefield has a lot to do w/ their success..he knows his stuff. but hes got a wicked unibrow
  18. hey ballababy...i want to talk football...i want to know why you think kville will beat bc. i dont want to hear "cuz we're better" or "freakin romp" i want to know why...as in football knowledge. personel, plays, stats, matchups, strengths and weaknesses. because honestly, i dont think you know football and i dont think you play..if you are on the team all you know is probably sweep right and sweep left...and how to dance if you get to the endzone..otherwise you're probably ridin that pine. think twice before you represent kville and that the bc team does read the boards..i dont think you win 4 games in the 4th quareter and be known as the LADY CARDS
  19. barring turnovers aside...they should reach atleast the third round i think...i think they would win the region in division 2 if wo-s were not in it..
  20. teams usually win whenever they outscore people...i mean that is the object of the game..score more points than the other team isnt it?
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